COVID’s Talmudic Origin


Two books provide some of the historical background

 to the trauma mankind is experiencing.

Two Treatises on Jews and Freemasonry: Édouard Drumont and Nicolae Paulescu

The agenda of Organized Jewry is based on “the Talmudic dogma of the chosen people, a doctrine according to which the Jews must not merge with other nations, because God has promised them to possess the whole earth and to rule the world.” 

Paulescu demonstrates the financial and social depredations wrought by Jewish immigration into European lands and discusses Freemasonry too within the context of the resolute war that the Jews have been conducting against Christianity through the ages by means of the various religious heresies and political revolutions that they have fostered in Europe.”

(Disclaimer – This is the agenda of Organized Jewry & Freemasonry (i.e. the Rothschilds.) Most Jews do not subscribe to Jewish supremacism. Many individual Jews like myself, Dr. Naomi Wolfe and Dr. Simone Gold have been on the forefront of exposing the COVID hoax.) (Abridged by 

Édouard Drumont: “The Freemasons”

 Édouard Drumont (1844-1917) was one of the first to insist that the entire Masonic enterprise was Jewish in origin even though he based his conviction on Masonic texts that had been available in France from the late eighteenth century. [2] 

Drumont was a French journalist who wrote many works on the Jews including La France juive: Essai d’histoire contemporain, 2 volumes (1886), Testament d’un antisémite(1891), Les Juifs et l’affaire Dreyfus (1899), La Tyrannie maçonnique (1899),Les Juifs contre la France (1899) and Le Peuple juif (1900).  Drumont also ran a newspaper La libre parole, which was markedly anti-Semitic. In 1899 he founded the ‘Ligue antisémitique de France’ and argued for the exclusion of Jews from society.

The last book of Drumont’s Jewish France states that … The growing influence of Masonry on European politics has resulted in a steady dissolution of traditional European society.  Thus Republicanism is, in the nineteenth century, the culmination of the French Revolution with Napoleon and Bismarck contributing to the process of Jewish bourgeois supremacy.

In their enormous and far-sighted political task, the Jewish Masons have been aided through the centuries by ambitious mediocrities from among the European peoples who were the hosts of the Jews during the diaspora.  


(Edouard Drumont, 1844-1917)The second part of Drumont’s essay on Freemasonry includes several detailed examples of public figures in French Republican life who have duped the public through various nefarious dealings that have been disguised by the false honors that have been bestowed upon them by the Third Republic. [3] 

The entire Republican ethos is indeed marked not by a desire to liberate the oppressed French populace but rather by a hatred of society.  In fact, one particularly odious characteristic of Freemasonry is its contempt and hatred for the poor, which is in marked contrast to the importance of charity in the Catholic Church.  And if the Masons seem occasionally to tolerate the social status quo, it is only because they wish to focus their mind more sharply on their inveterate religious enemy, the Christian Church:
Thus, many in Masonry are pseudo-scholars, pseudo-orators, they hate society with a hatred that is not at all the courageous revolt of Spartacus, the bitter anger of Vindex, but like  a venomous envy that smells of the[4] ante-chamber and the office; they do not intend to destroy the social edifice completely because they hope to make a place there through more or less correct procedures, but they attack the Church because it can give them only noble instructions, counsels of respect and devotion that they do not want.
Nicolae Paulescu: Freemasonry

The Jewish nature of Freemasonry and its hatred of Christianity are reinforced in the work of Nicolae Paulescu (1869-1931). His chapter on Masonry in his work Philosophic Physiology: The Hospital, the Koran, the Talmud, the Kahal and Freemasonry pivots on the same contrast between the Christian concept of charity — exemplified in Paulescu’s own medical profession by ‘the hospital’ included in the title — and the sheer avarice for material possession and political domination of the Jews who conduct the Masonic organizations.

Paulescu was a Romanian physiologist and professor of medicine, as well as a political activist.   In 1897 Paulescu graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree from a medical school in Paris. He was appointed assistant surgeon at the Notre-Dame du Perpetuel-Secours Hospital but in 1900 he returned to Romania, where he remained until his death as Head of the Physiology Department of the University of Bucharest Medical School, as well as Professor of Clinical Medicine at the St Vincent de Paul Hospital in Bucharest. He is well-known for his work in extracting insulin for the treatment of diabetes and petitioned the Nobel Prize committee to object to the award given to two Canadian scientists. From Wikipedia:

Professor Ian Murray was particularly active in working to correct “the historical wrong” against Paulescu. Murray was a professor of physiology at the Anderson College of Medicine in Glasgow, Scotland, the head of the department of Metabolic Diseases at a leading Glasgow hospital, vice-president of the British Association of Diabetes, and a founding member of the International Diabetes Federation. In an article for a 1971 issue of the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Murray wrote:

 “Insufficient recognition has been given to Paulesco, the distinguished Roumanian scientist, who at the time when the Toronto team were commencing their research had already succeeded in extracting the antidiabetic hormone of the pancreas and proving its efficacy in reducing the hyperglycaemia in diabetic dogs.”

 “In a recent private communication Professor Tiselius, head of the Nobel Institute [and a recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1948], has expressed his personal opinion that Paulesco was equally worthy of the award in 1923.”

Paulescu was also involved in Romanian political movements and influenced Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, the leader of the Iron Guard. In 1922, he partnered with Codreanu’s anti-Semitic friend, Prof. A.C. Cuza, to create a political group called the National Christian Union. In 1925, Paulescu joined Cuza’s later organization, the National Christian Defense League as well.

