At the bottom of this page is a library of PDFs and other titles, such as classics for children and adults. It is slowly expanding daily and has the literature that has significantly improved mankind and children throughout history. Guest posts are welcome. Email and it will be reviewed for posting. It would be nice to have news correspondents from around America to get the real news out instead of relying on the corrupt media.
I want to start off with a few quotes:
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
— Jesus Christ
François-Marie Arouet, more known as Voltaire, said:
“To Write is to wage War.”
— Voltaire
The Drug And Medical System cannot bear examination. To explain it would be to destroy it, and to defend it even is to damage it.”
“No matter how paranoid you are, what they are actually doing is far worse than you can imagine.”
— Ralph Gleason
“A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity.”
— Baltasar Gracian
“We will know our disinformation program is complete When everything the American public believes is false.”
— William Casey
”Knowledge makes a man unfit to be enslaved.”
— Frederick Douglas
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny lies in keeping them ignorant.”
— Robespierre
— All quotes from the brilliant website. Lovethetruth is another excellent website.
About the books
There is a PDF library of 300+ books which are going to be posted at the bottom of this page. It will detail the massive and overwhelming, incontrovertible, and indisputable evidence of who is behind the race tensions, the Federal Reserve, Communism, and the virus hoax.
I have learned that both sides are compromised. Jewish bankers have controlled the Democrat party since 1912, when they funded Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt for President, with Wilson winning the White House with 40% of the vote, while Taft and Teddy Roosevelt split the remaining 60%.
The Council on Foreign Relations has controlled both sides presidential candidates since Wilson, including Reagan (who was a pedophile) and Trump! Both are hardly staunch Christians and are the first two American Presidents who have been divorced. Of course, Obama is the first to have been credibly accused of homosexuality.
America must wake up. We must leave these political parties, as both are controlled by globalist bankers, who also control our media, schools, tech companies, nearly all big corporations, CDC, WHO, China, and the U.N.
The globalist bankers have engineered America’s entry into every war since and including World War 1. Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, The Gulf of Tonkin, and 9/11 were all planned by globalist bankers, with their fake media spreading disinformation and propaganda to deceive naive and gullible Americans. Of course, one will be called a conspiracy theorist for saying this, or the globalist banker’s media favorite defense terms to end conversations and permanently stigmatize opposition: “Fascist,” “Nazi,” “anti-Semite,” “racist,” “white supremacist,” “bigot,” “sexist,” “homophobe,” “islamophobe,” “hater,” etc.
The term “conspiracy theory”
A declassified 1967 CIA memo issued during the Kennedy assassination Warren Commission investigation showed that the CIA engaged in a PsyOp to discredit and ridicule critics of the Warren report. They weaponized the term “conspiracy theorists” to shut down all inquiries and legitimate questions about dubious official narratives. It was a coordinated propaganda campaign to discredit and ridicule critics that continues to this day.
The memo (document number 1035-960) was titled: Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
Its Classification: PSYCH for Psychological Operation and CS for Clandestine Services
It contained the special Note: “Destroy When No Longer Needed.”
It detailed instructions to use “friendly” elite politicians and people embedded in major news outlets by attacking the conspiracy theorists themselves, as opposed to their actual claims, and explaining that “large-scale conspiracies” are impossible. In the 1960s, the CIA owned over 250 media outlets. It directed its members to “ employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”
Since then, the label “conspiracy theorist” has become a disciplinary device that has effectively ensured that certain events are always off limits to inquiry or debate. Any (honest) law enforcement officer will tell you that conspiracies can and do happen every day, all day long.
If they are calling you a conspiracy theorist, then chances are you are over or near the target. Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the same bird. They are both nearly entirely controlled by the owners of the Federal Reserve.
Visiting Wyoming
I visited Cheyenne, Wyoming, in September, 2020, a lovely city. Wyoming has a population of 577,000, with 13 total murders in 2019. Contrast that with my Democrat rathole city of Vallejo, with a population of 120,000 and 22 total murders this year, with the year not even over!! It’s on pace for a record-setting 30+ murders. Why? Three significant reasons, among many, appear. Wyoming has open carry; California and Democrat states don’t. They are run by tyrants terrified of an armed population rising and throwing off their tyranny. Wyoming has no state income tax, and California is one of the most taxed and regulated states in America. These taxes and regulations are not for the common man; they are to keep the elite tyrants in power. Lastly, Wyoming severely bans pot, while California stupidly legalized it in the last decade.
Please read for yourself the testimony of the American-raised, well-educated widow of a Russian military officer (He was brutally murdered in the Bolshevik Revolution) detailing the unmistakable proof that the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” is not a fake or anti-Semitic at all. Still, instead, it’s the exact blueprint the Bolsheviks used, and the blueprint being brought to America right now, to enslave us completely.
It’s in the book: “Waters flowing Eastward.”
