Democracy is an Illusion (Perspective)


The covidscam has alerted millions to the fact that the world is controlled by a small cabal of satanist central bankers who wish to enslave us. Most everyone who is “successful” serves their demented agenda. This article from 2005 provides background for people new to our ugly political reality.

from Aug 20, 2005

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. 

A “Far Side” cartoon describes our innocence about democracy.

A slave rowing a Viking ship puts up his hand and calls to the whip master: “Yoo-hoo! Oh, yoo-hoo… I think I’m getting a blister.”

Like this man, most people cling to the belief that our leaders represent our interests. 

“Yoo, hoo, Mr. Bush, you lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction.”

At an elite gathering, Bush peered under his lectern and quipped: “Where are those weapons of mass destruction?” 

A tiny cabal of international bankers chooses our “leaders”. This clique, which subtly controls every significant facet of our society is gradually establishing an Orwellian global police state. Much of the ruling class has been duped to think they are building a better world. 

Prove it, you say? 


“The Naked Capitalist” by W.C. Skousen (available at & is yet another smoking gun. It is based on the revelations contained in Professor Carroll Quiqley’s “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time.” (1966)

Quiqley, a Professor of History at the Foreign Service School at Georgetown University was a trusted insider who had access to their private archives. He felt the plot, which he supported, was too important to be kept hidden. However, shortly after publication, his book was taken off the market. 

Cleon Skoussen was an FBI agent for 16 years and the Police Chief of Salt Lake City for four years. His “The Naked Capitalist” distills the most shocking evidence from Quigley’s daunting 1300-page book. 

At just 122 pages, “The Naked Capitalist” (1970) is a concise, lucid and absolutely convincing account of the international banker conspiracy. Historians have betrayed the public trust by largely ignoring this material.


Quigley confirms that a network of banking dynasties has, in Skousen’s words, “acquired a choke-hold on the affairs of practically the entire human race.” According to Quigley, they include “Baring, Lazard, Erlanger, Warburg, Schroder, Selingman, the Speyers, Mirabaud, Malet, and above all Rothschild and Morgan.” (Citations are from Tragedy and Hope, 51-52) 

Quigley confirms that, starting with the Bank of England in 1694, these dynasties organized themselves in a system of central banks that charge their respective nations billions of dollars in interest for the privilege of using currency backed by the nations’ own credit. In other words, they have carried off a swindle of monstrous proportions.

Quigley quotes William Gladstone who as Chancellor of the Exchequer said in 1852: “The government itself was not to be a substantive power in matters of Finance, but was to leave the Money Power supreme and unquestioned.” (325)

This power of the Bank of England. . . was admitted by most qualified observers. In January, 1924, Reginald McKenna. . . as chairman of the board of the Midland Bank, told its stockholders: ‘I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create money. . . . And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.'” [25]

Able to create money out of nothing, they naturally grabbed as much of the world’s real wealth as they could. Quigley writes about the formation of their American cartels: “The period 1884-1933 was the period of financial capitalism in which investment bankers moving into commercial banking and insurance on the one side, and into railroading and heavy industry on the other were able to mobilize enormous wealth and wield enormous economic, political and social power.” (71)

Indeed their representatives, the “Eastern Establishment” i.e. the Morgans and now the Rockefellers run the United States. (72) The principle mechanism is the Council on Foreign Relations. 

According to Quigley, the ultimate goal is “nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled …by the central banks…acting in concert.” (324)

Quigley confirms that the bankers have usurped mankind’s collective instincts by financing the Socialist and Communist movements. Bankers love big government because the ultimate monopoly is the State. Through it, they take over their competition and control debt, resources, market demand and labor.

Speaking of the Communist takeover of the US government in the 1930’s and 1940’s, Quigley writes, “it must be understood that the power that these energetic left-wingers exercised was never their own power of Communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie.” (954) 

In other words, millions of idealists committed to human brotherhood and equality were (and are) duped into advancing a totalitarian scheme to concentrate the world’s wealth and power into the hands of the superrich. More opportunistic Leftists, Communists, Feminists and Globalists prosper while piously pretending to serve humanity.

The Money Power controls the debate and encourages gridlock by backing all shades of the political spectrum and marginalizing anyone who shines the spotlight on them. (Ever wonder why the word “Rothschild” has never crossed Noam Chomsky’s lips? Or why the John Birch Society debunks the obvious fact that 9-11 was an “inside job?”) The media is controlled through direct ownership and advertising.


Quigley writes: “To Morgan all political parties were simply organizations to be used, and the firm always was careful to keep a foot in all camps. Morgan himself, Dwight Morrow and other partners were allied with the Republicans; Russell C. Lewffingwell was allied with the Democrats; Grayson Murphy was allied with the extreme Right; and Thomas W. Lamont was allied with the Left.” (945)

The Lamont family was “sponsors and financial angels to almost a score of extreme Left organizations including the Communist Party itself.” (945)


A small cabal of people who are not even citizens hold the financial purse strings of every nation.

This goes a long way to explaining “globalization” and the push to one-world government. It explains the assault on race, religion, nation and family. The bankers want a homogenous deracinated neutered world that offers no basis of resistance.

It explains why in a time of supposed security danger, the southern border of the US is practically porous. The bankers want to undermine America’s European character, which it perceives as a threat. 

It explains the carte blanche Israel receives, the war on Iraq, and the fact that there is no opposition to the war in the mainstream parties or press. This war desecrates a cradle of civilization and assails Islam. It is also an opportunity to create more debt and enrich the bankers and their corporate allies. 

It explains 9-11, the Patriot Repression Act and the phoney “War on Terror.” 