Nicolae Paulescu’s sociological writings include Philosophical Physiology: Instincts Social — Passions and Conflicts — Moral Remedies (1910), which advocated the regeneration of the population through Christian education.  Paulescu’s most famous book was the second volume of “philosophical physiology” which was entitled Philosophical Physiology: Hospital, Quran, Talmud, Cahal, Franc-Masonry (1913).  He later wrote more works on the Jewish Problem, including Philosophical Physiology: The Synagogue and the Church to the Pacification of Mankind, 2 vols, 1923; The Judeo-Masonic Plot against the Romanian People, 1924; The Degeneration of the Jewish Race, 1928, Jewish Debauchery, 1928; and Interpretation of Revelation, the future fate of the Jews, 1941.

In The Hospital, the Koran, the Talmud, the Kahal and Freemasonry, Paulescu first explains the duties of doctors and relates hospitals to the notion of Christian charity: “Hospitals are an inspiration of Christian charity.”  He then considers the two other religions that claim to cure the illnesses of mankind, Islam and Judaism, both of which he considers as opposed to Christian morality. Islam and Judaism are both characterized by a cruel desire for possessions and dominion but the Muslim Arabs are superior to the Jews in that they possess a real valor whereas the Jews “manifest themselves only through cowardice.”


Nicolae Paulescu (1869-1931)
Paulescu begins his study of Judaism with the principal legal text of the Jews, the Talmud, which uses usury, fraud and perjury to rob and enslave the Gentiles.  The development of the Jewish political ambition is accomplished through the “Kahal,” the Jewish governing body typical of Jewish communities well into the twentieth century. The Kahal conceives of the Jewish nation as one based on “the Talmudic dogma of the chosen people, a doctrine according to which the Jews must not merge with other nations, because God has promised them to possess the whole earth and to rule the world.” He demonstrates the financial and social depredations wrought by Jewish immigration into European lands and discusses Freemasonry too within the context of the resolute war that the Jews have been conducting against Christianity through the ages by means of the various religious heresies and political revolutions that they have fostered in Europe.
Paulescu’s section on Freemasonry, which constitutes the final chapter of his book, relies considerably on Drumont’s work but it is rather more comprehensive than it.  Paulescu here reveals the hatred that informs all of the Jewish involvement in European intellectual and political history.  

The source of this hatred is evident most clearly in the Talmud but its enduring effects are manifest in the various Jewish-sponsored heretical movements that have sought to distort Christianity and Catholicism through the ages, beginning with the Ebionites in the first century A.D. and passing through Protestantism to Freemasonry.  

The purported goal of the Freemasons to rebuild the Temple of Solomon is, according to Paulescu,  only a watchword that indicates the ambition of Israel to dominate the world.  Regarding the organization of Freemasonry, Paulescu points out that, in spite of its proclaimed philanthropy, the secretive nature of the whole is a clear indication of its suspect character: “And to think that no one wonders why this society is hidden, when it has purposes as sublime as the search for the truth.”
More carefully than Drumont, Paulescu — relying on the work of Paul Copin-Albancell’s Le drame maçonnique: le pouvoir occulte contre la France  (“The Masonic Drama: The Occult Power against France” ( 1908) — details the hierarchy within the Masonic organization where the lower degrees of Masons are mostly blindfolded followers of an uppermost elite that is constituted of Jews alone.
And the bizarre rituals that mark a Mason’s progress through the organization are all marked by sentiments of hatred and revenge for those responsible for the destruction of the Temple.  Among the various targets of the Masons’ hatred, the chief are undoubtedly the Christians.  

Quoting Copin-Albancelli, Paulescu points out that Masons are instructed to the effect that “Freemasonry has one enemy – Christianity, and Catholicism in particular — that you need to hate and fight.”[5]


The real aims of all Masonic republics were to destroy monarchies, abolish Christianity from the education of the public, and to convert the people into a proletariat that could easily be made to serve the ambitions of Judah.  Based on Bernard Lazare’s work L’Antisémitisme, son histoire et ses causes (Anti-Semitism: Its History and Its Causes) (1894), the religious subversion of the Masons is related by Paulescu also to the Kulturkampf that Bismarck conducted against the Roman Catholic Church between 1872 and 1878 and to the Jules Ferry laws of 1882 that mandated secular education in France.

At the same time, Paulescu claims that “Jewish Socialism” works towards the dispossession of private property by a state that is essentially Jewish in its composition and interests.  These false socialist movements were crystallized in the doctrines of the Jew Karl Marx. And they were bolstered in their subversive agenda by the Anarchists, who constituted the more murderous and iconoclastic elements of the several revolutions that sprang up in Europe from 1848 onwards.

By positing a world constituted of matter and energy alone the Masonic-Marxist revolutions succeeded in repudiating the notions of the soul and of God on which Christian civilization had been based. 

As Drumont had already pointed out, whereas Christianity stresses love and charity, Masonry has a distinctive contempt for, and hatred of, poverty.  Thus, Paulescu is arguing that by steadily obliterating the Christian doctrines of compassion and charity and enlarging the worldly possessions and power of the Jews, Masonry has finally accomplished in post-Revolutionary Europe what the Talmud has striven to achieve from the very first centuries of the Christian era.


Rabbi admits Jewish goal is world domination


Recently, I was sent this email from a Pastor:


I very much appreciate all that you do to help women understand proper biblical gender roles. Teaching biblical gender roles is also a big part of my preaching ministry. In my preaching and teaching on this subject, I find it is the women who have the hardest time accepting what the Bible says.

I had an idea that may help women in this area. I do not know if you have the skills to do this, but maybe you know someone who does. My idea is to do a documentary on “The Joys of Submission,” or something to that effect. You have your own testimony and so many of the women who respond in the comments share their testimonies of how much more blessed and peaceful their lives are since they have learned biblical submission.

Whether or not you have the skills to actually make the documentary, you most definitely have the connections to assemble the participants for it. I strongly believe that such a film would be an enormous blessing to the Kingdom of God. I know that if you were to make a documentary, I would distribute it as widely as I know hoe.

