Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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Dickinson (ND) 378 Hits: 6.41%

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What is the most reliable, popular, and credible book in human history?

Since the media, schools, and tech companies are owned by Talmudic Jews, and they hate Christianity, few people today actually learn and study the most popular and reliable book in human history, the Bible.

Many of America’s Founders thought the Bible should be taught in schools.

The book the Founders quoted the most out of the vast number they did quote, was the Bible.

This nation was founded by men who knew history and the Bible. It is being destroyed by a generation which do not know or care about the Bible or history.

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Must see video!! Best version of the events at the capital that I’ve seen so far, includes the horrific execution of the unarmed Ashley Babbitt!

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VIDEO: 900,000 new unemployment claims last week. This deliberately planned scam Demic is creating financial Mayhem, and the rich, who planned this, are making record profits.

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