Reasons to remain child free

Ellie Gonsalves, a model and actress, gave 178 reasons why she chooses to remain childfree to her over a million followers on Instagram. (I won’t link to her since she’s extremely immodest.) She’s insightful about all of the hard parts about bearing and raising children. It’s far from easy! None of God’s ways are easy, but they are good. Here is part of her list:

1. They are YOUR responsibility until the day you die
2. Post partum hair loss
3. You are tired ALL the time
4. Children can inherit emotional trauma
5. The worlds already overpopulated
6. You will watch your child scramble for the already limited resources eg. Jobs, housing etc.
7. You become second priority to your partner
8. Your child can decide to cut you off for whatever reason when they’re older
9. They can be bullied
10. They can be bullies
11. They can turn into a serial killer
12. They can turn into a rapist
13. You will watch them grow up in a world of chaos and stress every minute of every day if they are ok and they are safe
14. Kids can be ungrateful
15. Kids can be rude
16. Kids can be wildly embarrassing
17. Terrible twos
18. Teenager stage
19. Teenager phase
20. There will never be a break from parenthood

She acts like she’s brave sharing all of these reasons. The problem is that the birth rates in most countries are at all time lows. God created us to marry and be fruitful and multiply. She’s simply pushing the feminist agenda that has been pushed on women for decades now and is going to end up be devastating to many nations.

I asked the women in on my Instagram what the blessings are in having children. Here are some of their replies:

They help you slow down and enjoy life
Her list is mostly fear driven! Your children could be…Not a reason to not have children.
They bring JOY to the family.
My son lights up my life in so many ways.
The privilege of raising eternal souls who prayerfully will accept Christ as their Savior.
The laughter, love, unconditional love, baby smiles, and baby babble.
We are able to see things in a new light by watching them explore the world.
Too many to count but I can’t imagine growing old and having no family to fellowship with.
They bring joy to our home with their laughter and innocence.
You mature into a new version of yourself!
They sanctify you and teach you patience and unselfishness.
Little children bring endless cuddles, cures loneliness, and love watching them learn.
Teaching and showing them what is good.
Life becomes joyful!!!
You grow in holiness and patience.
They become the best people to know, your best friends.
So many blessings. They can make the world a better place if God is placed in their home.
They think you’re the most perfect mom in the world, even when you don’t think so yourself.
Truly seeing God’s love through your children.
Too many to name. I often wish I had more.
They make even the most mundane tasks fun.
Siblings make best friends.
A little extra purpose in this life, eternal reward!
All of the beautiful fruit manifested in your child from doing your very best.
Witnessing all the milestones and becoming friends when they are adults and then grandbabies!
It pleases the Lord. Truly gifts from Him.
Endless undeserved hugs, kisses, giggles, and “I love you!”
They brighten every day and they light up the eyes of the elderly with new hope.
Getting to learn alongside/see the world through the eyes of a child again.
Realizing they are your life’s work and purpose.
Teaching them about God and His Word.
A heritage from God.
Knowing you’re being obedient to the Lord.
A crowded table when you’re older.
If you raise godly children, you won’t be lonely in your old age! So sad to see elderly who die alone.
Having simple childlike fun with them

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127:3-5

Oppression and women speaking in the church

The definition of oppression:

The imposition of unreasonable burdens

To support behaviors in the church that God forbids is OPPRESSING the church.

It’s an unreasonable burden on all Christians and the church, and it’s rebelling against God.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35

[34] Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

[35] And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

There is nothing mysterious about these verses. It’s very plain. And yet, while Merie was writing letters to churches, overthrowing twenty centuries of women being silent in the churches, her copious studying did not reveal to her that women should not be teaching men or speaking in the churches.

When God’s orders are ignored, that is mistreating God’s commands and order, and you can be sure, just as the fall follows the summer, that mistreatment of other Christians will soon follow. No one has actually compiled the statistics, but it’s reasonably certain that 60-80%, if not higher, of the church withdrawals for oppression have been women. That’s based on my 44 years of observation, and there are a few other men raised in the church for decades with four decades of experience who concur.