Thank you,


After discussing this with my husband, we decided a book would be better since I don’t have the skills nor the technology to produce a documentary. It’s way over my head! But in order to put together a book like this, I need your help! I will call it “The Testimonies of Transformed Wives.” All of you who have been transformed by God’s mercy, power, and grace, please feel free to contribute!

I would like the testimony to be about three to five paragraphs; one testimony per page of the book. Email it to me at I would like to have them all by the end of August. You can end your testimony with your name and email if you don’t mind women contacting you for guidance. I can always use help mentoring women, or you can keep it anonymous. Thank you!

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2


On Twitter recently, there’s a lot of talk about Bathsheba being raped. The Bible doesn’t say she was raped, but I didn’t have a strong opinion about it either way until I figured out that it was feminists spreading this rumor for the purpose of dismantling Patriarch. They will argue that men can’t be the ones in authority since it usually results in abuse of some type. Therefore, they must do a lot of twisting of Scripture to come to this conclusion. These are false teachers. Mark and avoid them!

Someone shared a sermon by Pastor Chuck Swindoll called “The Case of the Open Window Shade.” He preached on this very topic. I took notes. It was great!

King David was a man of God before 2 Samuel 11 and after chapter 11, even though he had committed adultery and murder, yet his sin had long-term devasting effects.

There is no such thing as “sudden adultery.” King David allowed chinks into his armor.

The first chink was that he took more concubines and wives into his harem. This is in direct contradiction to Scripture (1 Corinthians 7:2). These women turned the king’s heart from the Lord and broke down his integrity. Polygamy was his first chink.

The second chink was vulnerability. Everything was going his way. He was wealthy, famous, and successful in every area. It all began to go to his head.

The third chink was indulgence. He was in bed instead of on the battlefield. Our greatest battles aren’t when we’re working hard. They’re when we have a lot of leisure time, and we’re bored. Maybe, we can’t sleep at night and make fateful decisions like King David did.

King David was indulging himself beyond the place of wisdom. He decided to go walk out on his rooftop and spotted a very beautiful woman.

The male’s major source of sexual stimulation is visual, whereas the female’s major source of sexual stimulation is touch. Women’s physical appearance is a nemesis of a man. Women NEED to know this! God commands women to dress modestly and be shamefaced (not draw attention to oneself) for good reasons. Trust and obey Him, women.

Bathsheba was being foolish. She knew the King could see her bathing. She deliberately put temptation in his path.

Pastor Swindoll then exhorted the women to give thought to what they wear and exhorted men to not linger. The Devil wants us to forget God at times when lust creeps in because then all good decisions forsake us.

In times of temptation of flesh, FLEE! This is the only resistance to lust. If you don’t flee, you’ll fall.

At this moment in King David’s life, God was quite unreal to him. The Bible warns us to take heed lest we fall. You won’t fall if you don’t take a second look. (He’s exhorting men here.) Flee instead of taking that second look or thought.

Chuck Swindoll firmly believes that this was not a rape! The Bible said nothing about a struggle nor about it being a rape. She probably knew exactly what she was doing. The King was rich, powerful, and handsome. She wanted him! She was most likely lonely since her husband was in battle. Women are known for doing these things when lonely and bored.

Remember, sin is only passing pleasures. The Devil makes sin look great at the time but hides the devasting consequences from one’s mind. God’s peace vanishes.

Bathsheba became pregnant. King David’s peace vanished which led to deception, then hypocrisy, then murder. It’s a tragic story of the consequences of lust giving way to death. Beware.

FLEE lust. It’s the only biblical answer to lust. FLEE.

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
James 1:14,15

Deadly NATO Weaponry is Forcing Russia to Annex Ukraine


High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) | Lockheed Martin

The HIMARS system is inflicting unacceptable casualties forcing  Putin to call an emergency meeting of the DUMA on July 15. Since these rockets are guided by US Satellites, the US and Russia are already in a state of war. By offering Russian citizenship to all Ukrainians, Putin is signalling that Russia intends to absorb the whole country by necessity. 

“Before each bombardment by the M142 HIMARS, Western, civilian or military observation satellites were spotted above the targeted sites. So to stay on the bombardment of Novaya Kharkova mentioned above, 3 days before the ukro-Atlanticist strikes, a US  commercial satellite, the Worldview-2 was vertical to the sector. 


Even if factually the use of these US space resources for the benefit of the Ukrainian forces constitutes a flagrant “cobelligerence”, legally it is their destruction by the Russian aerospace forces which will constitute a “casus belli”…

And yet, if the volume of these types of guided weapons systems increases, Russian forces will have to deal with getting rid of these American vultures (satellites) . And perhaps this new threat from NATO on the Russian front will weigh in the decisions that will be taken on July 15, 2022 during an extraordinary convocation of the Duma, the Russian parliament, undoubtedly centered around the conduct of military operations in Ukraine and their necessary radicalization.”

7 killed and more than 80 injured including 15 children following the bombing of 
Novaya Kakhovka by an American HIMARS.

Translated by Google Chrome from this Greek Website 
Dissolution of Ukraine with “fast-track” procedures: An emergency meeting of the Duma was called by B. Putin – Dramatic developments are coming!  Kyiv mines the border with Belarus

By Vassilis Kapoulas

An alarm has sounded in the West and in NATO as the President of Russia, V. Putin, called an emergency meeting of the State Duma. Information indicates that he is going to officially declare war on Ukraine, which is why Kyiv is laying mines on the border with Belarus. 

The data showing new escalation:

    +A few hours ago, B. Putin issued a decree by which he grants Russian citizenship to all citizens of Ukraine, and not only from the regions controlled by Moscow, through “fast-track” procedures. It is a move to dissolve and “absorb” the Ukrainian state.
    +Russia is continuously attacked with HIMARS in Donbass. Bases in the rear and ammunition depots have been hit.
    +Ukraine announced a counterattack with 1 million troops. +Russian hackers have revealed the involvement of the West and the US in the strikes against Russia.