Jews control Donald Trump
The Talmudic Jewish bankers completely control Trump. When he appointed Richard Grenell as the head of the 17 intelligence agencies, an open homosexual, he sent a clear signal that America’s Christians are not his first priority, and neither is God. We already know that every single president since Woodrow Wilson was controlled by these globalist bankers, with the possible exceptions of Reagan and Trump, and it’s now 99.9% certain that Reagan and Trump were controlled too. Trump’s administration is full of CFR members, who are a front for the globalist bankers. Ivanka Trump dated a Rothschild, and Trump’s Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, is a Rothschild agent. His Secretary of Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, was also a Rothschild pawn.
However, the best websites for news I’ve come across are as follows. Remember, monitor the conservative websites for a heavy globalist banker influence. There is a lot wrong with globalist bankers, Freemasons, and the Illuminati controlling the liberal and conservative media with their puppets and gaming the people of America for their power and profits. There is a massive infiltration of the conservative press by globalist bankers. And, when it comes to standing on the Constitution and the Bible, these bankers are nowhere to be found, AND these conservative banker controlled media types will viciously decry any condemnation of the wealthy bankers behind this scam.
Jewish hate
Most of us Christians studying the Old Testament love Jews. Nothing wrong with that. However, we are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Don’t think Talmud obeying Jews share the same love for Christians because they don’t. The term anti-Semite used to mean those who hate Jews; now, it means one who the Jewish globalist bankers hate. 90% of today’s Jews are Ashkenazis from the ancient kingdom of Khazar and are no relation to the original twelve tribes. They are the synagogue of Satan that Christ talked about twice in Revelation, who say they are Jews but are not. The Talmudic Jewish leaders of the present day, including Zuckerberg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, Bob Dylan, Barbra Streisand, and nearly every famous Jewish celebrity, would all have been severely punished by Moses, as roughly none of them obey the Torah at all. They are the Thirteenth Tribe.
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan.”
— Revelation 2:9
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
— Revelation 3:9
Note: A great book is Eustace Mullins’s “The Curse of Canaan”
The Jewish Bankers
The Jewish bankers, who control the Federal Reserve, are the biggest thieves, murderers, and liars in human history, violating the Commandment “Thou shalt not steal” every day for the past 107 years. They all deserve the death penalty.
Never in human history have so few stolen from so many, which is why they are so intent on spying on us. The Jewish bankers behind the Federal Reserve are the enemies of mankind.
Recommended news websites
The following are recommended news websites. Two critical indicators of whether conservative websites are controlled opposition are if they constantly state the Democrats are the problem (the Democrats aren’t the problem, the problem is the international bankers who control both parties, the media, schools, tech companies, victim groups, China, and much more) and if the conservative website solidly supports Donald Trump, who is the biggest fraud and is controlled opposition. Another indicator is to follow the money. Who is paying for the conservative website? If it’s well-funded, and you cannot identify where the money is coming from, there is a good chance you’ve stumbled on one of the thousands of international banker-funded media. They fund from the shadows in a bid to control all information.
- From the trenches World Report
- The Unz Review
- Henry Makow (occasionally posts links known to be run by Talmudic Jews)
- Humans are Free
- Organic Prepper
- The Burning Platform
- Liberty Nation
So, the reader can go to these sites and find the links I post daily. However, there is a method I use and a stance that determines what articles I publish. Please read and share ASAP! 90% of Democrat voters have never read seven conservative news websites for just two months of their entire lives. They have never honestly examined both sides. Conservative websites support the fraudulent nation-state of Israel, and most support the root of nearly all our evil, The Federal Reserve, whose owners control nearly all the media on both sides.
Sites to avoid at all costs
Additionally, among the leftist news sites to avoid, as they are continuously lying to the public, either lying by omission or commission, are as follows, and this list is certainly not comprehensive (Unless you enjoy being deceived and hoodwinked daily, avoid these sites, television channels, and newspapers like the plague, and, since sharing is caring, warn your friends and family as well):
- American Thinker (Pro-Trump, and pro-Israel, controlled opposition)
- Epoch Times (Does not understand China is controlled by globalist bankers)
- National Review (controlled opposition)
- TownHall (controlled opposition)
- Conservative Review (Controlled opposition)
- Allnewspipeline (censors criticism of homosexuality)
- Washington Times (controlled opposition)
- Washington Examiner (Controlled opposition)
- American Greatness (pro-Israel, censors comments)
- PJMedia (strongly pro-Trump, pro-Israel, controlled opposition)
- Newsmax (Controlled opposition)
- X22 Report (controlled opposition)
- Whatfinger (controlled opposition)
- NaturalNews: Censors criticism of Talmudic Jews and Israel
- (Strong Pro Israel content) its appearing increasingly likely to me that Zionism and Communism/Bolshevism had the same forces behind them. ( Just blocked for life on WND for criticizing Talmudic bankers who are behind Communism and who own the Federal Reserve on 9/17/2020)
- Breitbart (censors comments critical of moral issues and of the globallst bankers and Talmud). I was banned for life on Breitbart, 6/1/20. They pretend they are conservative, but they are only controlled opposition.
- Daily Mail
- Daily Wire. Ben Shapiro goes to universities nationwide to preach about free speech but censors comments on his site.
