Written by Cindy Puhek From the New Harvest Homestead Newsletter

My family embraced being green four years ago when my mother was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. The disease is genetic so it was not caused by environmental factors, but the disease is complicated by processed, chemical laden food. The doctors gave mom access to some medical websites that are not normally open to laymen. The doctors wanted mom to go online and research how to manage her disease for herself. Mom was shocked by what she found on these websites. Doctors have found convincing evidence linking cancer and other diseases with the chemicals in our food. Mom quickly contacted my Aunt who has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and my aunt’s oncologist confirmed a chemical/cancer connection with her particular cancer. This was enough evidence for me to begin thinking seriously about the kind of food we were consuming.

The food police would probably still arrest us if our pantry was raided, but we’ve made a lot of changes for the better. Here are a few things that being green has meant to me:

• I learned much of our food supply is controlled by large industries that are more concerned with earning profits than with keeping our nation healthy.

• Finding the least expensive food available is no longer my first priority when shopping. Some small farms survived the industrialization of farming by embracing organic techniques. I’m thrilled to be able to support these small operations by purchasing their products.

• Being green makes strange bedfellows. I look at the bumper stickers in the parking lot of a grocery store where we shop and some of them promote worshipping Jesus while others promote worshipping Mother Earth. I find it humbling and convicting that it was non-Christians and often the open enemies of Jesus who led in this movement to improve our food supply and preserve the earth for future generations.

• We shop at a small, organic grocery store where the employees know our names and inquire after the health of our family. In our fast-paced, impersonal society this has been very refreshing.

• Our diet has become simplified because food is more expensive. I was forced to do more “from scratch” cooking because the cost of prepared organic food was prohibitive.

• Our garden suddenly became very economically viable because growing food organically was cheaper than purchasing it. We make our own compost and don’t use any chemical herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers in the garden.

• We became more concerned with the chemicals in our home and began researching natural alternatives to chemical cleaners.

• We call the eggs we purchase, “happy chicken eggs” because the chickens that produced these eggs did not spend their lives confined to cages in inhumane conditions.

• We try to purchase meat that was raised without hormones or antibiotics. We eat a lot of wild caught fish because it is more economical than other meats.

• We purchase a year supply of turkey at Thanksgiving, not because its $0.39 a pound (it’s $1.39 a pound,) but because this is the only time of year free-range turkeys are available.

• We stay surprisingly healthy. I think part of that is our stay-at-home lifestyle that helps limit our exposure to germs. But I also think our immune systems are stronger as well. Our bodies are not distracted by neutralizing poisons from our food and can concentrate on fighting off viruses instead. Organic food also tends to have more nutrition than conventionally produced food.

We continue to make changes. My husband is currently researching off the grid, green building while he dreams of a self-sufficient homestead. Maybe we’ll even be greener in the not too distant future.

And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you.
1 Thessalonians 4:11


Lavon Affair

Lavon Affair
In 1954 Israeli agents recruit Egyptian citizens of Jewish descent to bomb Western targets in Egypt, and plant evidence to frame Arabs, in an apparent attempt to upset American/Egyptian relations.
Israeli defence minister, Ashkenazi Jew,Pinhas Lavon is eventually removed from office, though many think real responsibility lies with David Ben-Gurion.


Written By Ken Alexander

Biblical Womanhood is open to all Christian women who desire to study what God specifically speaks concerning the role and responsibilities of women in marriage, the home, and the Church. God has specifically called on all who claim the name of Jesus to become “the servants of all” and to live sacrificial lives that are pleasing to our Lord Jesus. Within the context of servanthood, the older, godly Christian women are particular commanded to “teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed” (Titus 2:3-5).

The Biblical Woman Study Guidewhich provides our foundation explores the key verses throughout the Bible that particularly apply to women with each command given to women set apart in its own chapter for study and discussion. One of the chapters is specifically devoted to the verses in God’s Word where we are told:

“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church… the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 14:33-38).

We understand that there is presently much disagreement in the Church over these verses and similar verses to Timothy on this important matter which read: “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor” (1 Timothy 2:11-14).