Read also

Drums of war in the Baltic: B. Putin asked for emergency powers – General mobilization plan – Lukashenko talks about using nuclear weapons!
They are preparing for an attack by the Belarusian army.

Ukraine is taking steps to prevent a possible attack from Belarus by mining the border area, roads and railways.

According to information, the Ukrainian army is mining the ground, road and railway axes, at the Vystupovichi checkpoint, placing anti-tank mines.

“Currently, activities are underway to mine dangerous areas,” Ukrainian sources said, adding that the defense in this area will be solid and Russian troops will not be able to “repeat the attack from the North.”

“On July 15th we will declare war on Ukraine”
Political scientist Sergei Veselovsky said on the 9th of the month:

“Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putin) had a meeting with the leaders and the leadership of the State Duma, where he said many key things such as the fact that Russia has not yet begun to fight seriously. He also said that we are always ready to negotiate with our adversaries, not so much with Ukraine, but with those who are helping Ukraine, pushing it towards self-destruction and killing the country’s population.

Four days later, there will be an extraordinary and unscheduled meeting of the State Duma in which, in my opinion and my comrades, they will consider the issue of declaring war on the state of Ukraine. In this case, all of our Western partners will find themselves in a situation where participating in helping one side of the war automatically makes them participants in the side they are helping.

And by any means, including satellite imagery, weapons, ammunition. In this case, an ultimatum will be given to the West. If you help, then you may receive any blow. That is, in European countries, we can destroy the two factories for the repair of military equipment and weapons warehouses and start shooting down spy satellites.

Russia is officially turning into a “war economy”! – Proposal to Cancel the Barents Treaty with Norway – Confirmation WarNews247
Second warning: What will happen on July 15th

Not long after, a well-known Russian Telegram channel with connections to the Kremlin claimed exactly the same thing. He specifically mentioned: “The President’s statements at the meeting with the leaders of the parliamentary factions regarding Ukraine meant changing the current perception of the “special military operation” to an aggressive one.

However, if the Russian Federation is recognized as a sponsor of terrorism at the request of Ukraine, Moscow will declare war on Kiev within 24 hours . After that, Kyiv, Lviv, Dnepr, Krivoy Rog, Kharkov and Nikolaev will be destroyed within 72 hours. The rest of Ukraine will be massively attacked with missiles and bombs, and bridges on the Dnieper, civilian airports and the entire railway infrastructure will be destroyed.

Belarus will cut off all land escape routes to the west of the country and three regiments of S-400s will shoot down all private aircraft attempting to take off from Transcarpathia and the Odesa region.

Until September, Zelensky and his curators from the Washington Regional Committee have time for a soft surrender with the loss of only 30% of the territories, after which the Ukrainian state will be lost forever and legitimized according to the principle of division into three parts under UN control.

Read also—B.Putin will end Ukraine: “In the end there will be nothing left for negotiation – We have not yet begun to seriously fight” (vid)
Thanks to Matt.

First Comment from GAB-McCarthyislaughing wrote:

@hmakow they are murdering women and children

Anthony Migchels – Prepare for Deflation & Depression


“What is coming now to the West, the deflation of this monster $300 Trillion debt in the next five years, will be the money changers’ greatest feat. It’s going to leave everything in ruins, and ultimately set the stage for World War 3.”There is some good news- “So ‘cyber attacks’ is how they plan to sell the coming deflationary collapse. Likely, such ‘attacks’ will be a huge ‘national security issue’. There will be much fanfare, and it’s hard to see how the current ‘leftist’/Great Reset lot is not going to get ousted. They have done everything possible to make themselves as hated as possible. Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are not expected to ‘succeed’, they’re just there to scare everybody in the desired direction: the right wing of the Beast. It’s not just me saying this: Uncle Vlad himself recently stated he expects a ‘change of elites’ in the West shortly, and that ‘rightist’ and ‘populist’ Governments will take over.”

The Fed Is Pulling The Plug On The Debt Bubble. ‘Cyber Attacks’, Followed By The Greatest Depression Are Coming.


by Anthony Migchels 
(slightly abridged by have already seen what happenswhen the Fed tightens, in September 2019: liquidity in the economy, both financial and real, will dry up, and defaults will result, and these will in turn crunch the commercial banks.
There is simply zero reason why it won’t happen again this time. The only question is when.

For now, the banks are loaded: they park about $2 Trillion with the Fed every night, they call this ‘reverse repo’, that’s their excess liquidity, that they have been building up in preparation of what is now coming.

$2 Trillion may sound like a lot. But really, once the dominos start falling, that’ll really prove to be just chump change.

Never have they done this before: blowing this gargantuan $300 Trillion debt bubble with this so called ‘fiat’ system.

Banking has always been about keeping money scarce through Gold Standards.

For fifty years they have allowed debt, and thus money, to grow with 8% per year. And the current system needs this, anything below 8% is deflationary, leading to recessions, busts, and worse. This can be easily gleaned from graphs of M1/M2 money growth and recessions over the last few decades.

But if you have $300 Trillion debt, 8% growth means that the World has to take on $24 Trillion in new debt this year alone. Just to keep the economy functioning normally. That’s about as ‘unsustainable’, to use a fav buzz word of theirs, as it gets. That’s about a third of World GDP. Next year it’ll be $26 Trillion. compound interest/exponential growth in full force.

The commentators are oblivious. Everybody is talking about ‘inflation’, nobody is asking WHY the Fed printed all those trillions two years ago. Next they go make jokes about ‘what is a 1% interest rate hike going to do against 10% inflation?’.

soup-kitchen.jpgWell, if you have a $90 Trillion debt, as the US is carrying around (State, corporate, households), a 1% rate hike means already almost a trillion per year is being taken out of the real economy per year. Sure, it takes a little time for debts to get rolled over and the new rates taking effect, but that doesn’t change the basic point.