- The Guardian
- Front Page Mag (Censors conservatives)
- USA Today
- (Conservative, but risque, and has no virtue standards)
- Reuters
- Vallejo Times Herald
- San Jose Mercury News
- East Bay Times
- San Francisco Chronicle
- Sacramento Bee
- Los Angeles Times
- City Journal (Censors Christian Constitutionalists)
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- (Conservative, but has no idea about virtue and wisdom)
- (Has many salacious links, favors morally reprehensible ideas, viciously attacks anyone who opposes the abomination of homosexuality). Sure enough, Drudge turned into a Democrat. No principles at all.
- The New
- New
- The Gateway Pundit (purports to be conservative but bans commenters critical of homosexuality)
- NY Daily News.
- Christian Science Monitor
- Rolling Stone
Lastly, nearly every local newspaper in America is compromised by the Jews, and if you watch television for your news, you are deceived, uninformed, and/or under-informed. The radio is nearly as bad. Conservative radio commentators are like Don Quixote, they have no idea what they are fighting, but they have a lot of listeners.
California is run by corrupt Democrats and Jews, including Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris!! Until California gets rid of Democrat politicians, we will never recover from being the poorest state in America, with 20% of our population living below the poverty level, and having 12% of the nation’s population, 36% of the nation’s welfare recipients, and nearly 50% of the nation’s homeless. Los Angeles has almost 19% of all people experiencing homelessness in America.
Please join Natural Family Foundation led by Jim Harrison, which advocates a return to the family structure. Since it was marriage and the church that were the two sacred backbones of America, this organization is extremely important, and Jim Harrison is a tireless supporter of liberty, virtue, and a fantastic networker.
Crucial literature
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are not a racist Forgery, all of it occurred in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
- World War 2 was a massive hoax.
- There are two fantastic books on America and on the threat from Marxism that I highly recommend.
- Skousen: The 5,000 year Leap.
- Skousen: The Naked Communist.
- Another great book details how the Federal Reserve has pillaged America of trillions of dollars.
- The Creature from Jekyll Island
- Another great book details how the Council on Foreign Relations has been sabotaging America for over a century.
- ‘The Killing of Uncle Sam‘
- Another great overview of how the Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations has been trying to destroy America, for over two centuries, is here by Myron Fagan.
- There is a fabulous video by a woman who wrote a book on the Dumbing down of America in our schools, Charlotte Iserbyt. The book is nearly $200 used, so watching the video is better. It is in Part 1 and Part 2.
- Another excellent overview of how schools have been sabotaged in the past 150 years and how they are responsible is a 12-part series from Alex Newman, author of ‘Crimes of the Educators‘, in the Epoch Times.
- The Genesis of Public Schools: Collectivism and Failure
- How Horace Mann Worked to Destroy Traditional Education—and America
- How John Dewey Used Public ‘Education’ to Subvert Liberty
- Dewey’s Public Schools Replaced Christianity With Collectivist Humanism
- Socialists Used Public Schools to Destroy Literacy in America
- Frankfurt School Weaponized US Education Against Civilization
- Big Foundations Unleashed Collectivist ‘Revolution’ via US Schools
- How Socialists Used Teachers Unions Such as the NEA to Destroy Education
- UNESCO: Indoctrinating Humanity With Collectivist ‘Education’
- The Rise of ‘Fed Ed’ Sped Up the Demise of Real Education
- Common Core, Still in Place, Nationalized Educational Quackery
- Big Brother Schools Using Big Data to Manipulate and Spy on Kids
- There is a fabulous website by Lori Alexander on what Godly womanhood looks like by the name of The Transformed Wife
- Another great website details the terrible effects of our society’s attacks on men is Real Sexism
- To understand how corrupt both political parties in America are, read the 1903 book, “Confessions of a Monopolist” by Frederick Howe. Enlightening.
- Also, every last Founder of America knew the KJV Bible very well, and it’s a sad testament that few Americans do. 90% of Christians know their hellivisions more than their Bibles. This means most Americans have no idea about the dangers of Islam (also Here and Here), the dangers of porn, the dangers of weed, or the dangers of television.
Virtue is a must in a nation that has freedom and liberty, and if we do not uphold virtue in private when no one is watching, we will soon be slaves in public when everyone is watching. One cannot be a slave to self in private and long remain free in public. It is a violation of the laws of nature.
Four free habits that will transform your life for the better in 3 years, and which, if every American does, will transform America in 3 years.
- Get rid of television, and do not watch it at all. No longer watch movies. This will give you plenty of time for worthy pursuits.
- Avoid ALL psychotropic drugs. The mind is a paradise. If you don’t have mental peace, hang around people who do or read books by people who did.
- Avoid pornography like the plague. Avoid ALL sex outside of marriage.
- Read widely about the Classics, the Bible, and history. If you don’t already have a personal library at home, start one. Having at least 20 history books in your home should be something every American does.
Truly yours,
Ryan Messano
Immortal quotes
— George Washington
— George Washington
— George Washington
— George Washington
— George Washington
— George Washington
— Benjamin Franklin
— Benjamin Franklin (Motto of the University of Pennsylvania)
— Benjamin Franklin
— Thomas Jefferson
— Thomas Jefferson
— Thomas Jefferson
— Thomas Jefferson: copied into his Commonplace Book.