It explains the depraved mass media and stupefying education system. I could go on but you get the picture. We are krill at the mercy of a gigantic whale. At the very least, let’s not waste energy thinking we live in a free and open society. 

Our democracy is a ruse. Ostensibly it expresses the aspirations of the people. In reality, it masks the insidious anti-human agenda of the central bankers.

Nate, and Joseph, two of my brothers, and I walked in Raleys with no masks on. No one tried to say anything to us or harassed us.

Jay, Nate, and I walked into Raleys on Sunset, in Suisun City with no masks on last night, and no one in the store did or said anything to us.

Next door, “Mavericks” is a restaurant owned by a friend of mine and his family, Ned.

He hasn’t required masks this entire lockdown!!! Just think about all the harassment he has taken. But, he stands strong, and his business was packed last night.

Ned is one of the bravest business owners in California, and if you are around Suisun city, by the Raley’s on Sunset, please consider giving him all the business you can and tell your friends about him too.

Contrary to media propaganda, 5G towers are linked to the coronavirus.

(Natural News) The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has released a report outlining the risks and dangers posed by both 5G and 4G wireless technologies, which are linked to acute and persistent oxidative stress in the body.

Prolonged exposure to 5G and 4G radiation can result in damage to cells, tissues, proteins and DNA, as well as suppression of natural immunity. These effects could explain why the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has been particularly ravaging in areas where these technologies are prolific.

While COVID-19 has been all but non-existent in the third world, North America and Europe are seeing among the highest number of new “cases,” which could be a result of their populations being fried by 5G and 4G all day long.

In Wuhan, China, where the novel virus originated, 5G towers had just been activatedprior to the “pandemic,” lending credence to the notion that 5G helped to fuel the wave of sickness and death that was depicted there by the media.

As our readers may recall from the early days of the “pandemic,” the China Virus was likewise problematic in Russia, Japan and many Arab nations, all of which similarly had 5G towers installed and at least partially activated just prior to the plandemic.

Africa, meanwhile, has seen barely any cases of the WuFlu, and it just so happens to not have any 5G towers activated at the current time – though it is coming.

“According to our man in Alaska, Bill Laughing-Bear, bad biological effects of non-ionizing radiation is a Western disease,” reports The Big Wobble. “With this type of energetic air pollution, there are many causes for concern.”

“For instance, it is known that both single and double-strand DNA will break down due to these cell phone frequencies. While single strand at times can heal, it is thought that double-strand DNA breaks will not repair and can lead to genetic mutations.”

5G kills, and Trump wants more of it across America

Other health problems associated with exposure to non-ionizing radiation include:

• Poor memory and concentration
• Delayed reaction times
• Headaches
• Decreased levels of melatonin
• Anxiety
• Chronic pain
• Pressure in the chest and shortness of breath
• Nausea
• Dizziness
• Blood pressure problems
• Sleep disorders
• Chronic fatigue
• Tinnitus

The long-term health impacts of chronic radioactive exposure from mobile phone technologies include:

• Multiple sclerosis
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Birth defects
• Red blood cells sticking together or deforming due to “bottle capping”
• ADD / ADHD in children
• Reproductive problems
• Skin disorders
• Parkinson’s disease
• Autism

Though the mainstream media and public health authorities continue to deny any link between cell phone radiation and damage to human health, the evidence is out there for anyone willing to take a look at it. The damage it causes to the immune system is particularly concerning as it renders people as “sitting ducks” for viruses like COVID-19 to come along and ravage their health with ease.

“Our Western ideals have increased to a point where our very lifestyle is causing us spiritual, mental and physical pain,” The Big Wobble adds, warning that the solution, a vaccine injection, is “all it takes” to forever alter human DNA and cause even more damage.

“The very idea of modern Western culture brings us pain, punishes us and causes remorse. Our breakneck lifestyles inflict physical injury and disease and produce frustration and hopelessness. In a world connected by social media, depression, loneliness and suicide are at record-breaking levels.”

Keep in mind that President Donald Trump is a vocal advocate for 5G, having allotted billions of taxpayer dollars for its nationwide rollout as part of a trillion-dollar infrastructure package.

Sure enough, 5G is connected to this virus. The rates of the virus are highest in the cities with the most 5G towers.

Does everyone know what a 5G tower looks like? Because it likely will be necessary to one day rise up and destroy them. Am researching how to efficiently and quickly destroy them now myself.

They are placed mostly on the sides of freeways, because they have short ranges. They tell us they are necessary for cell phone and internet speeds to increase, but, they are military weapons.

Metal towers, surrounded by barbed wire fencing, with rectangles on the top, wires protruding. They often try to disguise them.

Why China Can Be “Homophobic”


Nothing says the West is slated for decline more than a comparison of China’s gender policies with ours. The Chinese are spared the constant promotion of gender dysphoria (homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism) we see in the West. They are allowed to be “homophobic,” i.e. to protect gender, marriage, and family.
“Gay Rights” were never about shielding homosexuals from persecution. They were designed to spread homosexual dysfunction to heterosexual Christian society destabilizing & rendering it vulnerable to conquest and enslavement.   
Similar to homosexuality, China is spared multiculturalism and migration.
The Chinese also have a fierce sense of patriotism, i.e. nationalism. In contrast, the West is led by Masonic Satanists, perverts and traitors dedicated to their own countries’ destruction. They are Communist too, but China, already Communist, is not the target. Similarly China and Russia are being spared covid lockdowns.