The clarity with which these two passages are written cannot be in dispute as to what is intended for women when it comes to the gathered church. The main argument used to disqualify these verses and turn them upside down to mean the opposite of what they actually say, is to deem them as “cultural” and relevant only to the church to which the apostle Paul is addressing at the time. Yet, as one can see in the context itself, the address is to “all of the churches of the saints” and addressed to Timothy who was an overseer of many churches, not just one. Furthermore, to eliminate any ambiguity, the apostle in the Corinthian passage goes on to say that “the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord.”

The willful setting aside of such clear commands to the Church as “not presently culturally relevant” fails to recognize that God’s rationale for why women are not to be leaders and pastors in the church predates culture: “For Adam was formed first, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” There was no culture in the garden, yet God chose to make Adam first instead of making man and woman at the same time. He chose to make Woman as Man’s Helper, to come alongside of him and help him achieve the mandates that God gave to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion” over the earth.

God’s Word to woman at the Fall that “your desire will be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Genesis 3:16) speaks again clearly to God’s intention that men will lead, and particularly husbands are to lead their wives. Throughout the whole life of Israel and history of the Church, we see God’s intent for men leading and providing, and women caring for the things of the home. With very few exceptions, this is the rule of life, and rightfully so, as to do as God promised; preserve mankind through childbirth, and ultimately, grant us deliverance through the God Child in Christ Jesus, Savior of the World.

Our position aligns with what the scriptures clearly teaches us and shows us. God never assigned a woman to be King over Israel, nor one of the great prophets, and no priest. Jesus chose no woman to be one of the twelve disciples and no apostle, and no leader of the Church for 1900 years of church History. It is only with the advent of feminism, as some desire to make the church more relevant to culture of these last days, that we find women being ordained as pastors and elders. And why?

Are women necessary for the fully functioning of the Church and family? Definitely! Man without women is incapable of achieving God’s will for the family or the Church, yet God has established an order of things that mirrors the order He has placed throughout this earth; for good reason and for our benefit. God’s instruction manual to us is not intended to somehow hold women back from becoming all they can be, but rather instructing us on what is their best life now and for eternity.

Very few have any issue with designated authority in the workplace, military, or any organization. A committee without an appointed leader, or set of leaders, generally ends up with a lot of talking and few results. Someone must stand at the helm of the ship and give it direction, and to give direction without the authority to accomplish is meaningless. God has granted to husbands the rights and responsibilities to rule over their home for both its immediate wellbeing and to achieve God’s established purpose of raising up the next generation of godly offspring who will love and serve Him.

The same is true of the Church. The men are to be the elders and leaders/teachers in the Church, and the women are to come alongside of them as the helpers who help keep much of the church’s day-to-day ministries going, especially to children, women, and the those in need. We see this play out beautifully in a fully functioning harmonious Church, yet some want to upset and upend God’s clear direction so that the women in the Church may feel empowered.

There is no better set of verses in the Bible on empowerment than those of the kenosis where God becomes not just a man, but the suffering servant, and example to us all:

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him” (Philippians 2:5-11).

Notice in the context of leadership what we all must aspire to; to put off self and selfishness, to give our lives away, even to obedience to the point of death. If we want the world’s empowerment, we seek for an office and to rule over others. If we want God’s empowerment, we seek to throw off self, and humble ourselves as servants of the God most High, and allow Him to stand us where He may. For both in leadership and in service, we are His humble servants and obedient to God’s Word.

I trust you grasp why God has placed men in the leadership of the Church, and particularly for the teaching of doctrine. Simply put, “God is not a God of confusion but of peace,” and just imagine the confusion that comes from appointing a woman elder to rule over men, not just contrary to God’s clear Word on the matter, but also contrary to the nature of the home. Is the husband to lead his wife at home while she leads him in the spiritual matters of the Church? This will never stand in God’s design against His clear commands. It leads to confusion and confusion is Satan’s playground in the Church.