— Montesquieu (written by — Thomas Jefferson in his Common Place Book).
— Thomas Jefferson
— Thomas Jefferson
— Thomas Jefferson
— Thomas Jefferson
— Alexander Hamilton
— James Madison
— James Madison
— Patrick Henry
— Patrick Henry
— John Adams
— John Adams
— John Adams
— John Adams
— John Adams
— John Adams
— John Adams
— John Adams
— John Adams
— John Adams
— Fisher Ames
— Richard Henry Lee
— Thomas Paine
— Samuel Adams
— Samuel Adams
— Samuel Adams
— Samuel Adams
— Samuel Adams
— Samuel Adams
— Samuel Johnson
— George Mason
— Samuel Williams
— Noah Webster
— Noah Webster
— John Witherspoon
— John Witherspoon
— John Witherspoon
— John Witherspoon
— Jean Jacques Rousseau
— Algernon Sidney
— Algernon Sidney
— Algernon Sidney
— Algernon Sidney
— Algernon Sidney
— Algernon Sidney
— Benjamin Rush
— Benjamin Rush
— Benjamin Rush
— Andrew Jackson
— Daniel Webster
— Daniel Webster
— Horace Greeley
— Edmund Burke
— Edmund Burke
— Edmund Burke
— Edmund Burke
— Edmund Burke
— Edmund Burke
— William A. Cocke
— James H. Thornwell
— Samuel West
— William Cowper
— William Cabell Rives
— William Penn
— William Penn
— Joseph Story
— Frederick Douglas
— Northwest Ordinance of 1787
— Francis Grund
— Francis Grund
— Douglas MacArthur
— Alexis de Tocqueville
— An old adage attributed to — Alexis de Tocqueville
— Henry David Thoreau
— Theodore Roosevelt
— Dwight D. Eisenhower
— Lady Margaret Thatcher
— Ronald Reagan
— George Will
— John Lord
— Proverbs 14:34
The PDF Library
Library every American should read. Must read, and teach others. The highest form of learning is to teach others. Of course, the best selling book in all of history, and the one which has done the most good for mankind is the Bible. Second Best selling book in world history is a John Bunyan’s “Pilgrims Progress”. Books on politics, current events, Recent World History.
- Abbazia, Patrick: Roosevelt’s Navy
- Adams, Henry: Democracy
- Allegro, John: The Chosen People
- Allen, Gary: None Dare Call It A Conspiracy (Audio)
- Allen, Gary: None Dare Call It A Conspiracy
- Allen, Gary: The Bankers and the Federal Reserve
- Allen, Gary: The Rockefeller Files
- Amneus, Daniel: The Garbage Generation
- Aquinas: On the governance of rulers
- Arrigo, Sue: Secrets of the CIA’s Global Sex Traffic Slavery
- Articles of Confederation
- Atzmon, Gilad: The Wandering Who
- Barruel, Augustin: Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism.
- Beaty, John: Iron Curtain over America.
- Bell, J. Bowyer: Terror out of Zion. The fight for Israeli Independence
- Belloc, Hillaire: The Jews
- Black, Christopher: This Outlaw Power
- Bourget, Paul: Cosmopolis
- Bowart, Walter: Operation Mind Control
- Bowers, Claude: The Tragic Era, the Revolution after Lincoln
- Brafmann, Jacob: The Book of the Kahal
- Browne, Lewis: How Odd the God, An Introduction to Jews
- Bryant, Arthur: Unfinished Victory
- Buchan, John: The Powerhouse
- Burgh, James: The Art of speaking
- Burton, Richard: The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam
- Butz, Arthur: Hoax of the Twentieth Century
- Buxtdorf, Johannes: Synagoga Judaica
- Campbell, Roy: The Flowering Rifle
- Cincinnatus, Roman: A Discussion of Israel, Jews, and Zionists.
- Clews, Henry: Fifty Years on Wall Street, Passage on Civil War
- Complete List of Jewish Expulsions
- Cook, James: The Voyages of Captain James Cook
- Conspiracy of Silence: Franklin Cover Up
- Constitution of the United States
- Constitution of the Confederate States 1861
- Coogan, Gertrude: Money Creators
- Cooke, Alistair: The Vintage Menken
- Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard: From War to Peace
- Coudenhove-Kalergi: Practical Idealism
- Croker, John: Essays on the French Revolution
- Dach Bern, Major H Von: Total Resistance Swiss Army Guide to Guerilla Warfare and underground tactics
- Dall, Curtis: My Exploited Father in Law.
- Dalton, Thomas: Goebbels on the Jews
- Dalton, Thomas: The Jewish Hand in the World Wars
- De Jaegher: The Enemy Within. The Communist Subversion of China.
- Dean, Henry Clay: Crimes of the Civil War and the curse of the Funding System
- Declaration of Independence
- Degrelle, Leon: Campaign in Russia
- DeGrelle, Leon: The enigma of Hitler
- Des Mousseaux, Gougenot: The Jew, Judaism, and the judaization of the Christian peoples.
- DeWitt, Robert: Life, Trial, and Execution of Captain John Brown.