624_trudeau2_2 (1).jpg

from Jan 10, 2018(Nothing has changed in three years.)
Source: Newsweek: “The World’s Worst Place to be Gay”The worst place in the world for LGBT to live is China, according to a pro-gay survey that puts Beijing at the bottom of a list of most welcoming cities, alongside several other Chinese cities. (Full survey here.)To celebrate Pride Month, German housing website Nestpick ranked the most welcoming cities for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. Beijing came last out of 100 cities, while Shanghai sat at number 89 and Hong Kong at 83.
At the other end, Madrid topped the list, followed by Amsterdam, Toronto, Tel Aviv and London.
Last week, Shanghai Pride activists told The Daily Beast about LGBT life in China, saying that although gay clubs exist, few people come out as many people struggle to be accepted by families and the state. Homosexuality in China was decriminalized in 1997 and was removed from an official list of mental illnesses a few years later.
A 2013 survey by the Pew Research Center found that just 21 percent of China’s population was in favor of homosexuality. There are clinics in China offer still offer “conversion therapy” to homosexuals.
Though most in China do not follow a monotheistic religion, unlike many countries with low acceptance of homosexuality, many parts of society still hold conservative views on social issues. One of the activists who spoke to The Daily Beast, Charlene Liu, Shanghai Pride organizer, emphasized this: “The family culture–being able to start a family, getting married, having children to carry on the family name–that itself is one of the biggest issues in the country. And that leads to a whole set of different issues like, do I go into a marriage of convenience, do I become a single parent, and so on.”
However, a study conducted by Peking University in 2016 found that 58 percent of gay and straight Chinese people felt that LGBT people were ostracized by their families. In the same survey, just 15 percent of gay people said they had come out to their families, and fewer than half said that had gone well.
Though homosexuality is not illegal, the state does in some ways restrict LGBT visibility. China’s strict censorship laws extend to film–as well as political censorship, cutting scenes that portray the government in an unflattering light, the authorities have removed scenes depicting homosexuality, for instance, Michael Fassbender’s gay alien kiss was cut out of the movie Alien: Covenant, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Related – Russia also allowed to be “Homophobic” Protect Hetero Norms
Israel & China, a “Marriage Made in Heaven” – Netanyahu
You are Sick – First-Hand Accounts of 17 CHINESE LGBT
CHINA Bans LGBT Content from the Internet Chinese Gays Forced to Cancel Conference

The New Jewish Exodus

Adrienne Skolnik

Three months ago, with great sadness, I terminated membership with my synagogue.  I am not alone.  This phenomenon is happening to thousands of religiously conservative Jews throughout our nation who are Republicans.  What would cause thousands of Jews to feel so alienated they would break from tradition and be without a “religious and spiritual home?”  How much sadness has this caused within this segment of the Jewish community?  Even more importantly, When did Judaism stop being Jewish?

I joined a local synagogue in 2014 when I moved to Asheville, North Carolina.  My initial conversation with my rabbi was welcoming and informative.  Over time he became a trusted friend.  I also enjoyed being a member for many years, and all seemed well.

In 2017, I befriended a Jewish woman who was a Democrat.  She had no religious affiliation so I invited her to a Shabbat service.  Surprisingly, she didn’t kiss the Torah when it passed by us, and fell asleep during the service.  I wondered why she came at all.  Then during my rabbi’s sermon, I found out.  That week there had been a community service with various clergy at a local mosque.  My rabbi spoke at the service.  My friend also attended.

After the service, she rudely asked why I didn’t go to the mosque?  I replied, “I had another commitment.”  She thoughtlessly and antagonistically barked, “You’re a racist!”  I was shocked for she knew I had an adopted Ethiopian-Jewish son.   Because of her callous disregard for others, insulting me in my synagogue on this peaceful Shabbat, our friendship ended.

What is the significance of this unpleasant event?  It was an omen of a changing Jewish culture where social justice/identity politics meant inclusivity, and nonconformity meant exclusivity.

Shabbat luncheon was a lovely time to visit with friends. To honor the sanctity of Shabbat, I preferred conversations that were dispassionate. This changed after President Trump was elected.  When Democratic friends asked me political questions and I casually answered from a Republican viewpoint, their backs arched and they became confrontational.  “You’re a what?  You’re a Republican?  You mean you voted for Trump?  How could you?”  And then the expletives started to fly.  “He’s a this, a that (some expletives were too offensive to write). 

I refused to be confrontational on Shabbat and would calmly reply, “The greatest thing about this country is we have the constitutional right to choose.”  Then I’d ask three questions.  Has your life changed in any way since President Trump was elected?  They said no.  Has your 401K improved?  They said yes.  If you own a business and you now have a 14% profit because President Trump lowered the corporate tax from 35% to 21%, isn’t that a good thing?  Yes.  I explained that although I didn’t vote for President Obama and disagreed with his policies, I didn’t personally attack anyone like they were doing now.  If their vitriol against President Trump didn’t stop, I left the synagogue.  The sanctity of Shabbat had disappeared. 

Progressive-left ideologies and social justice discourse monopolized conversations and email newsletters.  Even sermons contained political references.  Tikkun Olam (improving the world) by their definition, was not to be questioned.  As a Republican, I didn’t agree with their causes or agendas, so sadly the once peaceful feeling in my “religious and spiritual home” was vanishing.  Many Republican friends were experiencing similar situations and ended their memberships.

Then a series of events occurred.  When Tamika Mallory (a known anti-Semite) spoke at UNC, my Republican Jewish friends peacefully protested.  In the next synagogue newsletter, they were publicly criticized. The author apologized to the black community and hoped it didn’t hurt relations.  My friends wrote a concerned letter to the Board of Directors asking that the newsletter not have political content.  The letter was ignored, so they ended their membership.  (After black radicals killed two Jews and their employee in New Jersey, and attacked Jews with machetes in New York, I asked the author if the black community apologized to the Jewish community so it didn’t hurt relations?  When I heard that members of my synagogue protested with BLM and one got arrested, why weren’t they publicly criticized in the newsletter?) 