So when a woman speaks in the church, and God told her not to, she is being oppressive. Now, many women will claim they are being oppressed by being told by God to be silent in church. Well, the women in the New Testament did it just fine. We are often told about Mary Magdalene and how she discovered Christ’s empty tomb. Certainly, but there is no indication she announced what she had seen at a formal gathering, and even if it was formal, it’s perfectly appropriate for witnesses to relate what they have seen. She saw it and ran to tell the disciples, and there was no indication there was a formal meeting going on at the time. It would be like a Christian woman driving on the road and seeing another Christian in an accident on the side of the road; she’d probably call the preacher or other Christians. That is entirely unrelated to women sharing in public meetings with men present.

There is an article on my website about this titled “The Women at his feet.” 1/8/24

God created everything with balance and order, and whenever any element is out of order, it affects the rest of God’s creation, too. Women’s teaching has removed the responsibility from men to lead. Women despise passive, undisciplined, unmotivated men. Yet, isn’t that precisely what women’s teaching frequently produces? When a man has no call of duty, he often becomes sluggish and lethargic. When he has to contend with women for responsibilities, many men will yield and let her do it. There are plenty of men in Stanton who have done well in Stanton, living a Godly life. That’s wonderful, but it doesn’t take away the fact that when women are out of order, men are far more GENERALLY to be passive and apathetic. God designed the woman to be a motivating force for the man. She was to help him, inspire him, and give him at once pleasure and responsibility with sex and children. In return, he was to provide her firmness, strength, and wisdom to help her. It was a perfect design.

How interesting when women doubt God’s order and have fear, saying, “Oh, the men can’t lead the church; I need to speak up,” she makes the situation worse. Whatever the problem was, in Merie’s case, it was paid preachers; it’s now worse because two more problems have now been added: women out of order in marriage and in the church. Now, we have three problems to fix instead of one.




  Lori Alexander

This is a testimony about the transforming power of Truth from God’s Word from a wife, mother, and homemaker who once was an anesthetist!

Dear Lori,

Consistently reading you has radically changed my life and marriage for the better!! Where do I begin? I always wanted what you have taught, but it’s been a battle bringing it to fruition in my life!! I longed to be a wife and mother at an early age and was blessed to have a wonderful mom who stayed home full-time! Like you, I loved that she was home each day when I arrived home from school so I could share with her all about school and the little stories of my day. She now lives eight hours away and, even though I am 59 years old, we still talk almost every day.

I was an excellent student, a hard worker and was already, unknowingly breathing the air of feminism all around me. Because of my good grades, responsible behavior and ability to work hard, I went off to college with the desire to become a nurse. However, my college counselors recommended, based on my ACT scores and grades that I become a physician instead.

So, being a young woman who also loved to please my parents and others, I began taking pre-med classes. I felt virtually no peace!! I ended up switching back and forth between nursing and pre-med (Natural Sciences) three times because I was torn between wanting to be a wife and mother and feeling like I “should” be a doctor. I recall telling my college counselor, who really wanted me to go to medical school that “I want to be a mom” to which she replied, “You can be a Doctor and a Mom.” But inside I thought, “I want to BE there, raising, loving and being with my children!” I am beyond grateful that I didn’t become a physician. Many of the female physicians I worked with over the years were jealous of the nurses who worked only a couple of shifts a week or month.

I met my first husband the first week of college. We both loved the Lord and wanted to be obedient to God and reserve sex for marriage. When we got engaged, the majority of our friends, acquaintances, and the staff at the small private Catholic college we attended were STRONGLY opposed to our marriage as we were “too young”! I can only recall one friend being supportive of us. However, both of our parents were supportive. I was terrified of getting married and thought we were making a huge mistake because everyone was so in an uproar about it.

Despite this, we were married in the Church right before my sophomore year and his junior year of college. Of course, with both of us working and taking a full load of courses, we began to be overwhelmed and started not getting along. Unfortunately, I thought I made a huge mistake and ended up leaving him a year after we were married. In hindsight, I was twenty years old and desperately wanted to get pregnant (the age of highest fertility…this was totally normal!!). If I had been listening to that still, small voice, I should have dropped out of school, stayed home, and helped my husband finish college and then get pregnant. Our marriage was later annulled.

