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Sacrificing Liberty – A Documentary of treason against every American

I just finished watching the searingly shocking “Sacrificing Liberty” documentary, all four hours of it.

34 American sailors were murdered on June 8th, 1967, and 174 wounded, many seriously, out of a ship that had 294 sailors.

And it was done by Zionist Jews from Israel, whose goal was to sink the Liberty to start World War 3. The Jewish media, Jewish controlled U.S. military, and Jewish controlled politicians have staged a massive cover-up. Imagine putting a press blackout on the damage, and patching the ship up, from thousands of holes blasted into it, before it returned to America. But that’s what happened.

No congressional investigations ever, and no one in Israel ever punished.

LBJ’s cabinet was packed full of Talmudic Jew Zionists.

The problem is much bigger than the Liberty, but that is a fraction of the 100 million murdered by Jewish communism and the hundreds of millions more threatened with future death by the World War 3 Talmudic Jews are working to create as I write this.

And, terrifyingly, Donald Trump is arguably the biggest Zionist President America has ever had.

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