Some members even tried to convince me that BLM is an idea.  You can’t see an idea!  Ideas don’t destroy cities, loot and harm people. A Republican Christian friend sent me these videos and an article debunking and exposingthe radical Marxist BLM doctrine because there is also a Christian exodus occurring.   

Six months ago, an article appeared in the synagogue newsletter presenting, “Jews of Whiteness and Jews of Color.”  This identity politics terminology upset me, since I have an Ethiopian son.  When people ask me if he is black, I answer, “I never noticed.  He’s a Jew.”  Why is this divisive rhetoric in our community?  What is this self-imposed segregation?  It was so offensive I wrote an article called, “Whiteness, the New Evil.”     

I sent this article to another Jewish liberal friend.  After she read it, she ended our relationship.  So saddened, I wrote another article called, “Losing a Friend to Politics.”   

I met with the board of directors and addressed their messaging of inclusivity, diversity, equity and exclusivity; their social justice agendas supporting BLM and identity politics; Republican members being alienated and leaving; and to maintain neutrality keep the newsletter apolitical.  Also, that there was more concern for people outside of Judaism than for fellow Jews in the community who needed to feel welcome in their “religious and spiritual home.”  My concerns were ignored.     

To retain equity, I asked to contribute links and articles to the synagogue newsletter from a Republican viewpoint.  Instead of putting my organizations’ links and articles contiguous to other member’s social justice links at the top of the community section, my articles were rejected and my links were relegated to the very bottom.  Social justice, identity politics and articles supporting BLM appeared (even after BLM vandalized synagogues), another about the Southern Poverty Law Center featuring a black fist.  This wasn’t what I signed up for when I became a member.

Because I didn’t conform to Orwellian doublethink or Janis’s groupthink, I was being censored, silenced, and squeezed out.  This contradicts everything Judaism represents.  Midrash (Rabbinic interpretations of the Bible) teaches differing viewpoints, exchange of ideas, dialogue, debate, inquiry, investigation, and interpretation.  The direction and mentality of Jewish culture was drastically changing.  Why remain here?  Why work long hours on fundraisers for this synagogue and be disrespected and alienated.

The ethics of civility have disappeared.  Virtue signaling, divisive rhetoric, personal attacks (verbal and written) meant to intimidate and silence you, and the altering of Tikkun Olam are tearing the Jewish people apart.  The precious sense of community, cherished relationships and shared aspirations that once created unity are vanishing.  Anti-Semitism is on the rise, yet social justice warriors (from Jewish elected officials on down) ignore the history of ill-treatment against the Jews and acquiesce to protect others.

To quote on the destruction of the Second Temple:  “Aside from the troubles caused by these external powers, the Jews were also plagued internally by tumultuous politics, and they divided into factions — a phenomenon that ultimately led to the Temple’s destruction and our nation’s tortuous exile.”

When did Judaism stop being Jewish?  When it turned its back on its own.

Adrienne Skolnik is Chairman of the North Carolina chapter of the Conference of Jewish Affairs.

Austin Fitts – It’s Not a Vaccine; It’s an Operating System

January 1, 2021 


In this groundbreaking video, Catherine Austin Fitts says the most profitable business in the world is slavery, and humanity is the target. The COVID vaccines contain an operating system that will allow the Illuminati to monitor us 24/7 and turn off our bank accountsif we don’t behave. 

“Just as Gates installed an operating system in our computers, now the vision is to install an operating system in our bodies and use “viruses” to mandate an initial installation followed by regular updates.”

 Related-Moderna admits the rRNA tech is an operating system

Dr. Joseph Mercola expands:

How do you market and implement a financial system that nobody would want if they understood its full ramifications — a change so huge that it not only would mean the end of currency as we know it, but a total revision of sovereignty and individual rights?

In a YouTube video (above) and an upcoming documentary, financial guru Catherine Austin Fitts describes the complicated, “messy” plan to use the current health care crisis to engineer a total remake of world currencies and the way of life for people of the future.

Comparing the move to herding sheep to a slaughterhouse, Fitts explains how the pandemic is lining people up to depend on their governments for protection from an invisible enemy (COVID-19) and then using fear to keep people from living what once was considered a normal life.

The herd mentality includes encouraging debt entrapment to the point that people become desperate for any type of cash flow that can help them meet their day-to-day living expenses, until they willingly give up their rights in exchange for any relief offered them.

The bottom line is a slavery system of transhumanism and technocracy is being created right under the noses of the people of the world — and the current lockdowns, closing of small businesses and redefining of “normal” are all part of a planned global governance system that will end sovereignty and individual rights unless it’s stopped now.

Here is a pertinent excerpt from Catherine Austin Fitts:

If you look at what is being created and proposed in the way of injectibles, it looks to me like these technological developments are organized around several potential goals.

The first and most important goal is the replacement of the existing U.S. dollar currency system used by the general population with a digital transaction system that can be combined with digital identification and tracking. The goal is to end currencies as we know them and replace them with an embedded credit card system that can be integrated with various forms of control, potentially including mind control. “De-dollarization” is threatening the dollar global reserve system. The M1 and M2 money supply have increased in the double digits over the last year as a result of a new round of quantitative easing by the Fed. 

The reason we have not entered into hyperinflation is because of the dramatic drop in money velocity occasioned by converting Covid-19 into an engineered shutdown of significant economic activity and the bankrupting of millions of small and medium-sized businesses. The managers of the dollar system are under urgent pressure to use new technology to centralize economic flows and preserve their control of the financial system.