We have already seen what carnage a 0,5% + 0,75% hike has done: crypto has already been all but deflated (incidentally: exactly as we predicted 18 months ago), with 72 of the 100 biggest alt coins losing more than 90%. Stocks are down almost 20%, the worst first six months on record. Real Estate is still keeping afloat, in the West anyway, not in China, but the Fed has already signaled they’ll be nuking that market too. They’re now saying they’ll raise rates again with 0.75% this month. 

That’ll be a total of 2% interest rate increases, meaning just having a money supply will now cost an extra $1.8 Trillion per year to the real economy. Best of luck with that.
Keep in mind there are no ‘accidents’ in banking. They printed too much to create the rising prices we have seen the last two years, just to have the excuse to raise rates now. Just as they started tapering in 2018, to have the excuse to start printing in 2019. They’ve been boosting and busting the West into servitude ever since Banking came back on the scene after the Usury Free Middle Ages. The Amsterdam Tulip bubble was back in 1637. You’d think people would wise up at some point.

What is coming now to the West, the deflation of this monster $300 Trillion debt in the next five years, will be the money changers’ greatest feat. It’s going to leave everything in ruins, and ultimately set the stage for World War 3.

So the problem is twofold: debt can no longer grow. The numbers are simply too astronomical at this stage. Something must be done, one way or the other.

But once debt/money stops growing, there will be deflation. And deflation will cause depression. And depression will cause defaults.

And once defaults start, they’ll start cascading. A chain reaction will commence in the financial system, and ultimately the whole debt will go up in smoke.

And with the debt, the commercial banks, who are all toast. But they have done their job. The whole debt is collateralized, and the collateral will all be consolidated in the States via the Central Banks.

Yes, the Bank wants Communism, and this is how they get it.

Lagarde, Powell, Yellen, they have been maintaining ‘oh, no, another financial crisis is not going to happen this lifetime, we see no real problems.’ Seriously. They say this. Nobody cares.

But ‘Cyber Attacks’. That’s the ‘main concern’ for ‘the financial system’ (Here’s Lagarde, Powell, Yellen).

So ‘cyber attacks’ is how they plan to sell the coming deflationary collapse. Likely, such ‘attacks’ will be a huge ‘national security issue’. There will be much fanfare, and it’s hard to see how the current ‘leftist’/Great Reset lot is not going to get ousted. They have done everything possible to make themselves as hated as possible. Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are not expected to ‘succeed’, they’re just there to scare everybody in the desired direction: the right wing of the Beast.

It’s not just me saying this: Uncle Vlad himself recently stated he expects a ‘change of elites’ in the West shortly,and that ‘rightist’ and ‘populist’ Governments will take over.

Once all this plays out, the Fed will also cease suppressing Gold, which will then start its ascent into the stratosphere.

People will eat it all up, and be ‘relieved’. But nothing will be solved.

Nothing can solve the $300 Trillion debt, $90 Trillion of which is held by the US, with the Government having another, pretty astounding, $160 Trillion of unfunded liabilities for the decades ahead.

Whites/Westerners were 33% of World population in 1900, and only 9% now. We have been in steep decline for over a century, and we’re now facing a terrifying coup de grace.

There’s no point mincing words. It’s going to be genocidal. Deagel always maintained their numbers were based on the collapse of the financial system. Jacques Attali, already 30 years ago, said the debt bubble, based on American housing, would last until around 2025.

It’s hard to believe it’s going to be as bad as Deagel said, but for certain it’s going to be much worse than the Russians dealt with after the Soviet collapse. And that was brutal.

So keep prepping. Don’t buy any dip, other than Silver. Don’t waste any time on what the fools ‘think’, but be sure to help them out where you can. And make peace with the Spirit, because that’s what this ultimately is all about.
Related:  (see original article for links)
The Next Phase In The Financial Crisis Is Coming
What The Great Reset Is About (Video)
The World Crisis = The Financial Crisis
The New Gold Standard IS The Great Reset!

First Comment by Beachmilk on Gab-

FIAT currency is nearing its end….hold physical assets of intrinsic value not worthless paper, or numbers on a computer screen.

This includes precious metals, food, fuel, water, tools, spare parts, heritage seeds, fertilizer, housing, arable land, guns, ammunition, medical supplies all in your POSSESSION, along with SKILLS that people will need in the ‘new economy’.


There’s a lot of disagreements of women’s roles in the churches. The Apostle Paul made it extremely clear with what our roles are. I decided to look up what the commentaries of old wrote about 1 Timothy 2:12: “But I suffer not a woman to teach, not to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”

“The whole purpose of these weighty admonitions of the great founder of the Gentile Churches relegates Christian women to their own legitimate sphere of action and influence – the quiet of their own homes…St. Paul shows what is the only proper sphere in which woman should work, and in which she should exercise her influence and power; while man’s work and duties lay in the busy world without, woman’s work was exclusively confined to the quiet and stillness of home.” (Ellicot’s Commentary)

“’But I suffer not a woman to teach,’ They may teach in private, in their own houses and families; they are to be teachers of good things (Titus 2:3). They are to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; nor is the law or doctrine of a mother to be forsaken, any more than the instruction of a father; see Proverbs 1:8. Timothy, no doubt, received much advantage, from the private teachings and instructions of his mother Eunice, and grandmother Lois; but then women are not to teach in the church; for that is an act of power and authority, and supposes the persons that teach to be a superior degree, and in a superior office, and to have superior abilities to those who are taught by them: nor to usurp authority over the man; as not in civil and political things, or in things relating to civil government; and in things domestic, or the affairs of the family; so not in things ecclesiastical, or what relate to the church and government of it; for one part of rule is to feed the church with knowledge and understanding; and for woman to take upon her to do this, is to usurp an authority over the man: this therefore she ought not to do, ‘but to be in silence’: to sit and hear quietly and silently, and learn, and not teach, as in 1 Timothy 2:11.” (Gill’s Exposition)

Female preachers are in direct rebellion to God’s Word. They are forbidden from teaching in the churches. God gave men (elders/pastors) the ministry of teaching the Word in the churches, not women. This is why I don’t support BSF and most Women’s Bible Studies. God is clear what He wants the older women teaching younger women in Titus 2:3-5. If He doesn’t want women teaching because Eve was deceived, why would He be okay with any women teaching in the churches?