- Dilling, Elizabeth: The Jewish Religion
- Disraeli, Benjamin: Lord George Bettinck.
- Dodd, Bella: School of Darkness
- Dodge, David: Missing 13th Amendment
- Edwards, Claire: The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”
- Eisenmenger: Johannes: Traditions of the Jews
- Eisenschiml, Otto: The Hidden Face of the Civil War.
- Edmondson, Robert: I testify against the Jews
- Edwards, Claire: The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”
- Ehret, Matthew: MLK’s assassins trying to kill him again.
- Esber, Rosemarie: Under the Cover of War, the Zionist expulsion of Palestinians.
- Evola, Julius: Revolt against the Modern World
- Evolution: The False Religion
- Fagan, Myron: Civil Rights Conspiracy
- Fahey, Dennis: Rulers of Russia
- Face of Battle
- Findley, Paul: They Dare to Speak Out
- Finklestein, Louis: The Pharisees
- Finklestein, Norman: The Holocaust Industry
- Flynn, Jack and Margy: Citizens of the American Constitution
- Flynn, John T.: As we go marching.
- Flynn, John T.: The Roosevelt Myth
- Foote, Ana: Explorers and Founders of America.
- Foote, Anna: Makers and Defenders of America.
- Ford, Henry: The International Jew
- Fuess, Claude: Life of Caleb Cushing
- Gaebelein, Arno Duncan: Conflict of the ages.
- Glubb, Sir John: The Fate of Empires and search for survival
- Goldman, Nahum: The Jewish Paradox
- Goodrich, Thomas: Scalp Dance
- Gordon, William: History of the Independence of America
- Grant, Madison: Conquest of a Continent
- Griffin, G. Edward: The Creature from Jekyll Island.
- Grimstad, William: Anti-Zion
- Guenon, Rene: Crisis of the Modern World.
- Haddock, Channing: Power of Will
- Hallett, Greg: Hitler was a British Agent
- Hansen, L Taylor: He Walked the Americas
- Henry, Patrick: The Anti-Federalist Papers
- Herbert, Amy: History of the Early Church
- Herndon, William: Herndon’s Lincoln
- Higger, Michael: The Jewish Utopia
- Higgins, Chas.: Horrors of Vaccination
- History of Pasadena:
- Hitchcock, Andrew: History of the House of Rothschild
- Hitchcock, Andrew: Synagogue of Satan
- Hinton, Richard: John Brown and his men.
- Hitler, Adolph: Hitler’s Table Talk
- Hitler Defied the Bankers
- Hollis, Christopher: The Breakdown of Money
- House, Tamzy: Weather control
- Howard-Browne, Rodney: The Killing of Uncle Sam
- Illiminati: History of
- Independent Investigation of 9/11 and War on Terrorism
- Irving, David: Books
- Jacobs, Sam: America’s Sovereign States: The obscure history of how 10 Independent states joined America.
- Jewish Question in Europe
- Jews run the World
- Jones, E. Michael: Libido Dominandi
- Jordan, David Starr: Unseen Empire
- Jordan, George Racey: From Major Jordan’s Diaries
- Josephus: Against Apion
- Kaczynski, Ted: Unabomber Manifesto
- Kaminski, John: Human Destiny Hijacked.
- Karstein, Rick: History of Chemtrails
- Kellogg, John Harvey: Plain facts for old and young. (The Founder of Kellogg’s was dead wrong about eugenics and sex in marriage for procreation alone, but he was spot on about everything else)
- Kellogg, John Harvey: Ladies Guide on Health and Disease
- Kennedy, John F: Prelude to Leadership Diaries:
- Kern, Andrew: The Standing Army: A threat to peace.
- Kimmel, Stanley: The mad Booths of Maryland
- Kissinger, Henry: Diplomacy
- Klein, Henry: My Last Fifty Years
- Kollerstrom, Nicholas: Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality
- Kubizek, August: The Young Hitler I knew
- Lane, Rose Wilder: The Discovery of Freedom
- Lazare, Bernard: Social Conception of Judaism and the Jewish people.
- Leese, Arnold: Disraeli the Destroyer
- Levy, Bert: Guerilla Warfare
- Lina, Juri: Architects of Deception
- Logos, Asha: A Call to Return to the Land (video)
- Ludovici, Anthony: Jews, and the Jews in England
- Makow, Henry: The Jewish Plot to destroy Christian Civilization.
- Mark, Jeffrey: The Modern Idolatry
- Marrs, Jim: The Rise of the Fourth Reich
- Marshall, John: American Bastille
- Mark, Jeffrey: The Modern Idolatry
- Martin, Tony: The Jewish Onslaught
- Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Engels: The Woman Question
- Mather, Cotton: Essays to do Good.