Just as Gates installed an operating system in our computers, now the vision is to install an operating system in our bodies and use “viruses” to mandate an initial installation followed by regular updates.A colleague once told me how Webster’s Dictionary came about. Webster said that the way the evildoers would change the Constitution was not by amending it but by changing the definitions.


Now I appreciate why Gates and his colleagues want to call these technologies “vaccines.” If they can persuade the body politic that injectible credit cards or injectible surveillance trackers or injectable brain-machine interface nanotechnologies are “vaccines,” then they can enjoy the protection of a century or more of legal decisions and laws that support their efforts to mandate what they want to do. 

As well, they can insist that U.S. taxpayers fund, through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the damages for which they would otherwise be liable as a result of their experiments–and violations of the Nuremberg Code and numerous civil and criminal laws–on the general population. 

The scheme is quite clever. Get the general population to go along with defining their new injectible high-tech concoctions as “vaccines,” and they can slip them right into the vaccine pipeline. No need to worry about the disease and death that will result from something this unnatural delivered this quickly

The freedom from liability guaranteed by the PREP Act through the declaration of an emergency–and the ability to keep the emergency going through contact tracing–can protect them from liability for thousands if not millions of deaths and disabilities likely to follow such human experimentation. Ideally, they can just blame the deaths on a virus.

A colleague once told me how Webster’s Dictionary came about. Webster said that the way the evildoers would change the Constitution was not by amending it but by changing the definitions–a legal sneak attack.

I believe that Gates and the pharma and biotech industries are literally reaching to create a global control grid by installing digital interface components and hooking us up to Microsoft’s new $10 billion JEDI cloud at the Department of Defense as well as Amazon’s multibillion cloud contract for the CIA that is shared with all U.S. intelligence agencies. 

Why do you think President Trump has the military organizing to stockpile syringes for vaccines? It is likely because the military is installing the roaming operating system for integration into their cloud. Remember–the winner in the AI superpower race is the AI system with access to the most data. Accessing your body and my body on a 24/7 basis generates a lot of data. If the Chinese do it, the Americans will want to do it, too. 

In fact, the rollout of human “operating systems” may be one of the reasons why the competition around Huawei and 5G telecommunications has become so fractious. As Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canada has warned us, 5G was developed by the Israelis for crowd control.

In the face of global “de-dollarization,” this is how the dollar syndicate can assert the central control it needs to maintain and extend its global reserve currency financial power. This includes protecting its leadership from the civil and criminal liability related to explosive levels of financial and health care fraud in recent decades….

Solari Report Interviews:
Central Bank Stimulus: Quantitative Easing 5.0 with John Titus
Deep State Tactics 101 Part III

Solari Special Reports:
VAXXED II: The People’s Truth with Polly Tommey
Special Solari Report: Vaccine Mandates with Mary Holland, J.D

Solari Book Reviews:
The Autism Vaccine by Forrest Maready
unvaccinated by Forrest Maready
Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained by Forrest Maready

Great Articles & Videos:
Childrens Health Defense: COVID-19: The Spearpoint for Rolling Out a “New Era” of High-Risk, Genetically Engineered Vaccines
Compulsory Vaccination, the Constitution, and the Hepatitis B Mandate for Infants and Young Children by Mary Holland
Hero of the Week: March 12, 2020 – Former President Of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg
Corbett Report: Bill Gates x 5
Collection Cup: Building a List of Best Sources on Vaccine Risks

Related reading:
Children’s Health Defense
VAXXED II: The People’s Truth
Jon Rappoport at

Planet Lockdown. Brilliant expose video.

“They can see everything you do, you don’t even know who they are.”

The BLM riots happened in 34 of the 37 American cities that have Federal Reserve banks. These areas have “opportunity zones” where the extremely wealthy can buy property tax free. So, the riots were a way to drive down property costs.

Solution is to stop cooperating with the system. Get a home where you have your own water and food. Work in jobs that don’t support the system.

How the next Great Depression will be different from the first? About 80% of population will die

(Natural News) As the economic carnage from the coronavirus pandemic continues, a long-forbidden word is starting to creep onto people’s lips: “depression.”

(Article republished from

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, there was no commonly accepted word for a slowdown in the economy. “Panic” was the term typically used for financial crises, while long slumps were commonly called depressions.

The Black Death, or The Black Plague, was one of the most deadly pandemics in human history. It began in South-western or Central Asia and spread to Europe by the late 1340s. The plague may have reduced the world population from an estimated 450 million down to 350–375 million in the 14th century. The human population has been reduced several other times in history due to major epidemics.

Smallpox (430 BC? – 1979):
Killed more than 300 million people worldwide in the 20th century alone, and most of the native inhabitants of the Americas.

Spanish Flu (1918 – 1919):
Killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide in less than 2 years.

Typhus (430 BC? – today):
Killed 3 million people between 1918 and 1922 alone, and most of Napoleon’s soldiers on Russia

If and when there is a ‘next’ Great Depression (some may argue that we’ve already entered the next one – although hidden from sight), the question is “How will it be different from the first?”

The economic damage from coronavirus, however, threatens to dwarf the 2008 downturn.. The current labor force participation rate is somewhere around 62% in the U.S. and the current (NOV-2020) combined U3 & U6 unemployment numbers reflect 22.8% (source: Apparently, there are about 44 million people receiving food stamps while nearly 14% of Americans live below the ‘official’ poverty threshold (hinged to income and family size).

