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News, Monday, December 24th, 2018

Arnn: What we can know: Natural Law properly  understood.

Hewitt: Who will own the oil fields?

Dow: -653. Largest decline on Christmas Eve, in stock market  history. 

Congress probing AP relationship with Chinese media.

Walsh: This Christmas, Remember the persecuted Christians around the world.

Konrad: Is Christmas the signature holiday of Christianity?

Lusk: Risky reliance: The U.S.’s reliance on China for rare earth minerals.

Christmas Review: The promises Trump and the Republicans kept – and the ones they didn’t.

Kupelian: A rare glimpse of the real James Comey.

Comey contradicts Brennan testimony on ‘Pee Dossier’.

Facebook’s top five fails of 2018.

Klayman: Mueller: the Grinch trying to steal the Presidency.

Study: Joy from giving lasts longer than joy from getting.

Coming Soon: Legal child euthanasia.

Chaos on subway platform as cop fights off vagrants.

Jeffrey: Legal suicide: Obamacare is killing itself.

Dreher: America is going to turn Islam into moralistic, therapeutic Deism.

Comey: Trump needs to deliver.

Ratner: Truth in journalism we need more of it.

Human beings to ‘live forever in 30 years’, with immortality, ‘new plastic surgery’.

Exodus of NY City’s endangered Middle Class.

Levin: Here’s just how little influence ‘we the people’ have on immigration policy.

Twitter warns Jamie Glazov that his new book violates Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law.

Alexander: New Criminal Justice reform law releases violent felons not peaceful drug dealers.

Susan Rice: Trump more dangerous to America than any foreign country.

Lebron apologizes for sharing ‘Jewish Money’ lyric on social media.

Woman’s march organizer: ‘white Jews, as white people, uphold white supremacy’.

Hunt: Christmas Wonder is something wholly other.

Joondeph: Justice Ginsburg’s failing health.

Skurkiss: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has lung cancer.

Street: California spends $100 million to maximize census cash jackpot.

Moran: The unspoken fear of Democrats about moving California’s primary to March.

Showalter: Ballot-harvesting California muscles it’s way to the front of the 2020 Presidential primaries. 

Lifson: California’s early primary makes money, not retail politics, the key to picking presidential candidates.

Inside Bernie World’s war on Beto.

California legislators ready to spend big after ‘years of fiscal restraint’.

Moran: Mnuchin to summon Plunge Protection team.

Gindler: Are there any good guys left in Syria?

Purcell: Joy, Wonder, Laughter Children’s Christmas gift to adults.

President Trump: Turkey is going to finish off ISIS.

Greenfield: Withdrawing from Syria implements the Trump Doctrine.

SCOTUS intervenes in apparent Mueller mystery case.

Raleigh: When science ignores ethics we get not Apollo 8, but destruction.

Is Permafrost really Navigable waters?

Dawson: Ruth Bader Ginsburg gets dubious star treatment in ‘On the basis of sex’.

Gomes: No room in the inn for Asia Bibi this Christmas.

How Canada protects Sharia.

Trump bests the geniuses in Syria.

James O’Keefe at Restoration weekend.

Lowry: The Grinch’s heart problem.

McCarthy: Syria: the intervention case was never made.

Schlichter: Trump the disruptor pivots back to Trumpism – and the Establishment freaks out.

Morefield: How to dismantle your liberal friends and relatives over the Wall over the Holidays, Tucker Carlson style.

Feldstein: Trump’s fumble right out of Obama’s playbook.

Voth: The War on Christmas.

Lifson: Schadenfreude of the year: Der Spiegel

Kim Kardashian’s body overtaken with Psoriasis. 

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