After I graduated from college, I ended up meeting a wonderful man, and we were married within a year of meeting. I still felt pressure to go to medical school and ended up living three hours away from my husband while I attended anesthesia school where I was under so much stress the entire time. My husband wanted me to work, and I desperately didn’t want our children in daycare full-time. I thought by becoming an anesthetist, I could work part-time and be home most of the time. That is exactly what happened! I worked one day a week and was home with our two sons most of the time for their entire childhood.

However, I am convinced that the stress of school, my career, and feeling like my husband didn’t really want to step up and be the provider and protector, led me to have “Unexplained Infertility.” I was able to conceive one time, but miscarried early on. We ultimately were blessed by the beautiful gift of adoption. We adopted two baby boys at birth who are now 24 and 26.

My job was a very stressful job, but the bigger problem was that I made three times what my husband made. It seemed like no matter what I did or how hard I tried or how much I prayed, there was no unity in my marriage. Little did I realize the high divorce rate when a wife makes more money than her husband.

Through a series of unfortunate circumstances, (which I now realize was just the normal life of a working wife and mother in our culture), three years ago I essentially had a nervous breakdown. I ended up quitting my job as an anesthetist. and I was also volunteering as a teacher one day a week at an all girls private Catholic school an hour away…and I stepped down from that as well. I was singing, decorating. and floral arranging at Church and I stepped down from those volunteer activities, and we left this Church.

At this point, I had been reading you for a couple of years. I began to realize from reading you that the way that I am, sensitive, nurturing, and more emotional, was not a mistake and didn’t mean there was something wrong with me. I learned from you that I wasn’t weak, because I felt the stress of my job more than a man. It was the way God created me!!! It was a huge relief to be able to accept myself.

Another aspect to your writing that helped me immensely was your blog post on your friendships growing up and how you had experienced cruelty from girls and women. I had this experience so many times throughout my life that I began to believe there was something wrong with me. I also experienced unknowingly, men falling in love with me…wanting to buy me gifts, wanting to bring me dinner when I was on call at the hospital, texting me, etc.

Finally, a priest admitted to struggling with being attracted to me. I had no idea of his struggle as he always treated me with such respect, integrity, and fidelity to his vocation as a Priest. As a result of reading your blog and his honesty with me, I realized what had been going on for all of my life both with men and women. When I quit my job and all outside activities, I was so grateful to God (and relieved) to be in the safety and security of my home each day; no longer having to deal with the unkindness and jealousy of women or the danger of men being attracted to or falling in love with me.Thanks be to God!

The other thing I realized from reading you is that so much of my focus was on outside ministry. Yes, it’s for the Church, but the line that you wrote that helped me the most is:

“You should be spending the majority of your time and energy serving your husband and family!”

The area that has most been set right though is my marriage. I never wanted to be leading the family, but sometimes a wife just has to quit her job and volunteer activities, prioritize her husband and things are restored to the proper order naturally. This has been true in the case of my marriage.

The videos where you show your peaceful, slower paced life have been a great help too! The article on “A Quiet Life” was so powerful! Everyone says that “When you retire you will be busier than ever.” However, I have made a conscious decision not to sign up for volunteer activities or to look for another job, even part time. I cannot tell you the peace that has come into our marriage, home, and family as a result of this. My husband seems comforted by my presence and my availability. He is able to focus exclusively on his career and work whatever hours he needs to work.

I went to spiritual direction regularly with a couple of priests over the last ten years. I am so grateful to God for their help during these trials in my life, but in the quietness of prayer, I am able to acknowledge that, by a landslide, your teaching has helped me in way that has brought such a profound peace and joy to my life; a peace that has eluded me for most of my life. I know that I will never return to the way of life I never wanted in the first place. It’s not so much that you taught me something new, but you provided support and affirmation for being a woman in the way God created me in the midst of a culture where there is little to no support for women being…well, women. This gave me the courage to come “All the Way Home.”

Thank you for the love you have shown for all of us women struggling desperately out here in the land of militant feminism!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1,2



 This video deals with Jewish expulsions and why Jews have convinced themselves they matter more when, in reality, they matter the least to God and to every non Jew in the world. But see, in order to rule us, the inferior Jew must cripple us first because in the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

I have added music, changed the pitch and remastered the audio.


 Complete list of Jewish expulsions: download)
Note: The above is minus Afghanistan and Yemen, both of which happened after Guatemala, the last recorded expulsion on that list.