The U.S. National Debt is just about to turn over to 28 Trillion dollars. Unfunded liabilities are currently 156 Trillion dollars (source: On average, each household with a credit card carries more than $15,000 in credit card debt, and the average U.S household with debt owes $130,922 (source:

According to a recent Federal Reserve report, nearly half of Americans couldn’t cover a $400 emergency expense without borrowing the money or selling something. Additionally, almost 40% of people report having a zero balance, and 70% have less than $1,000 in savings, according to a recent survey (source: An additional 24% report having no savings account whatsoever.

Today, Americans are once again facing the consequences of a failure to act, and a mistaken belief that a miracle solution is on its way. The past has already shown that there is a better way forward—but as the coronavirus crisis continues, it only seems more likely that FDR’s is not the history Trump plans to repeat.

We as Americans are really not wealthy. Rather, we as Americans are drowning in debt while putting on a facade of phony wealth. Most do not own anything. The banks do. And guess what? The banks are in trouble too. The Federal Reserve (a private organization) has essentially been propping up the banks (and ‘the market’) since 2008 – and it’s all based on more gargantuan debt.

While most Americans are entirely clueless about the big picture here, one day (or over a period of time), we may descend further into a ‘Greater Depression’ as so many of the so-called ‘asset classes’ collapse in value as they seek out their own ‘true value’ when they cannot be propped up anymore.

Okay, back to the question at hand… How will the next Great Depression be different?
Recently, a commenter here said,
The “great depression” lasted somewhere around 10 years…. 80% of the population lived on farms-ish, I would bet that 90% of those had a HUGE-deep-pantry, and already had Gardens and Livestock. In 1935 there were around 127 million in the US, now 320-ish million, IF the “greater” depression hits and 80% are in the cities….. Just something to think about.

Someone else said,
“…but the greatest loss is the knowledge of survival. In the “great depression” many survived by riding the rails to areas that needed farm labor – try that with most urban dwellers today. Not only are they not physically able but are totally ignorant about agriculture, nature, and most of all, being able to cooperate in a rural society.”
A few of my own thoughts…

Back during the Great Depression, people had a MUCH GREATER sense of morality, work ethic, and practical skill sets than they do today.

There is a tremendous number of people today who have not experienced real hardship. They have been coddled, they have had things handed to them, and they EXPECT to be taken care of. They get angry when they don’t get their way.

During the days of the Great Depression, people on ‘assistance’ had to line up to receive their benefits. It was very visible. Today, ‘digital cards’ hide all of that. The numbers of those receiving benefits are hidden from view and all ‘appears’ as normal…

Today, it’s easy to get a bank loan for just about anything. Back during the days of the Great Depression, people taking on loans was significantly less. They had to save and work for ‘it’.

Family farming and agriculture today is essentially non-existent compared to the years of the Great Depression.

People have no idea how large of a garden and the right kinds of foods which will produce adequate calories to help over-winter for their household. A few tomatoes and squash in a 10×20 garden is not going to cut it…

How many people do today know how to preserve their own food (e.g. canning)? I would say VERY, VERY FEW.

Because most Americans suffer from extreme ‘normalcy bias’, a Greater Depression will be shocking and devastating, to say the least. Many will lash out as the cities burn… (perhaps literally).

People today are NOT educated the same way as back then. Practical skills are all but ‘gone’. Used to be that many would learn some technical trades in High School and some would go on to a trade school afterward. Whereas today, ‘everyone’ (even those who really aren’t that bright) has to go to ‘college’ where they’re taught diversity training, political correctness, ‘Dem’s Good – Repub’s Bad, etc…

Today, our manufacturing base is GONE. Back during the Great Depression, we made ‘stuff’. When a nation makes their own ‘stuff’, that’s a good thing…

The upcoming ‘Greater Depression’ may likely last even longer than ‘the Great Depression’ of the 1930s and will have far worse consequences for more people than ever before.

The Great Depression that took place during the 1930s was a severe worldwide economic depression, the timing of which varied across nations; however, in most countries, it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century.

If (when) the next ‘Greater Depression’ hits us smack in the face, you might want to be prepared to survive a minimum of 5-10 years, relatively on your own, assistance.

Today, the vast, vast majority of people live in urban and suburban areas and most have not ever been to a farm. The extent of their knowledge of farms is the extent of which they may have seen pictures on Google, Bing, or Yahoo…

During the 1930s, many or most people knew how to take care of their basic needs on their own. Many or most people knew how to grow a successful garden. Many or most people were familiar with the physically laborious way-of-life during that time when luxuries were few and hard work was the normal reality. People (in general) were not as ‘soft’.

During the 1930s, many or most people had a sense of morality and decency that pales in comparison to today. That morality certainly curtailed what could have been much worse with regards to societal problems during that time.

The American culture was vastly more independent and self-sustaining than today (putting it mildly), whereas the modern way-of-life has become extraordinarily dependent.

Government during that time was still relatively small and non-intrusive, whereas today’s government is intermingled with most everything that we do, debilitating individualism and regulatory to the extent of crippling.

A ‘government class’ has exploded into a gargantuan chunk of our society – creating dependence rather than independence. A ‘Greater Depression’ during today’s modern times would become particularly devastating to all those who ‘depend’.

During the time of the Great Depression, the world was severely affected. Today, even more, most of the world’s nations will be affected – as they are financially and economically hinged with systemic risks in ways that were not even dreamed of back then.

I cannot help but contemplate how much worse it would be today than it was back then in the 1930s, especially knowing how bad it actually was at that time. We tend to think and believe that no such thing could ever happen again, especially given today’s safety nets and the seemingly endless crops of dollars continually harvested from the unseen fields of money trees. We are so far removed from the hardships of yesteryear that these thoughts never enter the minds of most. However, it may be wise to at least ponder the thought…

Oh, and one more thing… remember what got us out of the Great Depression? WWII.