- Mathis, Miles: Kabbalah, Hermeticism and the Occult
- Mathis, Miles: Salem Witch Trials
- Maultsby, Chuck: On the Jews
- Messano, Ryan: Sacramento City Council Meeting 4/18/2023
- Mikovits, Dr. Judy: The Case against Masks
- Minerbi, Sergio: The Vatican and Zionism
- Martin, Tony: Jewish Onslaught
- Menuhin, Gerard: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil
- Moldea, Dan: Ronald Reagan, MCA, and the Mob
- Moore, Carol: Massacre of the Branch Davidians
- Moore, William: Overlord: The Unnecessary Invasion
- Morse, Samuel: Foreign Conspiracy against the liberties of the United States
- Mullins, Eustace: The $5 trillion Cold War Hoax
- Mullins, Eustace: Boycott, the Jewish Weapon
- Mullins, Eustace: Murder by Injection
- Mullins, Eustace: The Biological Jew
- Mullins, Eustace: The Gentle Art of Thought Control
- Mullins, Eustace: The Secret History of the Atom Bomb
- Mullins, Eustace: The World Order
- Natelson, Robert: Paper money and the original understanding of the coinage clause.
- Neilson, Frances: How Diplomats make War
- Neilson, Frances: The Makers of War
- Nilus, Serge: Protocols and the World Revolution
- Oliver, Revilo: Christianity and the Survival of the West.’
- Oliver, Revilo: America’s Decline, the Education of a Conservative
- Paine, Thomas, Writings: Part 1
- Paine, Thomas, Writings: Part 2
- Paine, Thomas, Writings: Part 3
- Paine, Thomas, Writings: Part 4
- Parenti, Michael: Democracy for the few.
- Paterson, Isabel: God of the Machine
- Pearson, R.B., The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur
- Perkins, John: Confessions of an Economic Hitman
- Phagan, Mary: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan
- Phillips, Wendell: A Review of Lysander Spooners Essay on Slavery
- Poncins, Vicomte Leon De: Freemasonry and Judaism, the Secret Powers behind Revolution
- Pound, Ezra: Predicting Pearl Harbor
- Preston, Howard: American Historical Documents.
- Prinz, Joachim: The Secret Jews
- Putnam, Carleton: Race and Reality
- Putnam, Carleton: Race and Reason
- Rakovsky, Christian: Red Symphony
- Ramsay, Archibald: The Nameless War
- Ramsay, David: History of the American Revolution Volume 1
- Ramsay, David: History of the American Revolution Volume 2
- Raphael, Sam: CIA Torture unredacted
- Ravage, Marcus Eli: Five men of Frankfort, the Story of the Rothschilds
- Reeves, John: Rothschilds, Financial Rulers of Nations.
- Report of the Joint Select Committee to inquire into the condition of affairs in the late Insurrectionary States.
- Rittenhouse, Stan: For fear of the Jews.
- Robertson, Wilmot: Ventilations
- Robison, John: Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe.
- Rodkinson, Rabbi Michael: The history of the Talmud
- Rodriguez, Jose Maria Cardenal Caro y (Cardinal of Chile): Freemasonry Unveiled
- Rosenberg, Alfred: The Track of the Jew through the Ages
- Ross, Malcolm: Spectre Of Power
- Roth, Cecil: A History of the Marranos
- Ryder, Jon Christian: The 13th Amendments
- Salonon, Sidney: The Jews in Britain
- Sand, Shlomo: The Invention of the Jewish People.
- Schacht, Hjalmar: The Magic of Money
- Scott, J. Creagh: The Hidden Government
- Scott, Sir Walter: Life of Napoleon in 9 volumes, not available in PDF or for purchase
- Shadow Government
- Shahak, Israel: Jewish History, Jewish Religion
- Simpson, William Gayley: Outline of the Jewish Conspiracy
- Simpson, William Gayley: Which Way Western Man?
- Sledge, Stephanie: Revisiting Sandy Hook
- Soddy, Frederick: Wealth, Virtual Wealth, and Debt
- Spooner, Lysander: A New Banking System
- Spooner, Lysander: A New System of Paper Currency
- Spooner, Lysander: An Essay on Trial by Jury
- Spooner, Lysander: No Treason
- Spooner, Lysander: The Unconstitutionality of Slavery
- Stamper, Melvin: Fruit From a Poisonous Tree
- Stockwell, John: In search of enemies, a CIA story
- Stoddard, Lothrop: Into the Darkness, an Uncensored report from inside the Third Reich at War
- Stoddard, Lothrop: Revolt against Civilization
- Story, Christopher: The New Underworld Order
- Sutherland, John: State Sovereignty
- Sutherland, John: The retaking of America.
- Sutton, Anthony: America’s Secret Establishment, an introduction to the Order of the Skull and Bones.
- Tenney, Senator Jack: The Zionist Network
- Thomas, Nicholas: Cook: The Extraordinary Voyages of Captain James Cook.
- Thorn, Victor: 9/11, Made in Israel
- Timayenis, Telemachus Thomas: The Original Mr. Jacobs.
- Tormay, Cecille: An Outlaws Diary
- Treaty of Paris, 1783
- Von Brunn, James: Kill the best Gentiles
- Wallach, Joel: Dead Doctors Don’t Lie
- Warburg, Sidney: Hitlers Secret Backers.
- Wardner, James: Unholy Alliances
- Washington, George: Farewell Address
- Wear, John: Why Germany invaded Poland.