I am not a fan of any of these young women Christian influencers who travel and have become popular from speaking. Their ministry is in their homes to their husband and children. There are men who are doing exactly what they’re doing and are highly effective. No one can take the place of these young women in their homes. They may gain the whole world, yet lose their children’s souls. It’s just not worth it. Raising godly offspring is a full-time job.

Some will ask me if women can sing in the churches. Singing is not speaking. Giving announcements, praying, reading Scripture, preaching/prophesying, and teaching are all speaking and should be done by the men in the churches. This is God’s authority structure, and it is good.

I have often written that I would rather err on the side of taking the Bible too literally rather than too liberally. Thus, I am quiet in my church. I teach women Titus 2:4,5, namely biblical womanhood. I am a keeper at home. I have mentored and taught women personally and online in my home. I am thankful for this ministry the Lord has given to me. I am always available to my husband, children, and grandchildren. God’s ways are perfect!

He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD.
Psalm 113:9

Catherine Austin Fitts- Covid is Cover for Looting & Bankruptcy of the US


We are NOT in a “fragile financial system”, we are in a war and in a coup d’état; and healthcare is merely the marketing plan for the re-engineering of our governance and financial systems.Catherine Austin Fitts (born December 24, 1950) is an American investment banker and former public official who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co. and, during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush, as United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing.

If the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is imposed…

“If the controllers do not want you traveling more than 5 miles from your home, your credit-card will not work more than 5 miles from your home. If the controllers do not want you to buy pizza, they will prevent you from buying pizza. If the controllers want to tax you more, they just increase their direct tax-debit from your account.”
“You will have no privacy or freedom in this slavery system. Furthermore, the controllers will be able to track every single transaction you make”


by Catherine Austin Fitts( well over a century, the West has used the “Central-Bank Warfare Model”, in which the central-banks print the money and the military ensure that it gets used “wisely” [such as for genocide or stimulating the economy]. But for the past two decades, the West has been approaching a significant change in its governance and financial models. The central-banksters needed an excuse for a lot of funds missing from government balance sheets. 

Enter the “Magic COVID Virus”, which is designed to provide air-cover for the “unfortunate” fact that many of the financial promises made are not going to be kept [as pensions and social security were looted]. 
Since 1998, the (now totally lawless) US Federal Regime has refused to report audited financial statements as required by law. 

Nonetheless, from the financial statements that the US Federal Regime did produce, we know that there was 21 trillion USD dollars in “undocumentable adjustments” [meaning money stolen from a looted system] in 1998-2015.
 In 2017, Prof Dr Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University published all the details on the 21 trillion looted in 1998-2015, although even more money was looted after 2015. The US Federal Regime came under some pressure so, in 2018, it adopted FASAB56 (Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 56, classified activities) which “legally permits” it to keep secret books.
 It is correct to view that as a financial coup d’état by which the central-banksters have taken over the West. 
The final aim of this coup d’état are digital “currencies” operated and controlled by the central-banksters. 

Of course, these CBDCs will not be currencies per se, but rather control systems. To implement the CDBC system, the central-banksters will need “vaccine”-passports which have NOTHING to do with health but with implementing a financial-transaction slavery system which is essentially tantamount to complete control but will also use humans as collateral. 

When Dr Naomi Wolf said “vaccine”-passports” are the end of human liberty in the West, she was right. 
Examples: If the controllers do not want you traveling more than 5 miles from your home, your credit-card will not work more than 5 miles from your home. If the controllers do not want you to buy pizza, they will prevent you from buying pizza. If the controllers want to tax you more, they just increase their direct tax-debit from your account. 
You will have no privacy or freedom in this slavery system. Furthermore, the controllers will be able to track every single transaction you make. Crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin & Co may become regulated and MAY be permitted to coexist with national CBDCs. [It is fairly certain that NSA-coded Bitcoin was a prototype.] 

We are NOT in a “fragile financial system”, we are in a war and in a coup d’état; and healthcare is merely the marketing plan for the re-engineering or our governance and financial systems.
 In parallel with the looting of in particular the US pension and social-security systems, the power-elite worked harder on engineering a reduction of the US life expectancy by vastly upping the “Great Poisoning” after 1998. [And, so far, the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB has become the most effective instrument of the “Great Poisoning”.] 
[Remember that Heinz-Alfred Kissinger (nickname Henry) revealed that world conquest by the Talmudists would be through FOOD, ENERGY and MONEY. As a “young” man of 50 in 1973, Kissinger stated: “Who controls the food-supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls the money can control the world”. Note: He recently revealed that Taiwan would be the trigger for launching WW3, now in its prelude and planned by the Talmudists as the third part of their Book-of-Ezekiel-based “War of Gog and Magog”.] 

Solution: Everyone (but AT LEAST 10 percent of folks) MUST stop supporting the 20 or 30 corporations that are most complicit in installing the slavery system. So boycott them! The “vaccine”-passports (currently advancing in Texas, California and France) must be foiled. 

Do you really want to continue financing a digital “service” “provider” who fully intends to soon stick you in the Digital Concentration Camp? Do you really consider it wise to build and finance your own camp enrollment? Because financing your own enemy means betting against yourself! 