History may or may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes…

In conclusion, my general opinion is that the next Greater Depression will be a complete disaster, and it will become violent as the waves of desperation wash over the land. We are a different people than back then, and it’s going to bite us in the a$$…

James Grundvig – Nine Facts Explode the COVID Hoax


(left)  It’s Coming True. 

 They intend to geo-engineer the human race to serve them. Humanity is being rearranged, or possibly even replaced.

“They plan to break the collective will of the people and force them to submit, first with mask mandates, and then into taking the COVID vaccines.”

NINE ‘DID YOU KNOW?’ FACTS  (SCROLL DOWN to final section)

1. Did you know COVID isn’t the name of the virus?



by James Grundvig 

(abridged by

On December 8, 2020, the wheels of the Operation Warp Speed train began to slip off the rails. 

The confidence game thrust upon the public by the global medical cartel, with fake news and false data emblazoned in every headline, has fallen short of convincing people to blindly step in line, roll up their sleeves, and take the shot.

Reports of foot blisters and Bell’s palsy–a form of facial paralysis–impacting some people who took the trial vaccines doesn’t bode well for DNA-altering vaccines that have never been experimented on the human race until now. In another ominous warning sign, the Pfizer COVID data recommends those who are allergic to the ingredientsin the shots should avoid taking them.

Wow! That is what tens of billions of dollars and years of research have produced, hyper fast-tracked in Operation Warp Speed? Strange and deadly adverse events?

Why would anyone want to take a suspect 95 percent “effective” coronavirus vaccine for a weakvirus when the survivability rate is greater than 99 percent?

Add Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitting that he is “uncertain”whether the COVID vaccine would stop the spread of the virus, and the question becomes: Why take the Pfizer vaccine if it doesn’t provide “herd immunity” to the general public? Herd immunity, you see, has been the holy grail of immunization that is used as a marketing ploy…

For the first time in decades, questions about vaccine development are coming from experts outside the vaccine risk community.

Is there a toxin to cause sterility inserted into the vaccines? That question was posed by Dr. Michael Yeadon, former vice president and chief scientific advisor at Pfizer. Dr. Yeadon didn’t merely ask questions. He and colleague Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician and epidemiologist, filed a joint petition to halt the COVID vaccine trials with the European Medicine Agency. The petition calls for a “stay of action” in the phased human trials.

While the 43-page document made the rounds on the Web, more questions emerged related to the legitimacy of the vaccines, such as why the manufacturers withheld and obscured data, ingredients, and more robust information on adverse events…



For those who doubt the overarching plan of the cabal’s ‘Great Reset,’ remember the broken promises made by government caretakers who bulldozed everyone’s right to live free and earn a living.

For the record, President Trump never shut down the economy or locked down the country on a national level.

Do you trust the public health authorities, who:

  • Lied about the Virus
  • Lied about viral loads
  • Lied about transmissibility
  • Lied about superspreaders
  • Lied about asymptomatic carriers
  • Lied about Lockdowns 1.0
  • Lied about the PCR tests
  • Lied about mortality rates
  • Lied about the effectiveness of masks
  • Lied about treatments other than vaccines
  • Lied about Lockdowns 2.0

The business shutdowns and shelter-in-place narratives were going to be temporary. Remember?


Those who spread the lies about the Plandemic, included the globalist health alliances in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Anthony Fauci, the World Economic Forum (“Forum”), John Hopkins University (JHU), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), among others. All of these key players participated in Event 201, collaborated through the WHO’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, and continue to share the same talking points in order to force vaccinate everyone.

COVID-19 has been long-planned; years in the making. It’s a well-thought-out, covert operation that masks a global coup to enslave humanity and herd the sheep into a new gated, surveillance state economy. It was always about control.

Now campaigns to subvert “vaccine hesitancy,” driven by the WHO and CDC in an effort to drown out COVID vaccine skepticism, have become more strident and fascist with calls from the Red Cross to fight vaccine “fake news” and punish the resisters. But the flagging confidence in COVID immunizations isn’t confined to the general public. Thousands of medical professionals do not want to take the COVID vaccine at all. One would think that education of a “safe and effective” coronavirus vaccine would begin there. But that is not the case.

Last month, 60 Minutes aired a segment on Operation Warp Speed. When the reporter asked Judith Persichilli, RN, New Jersey’s Commissioner of Public Health, about the challenges she faced in distributing the COVID vaccine, once available, she paused. Then said in a statewide survey, Persichilli admitted 40 percent of the medical doctors and 60 percent of nurses and other medical staff will not take the COVID vaccine when approved.

Is the problem vaccine hesitancy or fake news? Or is the real issue the lack of education and transparency in rolling out vaccines for a weak virus that rarely kills healthy people under 70 years old?

Why should anyone trust the vaccine promoters and the Great Reset architects in which, by taking two doses of a COVID vaccine close apart, their lives would return to normal?