- Webster, Nesta: French Revolution, a Study in Democracy
- Webster, Nesta: Germany and England
- Webster, Nesta: Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.
- Werner, Richard: Princes of the Yen
- Weston, Warren: Father of Lies
- Weigand, Kate: Red Feminism
- Williams, Robert: Know Your Enemy
- Williams, Robert: The Ultimate Civil War.
- Wilson, R. Macnair: Mind of Napoleon: A study of Napoleon, Roosevelt, and the Money Power
- Wilson, Macnair: Monarchy or Money Power
- Wilton, Robert: Last Days of the Romanov’s
- Young, Leonard: Deadlier than the H-Bomb
- Yockey, Francis Parker: Imperium
- Report from Iron Mountain (Detailing how the pandemic was planned for decades ago)
- Zinn, Howard: FOIA Requests
Classics that every American should read
- Boethius: The Consolation of Philosophy
- Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe
- Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Complete Sherlock Holmes
- Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo
- Elliott, C. W: The Fifty Volume Harvard Classics
- Lewis, Meriwether, and Clark, George Rogers: The Journals of Lewis and Clark
- Paterson, James: William Wallace
- Reading for American children, to educate them in manners, virtue, and critical thinking.
- Berenstain, Stan and Jan: The Complete Berenstain Bears
- Great Illustrated Classics
- L. Frank Baum: The Complete Wizard of Oz series
I hope you’re right. I’m not as optimistic as you are. We’ll need to see hard evidence in order for this to take off.
Personally, I want Trump to win this out. But I have to listen to the blogs that offer a counterpoint(i.e. Lexet Blog) to keep from getting my hopes up.
It’s going to be hard to restore virtue and wisdom to America. It can be done.
“The will to do springs from the knowledge we can do”
James Allen
This is good news my family and I will be checking out Ned’s establishment
Is this satire?????
Yes, this is absolute satire to those who have been brainwashed by the media, schools, and tech company since the day they were born. I’m afraid you were one of those. If you’re even real, the internets full of anonymous bots.
I went to college and I am so happy that I did. My life is nothing like what is described here as is most of the women I know who went to college. If you have poor boundaries your life will be hard and difficult no matter what path you choose in life. The woman who will work for a job she doesn’t like without looking for something better that works for her is the same women who will stay with a husband who treats her poorly and never advocates for herself if she is a stay at home wife. A woman with no boundaries or respect for herself will make poor decisions and have a subpar life no matter where she is.
You went to college because society trained you to do that. Demography is destiny, and you neglected your greatest duty, because, no offense, but I’m pretty sure you weren’t living celibately while in college.
So, you gave up your role as a mother and a wife, for money, which is very little different from prostitution. Instead of being led by a husband at home, who loves you for you, you chose to be led by the lying media, schools, and tech companies, who will give you money, but no long term peace and joy. And, they charged you a fortune to he brainwashed in college too.
A wise woman who surrounds herself with Godly men and relies on their advice nearly never marries a husband who treats her poorly. Of course, Lydia, and thank you for taking the time to respond with your honest opinion, many women equate being “treated poorly” with not getting their way whenever they want it, or being expected to do things they don’t like doing by their husband (not talking about anything that is objectively damaging or abusive to the woman).
Women in the workplace and college have far less respect for themselves than SAHM’s of today or 100 years ago. Dressing provocatively, having promiscuous sex, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, and the women resorting to prostitution, porn, and Cam girls to pay their way through life, IS NOT RESPECTING ONESELF, I’m afraid.
It’s never too late to be what you should have been.
I would very much like to start a dialogue with you. I am committing my life to the destruction of this greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.
Perhaps just send me an email. Hallelujah there are others.
I wouldnt put my name on garbage like this either. Women going gay because men watch porn. Is it 1948 again?
By the Administrator niceeee
Okay, this crap is crazy. Moving on now….
I love watching Alex Jones even though I suspect he may be a shill – to him it’s always the “CHI COMS” , the “CHI COMS” (sounding like Hulk Hogan in WWF). What a galactic feat to get 1.4 billion Chinese people suckered into Communism – an outside system created by Sabbatean-Frankist satanists; They couldn’t have done it without Opium. Of course the satanists never take responsibility for their actions and always blame the victims, whether for being communists or drug addicts or whatever. When Cabbalists can’t find someone to blame for their own sin they blame the goat (scapegoat); It’s never their fault for anything. The goat did it!
The Word Economic Forum got me inspired with their fear and loathing of the truth since they are losing their lying propaganda battle.
If Roberta Lipson’s Nose Could Think:
The Chinese government has to be full of quislings or the whole communism scam would fall apart.
re to Brighteon post:
some good points, Also, the words of Paul were greatly distorted during the councils who rewrote books to fit the church agenda.
The actual Saul of Tarsus is not the same as the Paul the church distorted him into.
I think Paul’s words are exactly what is in the KJV. I don’t think the Council of Nicea distorted his words at all.