Yes, within the Church we have many things we may disagree agree about and yet still call each other “Brother and Sister in Christ.” This issue is not a salvation issue, but it is still a vital one in that speaks to one’s view of the authority of the scriptures. It is not by accident that a vast majority of churches who began by ignoring the Pauline passages concerning women, soon run down the slippery slope to ignore much of Paul’s writings and to race headlong into becoming “culturally relevant.” Once the authority of God’s Word is undermined, it becomes easy to slide into all sorts of permissive sexuality outside of marriage, and the ordaining of homosexuals and even transgenders with the excuse, after all, Jesus never said “no!”

Brothers and Sisters, we stand firm on God’s Word, the same word yesterday, today, and tomorrow. For God in His Word and Promises has given to us all we need for life and godliness (1 Peter 2:3). If you choose to supplement to God’s Word and direction, that is between you and your Maker. Our business is to go about teaching all of God’s Word, particularly focused on Biblical Womanhood. For we now have the richness that comes from seeing God do mighty miracles in the lives of thousands of women by empowering them to become all that God desires of them within the framework of His will and His ways. Testimony after testimony can be seen each day in this forgotten yet essential ministry of the Church. May God open up the hearts of godly women, pastors, and churches everywhere to desire to study what God has to say and commands from His mighty Word concerning Biblical Womanhood. The fruit is spectacular to those who will believe Him and follow as servants of the God Most High.

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Timothy 2:11,12


Alfred Lilienthal – Patriotic American Jew Fought Against Zionism


(Alfred Lilienthal, 1915-2008) Alfred Lilienthal belongs to the ranks of courageous Jews 

who opposed the Jewish supremacist agenda. 

Others include Myron FaganBenjamin Freedman, Elmer Berger

Henry Klein

In the 1950s, Alfred Lilienthal warned that the U.S. is fighting Israel’s wars 

to dominate a region. The US is not fighting for our freedom as the propaganda machine preaches. 
from Oct 6, 2019by Michael Cangemi(henrymakow.com)  October 6, 2019, marks the 11th anniversary of the passing of a truly great American, historian Alfred M. Lilienthal at age 94. 
 As early as 1953, the graduate of Cornell University and Columbia Law School who yearly visited the Middle East stirred up no small displeasure with a Reader’s Digest article, “Israel’s Flag is Not Mine.” After a negative sermon on the article was given in a New York synagogue, he was awakened by a rank, threatening phone call. “If you don’t stop, we will have you killed. You are undoing everything we are struggling for…lay off what you are doing.” 


Heroically, he did not stop. Some friends and family shunned him while others quietly told him they agreed. In 2008, I chanced upon copies of two of his books: What Price Israel? (1953) and The Zionist Connection (1978).
 I had not heard of the books or Alfred Lilienthal. The Zionist Connection‘s stark, white cover featured Israel’s Star of David symbol superimposed (appropriately) over a section of Stars and Stripes. ( The Star of David is in fact an old occult symbol adopted by Zionist leaders for the new state and has no connection to biblical King David. )
 The book’s inside cover notes that the author ” finds the meticulous organization of Zionism reaching into the White House, mobilizing public opinion, exercising control over Congress, repressing opposition through anti-Semitic labeling and exercising inordinate control over the media of information…endangering American national interests.” 

Before 1948 Lilienthal notes there was essentially no Jew-Arab conflict. Once the new state was established, Zionist leaders “set in motion a simultaneous flow of Jews into the country and Arabs from the country.” 

Quoting David Ben-Gurion, “Israel is the country of the Jews and only the Jews.” Lilienthal called the displacement of the 1.3 million, Christian and Muslim  Arab population, a devastating abrogation of the western professed ideal of self-determination…this is the ‘original sin’ that underlies the entire Palestine conflict.” 


The Zionists employed psychological warfare and outright terrorism to drive out Palestinians and “expropriate their homes, lands and property.” One of the most heinous examples was the massacre of the small Arab village of Deir Yassin, wherein a surprise attack, 250 old men, women and children “…were cold-bloodedly murdered in their homes with no signs of fighting…I can’t forget what happened there…I saw the atrocities committed…” witnessed an Israeli Haganah officer. 