It’s bogus; a disingenuous lie…


1. Did you know COVID isn’t the name of the virus?

2. Did you know Masks don’t work?

  • If Masks work there would be no rise in “cases”
  • Masks don’t stop the spread of nano-size particles
  • Masks negatively impact breathing:
  • – Breathe in 20% less oxygen
  • – Rebreathe 400 times lung waste
  • Bacterial infections in the lungs are on the rise

3. Did you know Lockdowns don’t work?

4. Did you know the CDC lumped the Flu with COVID statistics?

  • CDC no longer counts seasonal flu or other respiratory illnesses?
  • CDC counts all respiratory illnesses and viruses under COVID-19 umbrella
  • COVID-19 has “no effect on deaths in the U.S.” – CDC partner John Hopkins University study

5. Did you know the PCR tests are fraudulent?

  • PCR tests “should not be used to diagnose viruses” – inventor Kary Mullis
  • PCR tests are inaccurate
  • PCR tests pick up nano-fragments of other diseases, not only coronavirus
  • PRC tests produce 50% wrong data – CDC
  • – 30% false positives
  • – 20% false negatives

6. Did you know the COVID “Cases” numbers are a lie?

  • The world is now suffering a Pandemic of “false positives”
  • Only 1 in 3 “excess deaths” cause by COVID-19
  • Only “6% of deaths caused by COVID-19 alone.” – CDC

7. Did you know you will need a Vaccine Passport to travel?

  • People will soon need COVID Vaccine Passports to travel
  • Employers could demand employees show proof of COVID vaccines to work
  • Businesses could demand patrons show proof of COVID vaccines to enter

8. Do you know what’s in COVID Vaccines?

  • Lung cells of 14-week-old white male fetuses
  • Ingredients are being withheld
  • Might cause sterility
  • Nanobots that reprogram your DNA
  • Injectable biosensors of COVID vaccine uptake

9. Do you know the outcome of COVID Vaccine trials?

Don’t let the architects of the Plandemic determine the fate of your health and wellbeing.

Online hit squad armies target any criticism of the Talmudic Jewish owners of the Federal Reserve, the biggest murderers, liars, and thieves in world history, as “anti-semitism”.

96 blocks of fake accounts on Disqus in the last week. Who knows who these people are, it’s likely the same person with hundreds of Disqus accounts. Could have been rapists in jail, or some of the 1.4 billion Chinese slaves of the Talmudic Jewish Communists. We have no idea. There appears to be 10 or fewer Communists, who imitate conservatives and have hundreds of anonymous accounts they use, to give the impression of popular support. How do you know they are fake accounts? The comments are often on private, there is no way to tell who they are, they often have avatars you’d have to be using acid to select, they say the same things, they are not regular commenters, no one on conservative posts knows who they are, and they frequently have ridiculously low comments to likes rations. Just came across one with 4,000 comments, and 100 likes. My three year old nephew could do better than that. It looks like they’ve been scared off of commenting, but they are actively downvoting, to try to minimize how many people read this.

A few days days ago, I posted an expose of the Synagogue of Satan. Of course, six Talmudic Jewish corporations control 96% of today’s media, so the average person hasn’t a clue what’s going on. Dozens of people with cognitive dissonance and Dunning Kruger downvoted the post, one got nearly thirty downvotes.

The reason we were given the First Amendment, was to avoid what the Talmudic Jews did to Jesus. They silenced him, lied about him, and murdered him. They are doing the same thing today, nothing has changed in 2,000 years.

Not a single cogent refutation of my posted facts was given. So, I don’t care if I get 1,000 downvotes, this is the truth, and I’d keep saying it if I were threatened with death too.

The Federal Reserve runs the world, and is owned by the Invisible Government. They are Talmudic Jews, and have run America since they got a Wilson elected with 40% of the vote in 1912, as the Rothschild snakes funded Teddy Roosevelt too, with TR and Taft splitting 60% of the Republican vote. The synagogue of Satan, the same money changers Christ whipped out of the temple, have been behind all wars including and since World War 1.

The Talmudic Jews are behind Communism and Zionism, and are responsible for the murder of 100 million under Communism, in just a century, which makes the 250 million murdered by Islam in 1,400 years, look like child’s play.

All of this is detailed on Messanonews dot com. I’m banned by the Talmudic Jews on both sides. Facebook, LinkedIn, the Atlantic, and Twitter on the left, and Breitbart, WND, Daily Wire, Gateway Pundit, FrontPageMag, and City Journal on the right. It’s gross hypocrisy for all these “conservative” sites to scream about free speech, while banning conservatives from their sites.

These bankers have armies of online hit squads to call anyone who threatens their world supremacy “anti-Semites”, though these people violate the Torah every day by stealing with the income tax. Also, Talmudic Jews of today would be given the death penalty by Moses for their crimes.

You get the most flak when you’re over the target. Absolutely incredible that thousands have a problem with me repetitively posting the truth, but, these same people are perfectly okay with the Talmudic Jewvision repetitively lying to people for over 100 years. No wonder why the media hates Hitler, he told the truth about the Talmudic bankers. And, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out Hollyweird is really good at making up fairytales, which I’m convinced the Holocaust is. Either that or the Talmudic Jews funded Hitler to terrorize the Jews into Israel. Hitler and the Nazis were great friends with Rabbi Schneerson, so, the media doesn’t talk about that. It’s a great strategy.

Tens of millions of Americans have never been told the true history of World War 2 ( detailed by Mike King in his brilliant “The Bad War”. Do not research anything on Google or Wikipedia, as both are controlled by Talmudic Jews. Sergei Brin, Larry Page,  Its as plain as day.), and have been trained to think of any criticism of Talmudic Jews, no matter how valid, as “anti semitism”, or indications the person wants to murder Jews. I had the FBI come to my door, saying I was trying to kill Jews to my neighbors. Funny, they can’t figure out where Hillary’s 30,000 emails are, but they have agents to lie to military veterans neighbors with absolutely no evidence. When I threatened them with a libel lawsuit, they backed off quickly, and stopped harassing me. Further proof the American military and intelligence agencies have been controlled by Talmudic Jews since Wilson. For the record, most Jews don’t know what’s going on, and are not responsible for the actions of the Synagogue of Satan.