The main bank responsible for the 21 trillion USD of “missing money” is the NY Fed. The top shareowners of the NY Fed are five Wall Street banks: JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of New York Mellon. Those five banks represent two-thirds of the USA’s eight “Global Systemically Important Banks” (GSIBs). Everyone NEEDS to pull their money out of these five banks! This is WAR, so stop financing your ENEMY! 

Catherine shows how to FIND A REPLACEMENT for your criminal bankster here: 

To find a new bank, check the bank-rating services and Chamber of Commerce for your area. Make sure your new bank is not owned or directed by one or more of the criminal banks. 

The power-elite wish to destroy small business because it is the bedrock of democracy. That is why the US Regime worked so hard on giving the workforce of small businesses alternatives to going to work. Also, the power-elite wish to control the food supply, so targeting small private restaurants will kill off that sector in which small farmers traditionally supplied those restaurants. 
Klaus Schwab-Rothschild’s “2030 own nothing” slogan really means: “It is 2030, we have stolen all your assets, and we will henceforth do nothing else but mind-control you in perpetuity”. 

Solutions: Fire your criminal bankster; keep using cash; stay analog and ditch digital as much as you can; leave your “smart”-phone at home as often as possible; get the criminal corporations out of your income statement; stop supporting folks who have no integrity and care nothing about you; sidestep inflation by producing more for yourself (such as food) or else working more for yourself (such as DIY); transact in gold and silver; only do business with folks you love; invest in people rather than things. 

Elsewhere, Catherine Austin Fitts mentioned a scene in the Tell-Lie-Vision-Series Yellowstone in which the Kevin Costner character tells his son: 

“The trick to beating evil is that you gotta be more evil than evil BUT YOU ALSO GOTTA ABLE TO LOVE YOUR FAMILY AND ENJOY A SUNSET”. 

Hence, people must NOT lose their faith and must NOT lose their love. We are dealing with REALLY SERIOUS EVIL here, so the big question is: How Do We Win This But Not Lose Our Faith And Love? The answer is that we have to do this with Divine Authority because, at the root, we are in a spiritual war.
Any great civilization is built one great child at a time. And either we finance the world we want to live in or we will not have it.

Makow — The Riddle of “Antisemitism”

barbara-lerner-spectre.jpg“Antisemitism” is spreading as the COVID scam is correctly identified with Organized Jewry, (i.e. the Rothschild central banking cartel) Freemasonry and Communism.

No one can justify genocide, but the stigma attached to “antisemitism” is duplicitous mind control. 

Antisemitism is legitimate resistance to the pernicious agenda of organized Jewry and Freemasonry, i.e. the NWO.

This agenda is to re-engineer, dispossess and enslave humanity by destroying the four legs of human identity: race, religion (God), nation and family (gender.) COVID gene therapy takes this process to the next level.

Most Jews and non-Jews are unaware that since antiquity Jews have been reviled for good reason. 

Jews are in a state of willful denial. They don’t realize that Judaism is governed by Cabala which is SatanismThe essence of Judaism is to take God’s place, destroy Christianity and dispossess non-Jews, exemplified by Communism which rabbis equate with Judaism. 

First, Jews were possessed by Cabalism; then the virus spread to society thanks to Freemasonry. We are witnessing constant Communist (Satanist) attacks on society, in the Democratic (Communist) Party platform, and the COVID hoax and the gratuitous war in Ukraine.

I am considered an antisemite. In fact, as a witness to God (Truth,) I have earned more goodwill for Jews than most other Jews. Pretty good for an “anti-Semite!” I prove not all Jews are party to the diabolical agenda of Organized Jewry and show that Freemasons (non-Jewish Satanist traitors) are equally culpable. 

Like its spawn Freemasonry, Judaism is a secret society. Only the initiated know the true agenda. The rest are deceived and manipulated. Uninitiated Jews must oppose the NWO agenda or become its scapegoats. 

The Illuminati are responsible for the Jewish holocaust and won’t hesitate to throw uninitiated Jews like my family under the bus again. 


“In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes…”   (Protocols of Zion, 6)

Updated from March 17, 2009

by Henry Makow PhD 

“We’re being flooded by Jews,” a Canadian immigration officer remarked to his associate.

The year was 1951. He was checking the papers of a young couple with a baby. 

My father understood English. He had narrowly survived the Jewish holocaust by passing as a Pole. This was his welcome to Canada.

Luckily it was not a harbinger. We encountered little discrimination and my family prospered. 

Nonetheless, my parents wanted to assimilate. They gave their children English-sounding names and hardly associated with the Jewish community. The extent of our Jewish observance was that my mother lit the candles on Friday and we celebrated the major holidays. 

My parents rarely spoke of my grandparents who had perished. They seemed to regard being Jewish as a curse.

I did assimilate. It’s ironic therefore that my father had disowned me because I tried to understand antisemitism in other than simplistic terms. (We reconciled many years before his death at age 97 in 2021.)

Nothing can justify the Nazi policy of genocide but you’d think Jews would want to understand how a catastrophe of this magnitude occurred. 

How else can we ensure ordinary Jews will not be sacrificed as “burnt offerings” again? 


It should come as no surprise that the people who own and control the world have put their interests before the greater good of humanity. Obviously many of these are not Jewish.

For at least 400 years, Christian civilization has been under covert attack by a diabolical multi-generational program now called the “New World Order”, “globalization” or “world government.” 

Essentially globalization represents the consolidation of absolute economic, political and cultural power in the hands of a cabal of super-rich dynastic families (bankers and their vast corporate networks) headquartered in the City of London. The WEF, UN, IMF and World Bank are some of their instruments.

These families include the Rothschilds, Warburgs and other Jews who have intermarried with Anglo American and European aristocracy. 

This mirrors the collaboration between the moneylenders and kings in the Middle Ages when the Jew “administered his oppression” in return for protection and a share of the spoils. These dynastic families have embraced Freemasonry, an occult secret society that worships Lucifer. The top rank of this cabal is called the “Illuminati.”