I came across this word in C S Lewis’ That Hideous Strength: “He would be a brave man who would accuse Crowe either of papery or ‘gentilism’; yet the story is that his last words had been, ‘Marry, Sirs, if Merlin who was the Devil’s son was a true a King’s man as ever ate bread, is it not a shame that you, being the sons of bitches, must be rebels and regicides?’” (1965:22). I think there the idea is more of gentilism as paganism, rather than of ethno-Gentiles per se, with Merlin having converted from Gentilism. But I agree the article above to the extent that if one ‘side’ (whether race or religion) kicks, another side might kick back, and who started it can seem a bigger issue than who can finish it, and how.
nice article keep sharing
Thank you!
At the “beginning” of the Covid-19 outbreak and quarantine do you remember that several people in the UK were arrested for destroying (burning down) 5G cell towers? They were claiming they were causing the Covid. People called them crazy. What do you think the connection is???
Yes!! Drudge was running stories that saying 5G towers were connected to coronavirus was a “conspiracy theory”. Drudge lies constantly and the media is designed to feed people disinformation. Whatever the media says, the truth is likely to be just the opposite of their opinions.
I hear all these supposed “Truthers” repeating the mantra – IT’S A REAL VIRUS, IT’S A REAL VIRUS and I suppose we are suppose to accept what anyone says at face value with no critical thinking. But if you stop for a second to use the brain in your head, the mantra repeating “Truthers” are just as full of feces as the “Mainstream Media”.
First of all the guy that invented the PCR test said it was never intended to find diseases:
“[Dr Mullis] said that this PCR test was not made to detect any type of infectious disease. It’s designed to pick up a signature of DNA and RNA of the person being tested.”
So how do you test positive for COVID when the test for COVID doesn’t find COVID? Quick Answer – YOU CAN’T !
The test for COVID is utter feces, yet all the scared lemmings keep running off the cliff to keep getting tested for a result that doesn’t exist !!!
The PCR test is a DNA test, plain pure and simple ! The only real way to get COVID is from a vaccine or whatever insane man made way to spread it (i.e. – canisters in subway stations, spiked proteins from already vaccinated COVIDiots, etc..).
The satanists want to collect data from all the lemmings they want to exterminate for their own research; Maybe to gage the genes of the incurable imbeciles they want to breed out of existence – a people too stupid and dangerous to let live.
Secondly, naturally occurring REAL VIRUSES(lunar capsule like appearing & carrying sugar) are beneficial parts of our immune system that CANNOT just jump out of our bodies. When cells are damaged they go into a state of hibernation (glycolysis) and the REAL viruses, indigenous to our bodies only, send out electric energy to the sleepy damaged cells in the form of sugar to sustain the cells. REAL VIRUSES ARE GREAT !!! I LOVE REAL VIRUSES!!! As for the man made COVID Franken-Nazi-bioweapon Vaccine (that’s not really a vaccine), that’s another story. You have to be stupid enough to let someone stick you with a needle laced with COVID-19 to get the actual (Certificate Of Vaccination I.D. – Artificial Intelligence) that will forever change your DNA, then Satan will own the patent on YOU. Our bodies were designed to help themselves, not hurt themselves as moronic brainwashed doctors are led to believe.
Thirdly, naturally occurring BACTERIA and FUNGUS are contagious because the are ALIVE. You can catch bacteria and fungus but you CANNOT catch a real Virus because they are not alive. Mainstream science has gaslighted the world by using misleading terms like contagious “COLD-VIRUS”. A more accurate term would be contagious “COLD-BACTERIA or FUNGUS”.
Vaccines contain cells from monkey kidneys! The monkey kidney cells that are being stressed out in petri dishes after being radiated, exude a solvent waste which the mad scientists misnamed as “viruses”. The solvent waste from the damaged cells didn’t look deadly enough so the mad scientists added stomach enzymes to give a soccer ball like spiked appearance. The COVID soccer ball virus is a man made misrepresentation.
(Dr. Andrew Kaufman)
(Tom Barnett)
Monkey kidneys laced with man made misnamed “viruses”(which are really solvent waste from damaged cells), just don’t just fly in from out of the air and infect you, you have to be stupid enough to roll up your sleeve and take the shot!
The satanists have Lassar Fever, Anthrax and many other deadly bioweapons at their disposal; For their own amusement they chose to shut down the world over the common cold instead! Very funny, minions of satan!
Hey Mike Stone, better move to Texas, Florida or South Dakota, the only 3 states left in the Union.
These AI algorithms need to be made illegal as they are clearly designed to censor one legitimate party in what is supposed to be a democracy thereby destroying the right to participate in oipen debate. That will end badly as it will drive those affected to the extreme position because the normal mode of democratic debate is denied them. The left are behaving in the manner of a totalitarian dictatorship. That never ends well for anybody
source? and have any mainstream sites published it?
History, and 90% of mainstream news sites are owned by 6 corporations, controlled by our invisible government, the Talmudic Jewish owners of the Federal Reserve. So, no, mainstream sites don’t publish this. They can’t control a people who know a lot, only a people who know a little.
Sounds like they mean the invasive parasite class will vanish when the financial system breaks.
Just like the affirmative action programs we are seeing bigotry and racism being fought by…more bigotry and racism!
Quite true, thank you Murray100.