Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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Apparently, explaining to women that they are not to deprive their husbands since God is the One who commands this, creates a scenario where sex becomes a “duty” and they no longer enjoy sex. Sex becomes dull. Can I tell you what this attitude boils down to? Rebellion, plain and simple. God commands many things of us, many, and they are ALL for our good! When supposed “sex teachers” are teaching women that duty sex is wrong, they are teaching against God’s Word.

It’s our duty, as believers in Jesus Christ, to obey God regardless of our feelings. It’s not only our duty to obey God, but it’s our privilege to serve and obey the Living God Almighty. Nothing He asks of us should be seen as a duty, especially as we understand that His will is perfect. Then, whatever we do, yes, even make love to our husbands, we can do heartily as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23).

You see, women, it all comes down to our thoughts. If we view not depriving our husbands as duty, we will view it as drudgery. But if we view it as something that is good and right since God’s will is for our best, then we will not want to deprive our husbands. We will take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and renew our minds with truth. This is what transforms us as His Spirit works mightily within us!

Women of the world won’t understand this. They continually mock me and tell me that what I teach is dangerous. They accuse me of promoting marital rape. They want me to stop teaching these things, but I won’t. I am not looking to be popular in the world’s eyes. That’s a dangerous place to be! I want to be known for teaching truth, yes, even the truths that are not popular and even offensive in this day and age.

God wants our marriages to flourish. He created us as sexual beings. He knows that sex is an essential part of marriage. He knows that one spouse will desire it more than the other. This is why He commands that we don’t deprive each other. Then, even if we’re not in the mood, we will take those moody thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and do what’s right instead of what we feel like doing. This is part of becoming a mature Christian; when we allow truth to lead us instead of our emotions, moods, and feelings.

Yes, I have taught about this topic a lot recently. It’s because there are so many counter and ungodly messages being given to women due to what I am teaching. Remember, always, always go back to the Word of God and this is what God’s Word commands of you:

Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
1 Corinthians 7:5

***Definition of defraud: “To withhold wrongfully from another what is due to him.”

Does Duty Sex Become Dull?

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