The Illuminati uses antisemitism to manipulate Jews and others. Jews figure prominently in Illuminati-sponsored movements such as Communism, Zionism, Socialism, Nazism, Liberalism, Feminism, and Neo-Conservatism. 

Most of these Jews are opportunists or idealistic dupes who think they’re building a secular utopia based on reason and not a world police state straight out of George Orwell’s “1984”. 


Antisemitism is not an irrational hatred or sickness in the Gentile soul, as Jews imagine. It is a healthy defence mechanism of mainly Christian and Muslim nations, cultures, races and religions that are threatened by a gradual and insidious process of extinction (i.e. world government.) 

Most “antisemitic” books I’ve seen are remarkably free of hatred and rancour. They do not advocate violence against Jews but present measures to retain national and racial characters similar to those practiced by Jews in Israel today. 

They tend to be reasonable and portray the Gentile as a feckless victim of superior Jewish intelligence. Leon de Poncins would even accept Jewish leadership if it were benign. leon_de_poncins.png

Competition between “Christian” and “Jewish” world views is perhaps the central factor in the development of the western world. “The Jew championed reason against the mythical world of the spirit,” de Poncins relates. “He was the doctor of unbelief; all who were mentally in revolt came to him…”(Judaism and the Vatican, p. 116) 

Essentially Jews diminish the soul as this God-connection interferes with their hegemony. They champion “reason” which is mere rationalization when divorced from morality.  

“The Jewish Question” has been a major issue for hundreds of years. As early as 1879, a German writer lamented that it cannot be discussed honestly. 

“Since 1848 if we Germans so much as criticized any little thing Jewish, it was enough to have us entirely outlawed from the press,” wrote Wilhelm Marr. “While a sense of delicacy is wholly absent among the Jews [when satirizing Germans], it is demanded of us that we handle them like fine glassware or extremely sensitive plants.” (Anti-Semitism in the Modern World: An Anthology 1991, p.85) 


Called “the most influential German anti-Semite before Hitler,” Fritsch’s most influential book Handbuch der Judenfrage 1896 (Handbook of the Jewish Question) went through dozens of printings and was taught in German schools during the Nazi era. Most copies were destroyed after World War Two.

“Handbook” was translated into English in 1927 and titled “The Riddle of the Jew’s Success” by F. Roderich-Stoltheim, a pen name. It is extremely rare; original copies cost as much as $1000.  It has been reprinted by Omnia Veritas, the French translator of my books, and can be had for $25. 

Fritsch does not fit the image of hate monger foaming at the mouth. His book impresses me as the work a civilized man with considerable spiritual discernment. His central point is that Judaism does not deserve credit for monotheism because the Jewish God is not universal. jew-blasphemy12.jpg

“It is a fatal mistake of our theologians to regard the Jewish God as identical with the Christian. On a closer examination, Jehovah is found to be the exclusive God of Jew-dom and not, at the same time, that of other men.”

He cites many passages from the Old Testament to demonstrate that the Covenant between Jews and their God “bears a hostile meaning for all non- Jewish people.” 

For example, “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the world for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron…” (Psalms 2.8.9) 

Or “Thou wilt devour all nations which the Lord thy God will give thee. Thou shalt have no mercy on them…(Moses 5.7.16) (p.55)

As a consequence, the Talmud (the Jewish code of law) distinguishes one system of morality for Jews and another for Gentiles who are regarded as cattle or swine. Fritsch cites many references to show it is permitted to lie, cheat or steal from a Gentile. (pp. 57-65) 

Fritsch concludes that antisemitism is a natural reaction to these hostile attitudes which he claims are actually practiced by many Jews. Since these beliefs are kept secret from non-Jews, he says Judaism is a conspiracy against non-Jews. Its aim is to fulfill the Covenant and gain dominion over mankind by controlling wealth.

He claims that all Jews are part of this scheme and none can be excepted. I respect the right of Germans to a national homeland but I think he is wrong to judge all Jews by one racist standard. Most Jews are clueless conformists like most people in general. 

How would he like to be condemned for what other Germans (e.g. Nazis) did or said? Jews are individuals and should be judged by their individual actions. Most are alienated from Judaism and many would find the Biblical passages cited above repugnant. 


Jews need to re-examine their relationship with Judaism. I cannot overstate the significance of the Jewish rejection of Christ. 

Christ represented a universal God and universal morality. His teaching represented the natural next stage which Jews should have embraced.

By rejecting Christ’s teaching, the Pharisees placed the Jewish people in perpetual opposition to the best interests of humanity, to the ultimate and inevitable path of human spiritual evolution. 

They have placed Jews in a state of permanent metaphysical revolt which on a personal level leads to alienation and dysfunction. 

Christ taught that God is Love. Love is the Master Plan. Love is Light.

 Love thy neighbor. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. 

By giving of ourselves we find our true selves. 

What fault could Pharisees have with a gospel that preaches human brotherhood and putting others before yourself? Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you? 

It denies their special claim, as God’s “chosen people” which in practice means self-appointed Gods. 

It denies their agenda which is to rob humanity of its birthright which is behind the COVID scam and all major wars. 

Growing up means recognizing that other people are special in God’s eyes too. 

Think of a child that doesn’t want to grow up. One who thinks he can do anything he wants. One who doesn’t have to consider others. 

Who is never wrong and so never admits it. Who thinks any opposition must be motivated by irrational hatred i.e. “antisemitism” and not his own behavior. 

Think arrested development. 

Think Jew World Order.


Related –  “Creative Destruction” and 6uild 6ack 6etter

————-The Devil and the Jews 

————-Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult 

————— God Was the First Anti Semite

—————-“Antisemitism” is a trick we use 

————-Antisemitism- Jews Will Never ‘Get It‘ (an example)