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Mike Stone- Communists Destroyed Small Business


(Weddings and all they represent- banned) 
Communism under the cover of COVID
Covid is an excuse to do to small business owners what Stalin did to the Kulaks in Ukraine:Exterminate them.  The Holomodor.Communists don’t want anyone to be economically independent. 
“Mine is just one corner of a city filled with millions of people. 
One tiny slice of life. But it’s magnified by thousands, possibly millions, of other shuttered businesses all over the world. Businesses gone bust, dreams destroyed, lives ruined, all because of a lockdown over a phony virus.”

Los Angeles residents ordered to stay at home until Christmas week, with all gatherings BANNED… except for church & PROTESTS

by Mike Stone(
Nothing is more beautiful than a bride on her wedding day, and no window display is more beautiful than the one at the bridal shop down the street from where I live. 
Mannequins wearing snow white wedding dresses, images of gushing young brides, everything artfully displayed and presented.
 Of all the display windows in all of the shops I have passed in my life, none of them has filled me with more joy than this one. None of them has so consistently brought a smile to my face. None of them has so clearly represented love, marriage, motherhood, the future, and everything good about life.


Thanks to the lockdown, that bridal shop is permanently closed.
I passed by there today. The store is empty and dark, the once beautiful window covered with dust and graffiti, the street in front littered with trash.
Other casualties in my neighborhood include a service station, a car dealership, a print shop, a dry cleaner, a Pilates studio, two gyms, two coffee shops, and countless restaurants, all of them permanently closed. Their windows and walls covered with graffiti, their parking lots littered with trash. The businesses still standing are hanging on by their fingernails.This is just one corner of a city filled with millions of people. One tiny slice of life. But it’s magnified by thousands, possibly millions, of other shuttered businesses all over the world. Businesses gone bust, dreams destroyed, lives ruined, all because of a lockdown over a phony virus.
Behind each of those businesses are people: owners and employees. They’re gone too. 
What level of anger, shame, and sadness do you think they must be feeling? How does a person cope when everything they’ve worked and dreamed of attaining in life is forcibly wiped out by uncaring and corrupt government officials? I wonder, do they cry themselves to sleep at night?
A great irony of all this occurs when I walk past the shops to the residential neighborhoods. I see Riding With Biden signs prominently displayed in front of homes and apartment buildings. People actually voting against their own best interests, voting to destroy their own neighborhood.


Since the #scamdemic began six months ago, the number of homeless men in my neighborhood has tripled, from around thirty to what looks like over a hundred; and the number of homeless women I’ve spotted has gone from zero to a dozen. These aren’t your typical bag ladies either. They’re young women in their twenties and thirties who are now living in tents on the sidewalk.
The guy living in the alley behind my building calls to me from his cardboard shelter and asks if I can spare any pants. The one pair he owns is shredded. In my closet I find two pairs of pleated gray slacks; brand new, never worn, perfectly pressed. I’m hesitant to part with them, but how can I not? If Creepy Joe steals the election and institutes a nationwide lockdown as he said he would, we might all end up living on the street. The day might come when I’m forced to ask a stranger, “Brother, can you spare a pair of pants?”
The people instigating the lockdowns and, even more so, the people supporting them all share one thing in common: they continue to draw a paycheck. They’re either working for the government or they’re able to work from home. None of them has suffered a loss of income. None of them has ever known the pain of life without a livelihood.
But it’s not just government officials and employees who are complicit in this most nefarious of crimes. There are the order followers. Those mindless police officers and sheriffs who have harassed, ticketed and even arrested brave and honest American citizens for doing nothing more than trying to earn a living and support their families. Although, I must say that the police and sheriffs in Los Angeles have been outstanding, refusing to enforce the governor’s latest insane demands for a 10 PM curfew and a canceled Thanksgiving.


There’s also a third group responsible for this mess: the mask-wearers. Those willfully ignorant dumbasses who continue to wear their face diapers. In some ways, they’re the most insidious ones of all. Without them, none of this would be going on. Without their daily reminder of mass insanity, everyone would realize what a gigantic fraud it all is. If ordinary people came to their senses and ceased wearing those utterly useless face masks, the entire false narrative would come crumbling down.
Alas, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. The majority of people in this country are brainwashed to the point of no return. The good news is we don’t need all of them. People are so robotic they’ll follow whatever the herd is doing. All we need is a small percentage of them to wake up and then the others will follow en masse.
Keep the faith. Don’t throw in the towel. If Trump is declared the winner of the stolen election, we will have a slight window of time to right the ship, to get things fixed. Pray that happens.——Mike Stone is the author of A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon.
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