Lilienthal wrote that the massacre of Palestinians was “carefully concealed from the west–Americans in particular…who out of abysmal ignorance and a gnawing sense of guilt over the Holocaust accepted in toto the ideological Zionist fairy tale including the myth that the Arabs were being well treated” but in practical, economic, human and social terms they were being decimated. 

The resulting enormous humanitarian and refugee crisis that Israel created, “was virtually unreported to the American public” and constituted “a cover-up and cover-over with few parallels in the annals of man.” Alfred suggested part of the reason was a ” a letter by the press advisor to Israel’s Washington Embassy: It advised that anyone interested in the Arab refugee problem was to be considered ‘pro-Arab oriented’ and hence ‘anti-Semitic.” 

 Other topics covered in The Zionist Connection :

 * Dual loyalty encouraged among American Jews. 

* The 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty which killed 34 American sailors, injured scores more. The US inquiry a “white -wash.” Israeli intent was to sink the vessel and blame the Egyptians.

 * The Khazar’s adoption of Judaism in 740 AD was “historical fact.” Zionism’s founders, Herzl, Weizmann, etc. were Khazar descendants and NOT Hebrews thus nullifying their claim to Palestine. 

* Christians deceived and in bondage regarding modern Israel. 

* Accused Jews and Christians of essentially worshipping the state of Israel while ignoring the moral implications. 

* Exploitation of the Holocaust even though Zionists cooperated in sending thousands of their fellow Jews to their deaths for political purposes. 

Posts on his website included two important pieces: Liberating America from Israel written by former Republican Congressman, Paul Findley. In the first paragraph, the 22 year veteran of the U.S. Congress states: “Nine-Eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. Government had refused to help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth.” 

Another was a write up about Edwin Wright, a son of missionary parents, who did an extensive study of Zionism and learned Zionist ideology says they must have a large enough area to accommodate the whole of the world’s Jewish population. 


Also from Wright’s writings: “It is not brought out in Zionist propaganda in America but what they claim is all the territory from the Suez Canal…to southern Turkey …Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Sinai from…the Nile to the Euphrates.” “This is the territory they call, “Eretz Israel” ( Greater Israel ). 

They also believe their messiah will not return until they control all of Eretz Israel. 

Reading about the horrible mistreatment the Israelis dealt the Palestinians, I couldn’t help thinking of a scripture, that Lilienthal also quoted: “But the stranger that dwells among you shall be unto you as one born among you and thou shalt love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Leviticus 19:34 

Unable to personally respond to emails in 2008, I was told by his webmaster he had indeed embraced Jesus Christ as his Messiah. A photo on his website showed Alfred squatting down holding a young Palestinian child while several others gathered around him. 

He exhibited more of the love of Christ to those unfortunates than the American Christian Zionists who blindly aided and still aid their persecutors. “By their fruits you will know them.”


Michael Cangemi, is a Texas artist, 9/11truth activist, and Bible college graduate. His website: www.cangemifineart.com  I was raised Catholic, saved in Evangelical and Full Gospel circles. I believe there is a lot of good Biblical teaching within Churches. I have a  problem with silence and willful ignorance in the face of deception and mass murder and the reasons it was done. I believe the Church is deceived about Zionism, which they support publicly.

Michael adds:  Among the fast amount of material in The Zionist Connection, Alfred also included a significant quote from George Washington’s farewell address warning of the dangers of a “passionate attachment” to any one nation“So likewise, a passionate attachment, of any one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation facilitates the illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases where no real common interests exists, and infuses into one, the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation of the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate inducement of justification…”

How well that advice should be adhered to regarding our sordid relationship with modern Israel.

For the most recent book about the attack of the USS Liberty, and an soon to be released movie, visit www.erasingtheliberty.com  And yes, Jack Bernstein too, great American patriot. Thanks for the mention.Also by Michael Cangemi  – God is a 9-11 Truther 

RelatedIsrael’s Descent into a Moral Abyss
