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Dr. Fauci’s Horrifying Past & Sinister Track Record

by Ash

Anthony Fauci has become a household name amid the COVID-19 era. Some worship him as modern medicine’s high priest and take his ever-contradictory statements as the gospel.

anthony fauci’s reign of terror on the general public has spanned five decades

Anthony Fauci’s reign of terror on the general public has spanned five decades.

For those less enthused, it’s nearly impossible to go a day without encountering the pandemic pimp. His image is plastered on magazines, books, and documentaries. Mainstream mediaportrays him as a selfless humanitarian dedicated to the betterment of societal wellness.

Yet for over half a century the diabolical doctor paved a career through deceit, fraud, coercion, and crime. Hiding behind the unsuspecting grandfatherly figure is a maniacal sadist who’s achieved levels of evil beyond comprehension.

Has Never Seen A Patient

Fauci was born into a family with close ties to Big Pharma. His parents, Stephen and Eugenia, both held medical degrees and owned a successful pharmacy in New York City. From a young age, he learned that prescription drugs bring in infinite revenue if the consumer remains ill. With large sums of cash generated from their lucrative enterprise and numerous industry ties, Anthony was guaranteed the best education.

Upon completing his residency in 1968, the inexperienced doctor was immediately offered an associate position with the National Institutes of Health. Since adopting a profession in bureaucracy over five decades ago, Anthony Fauci has never worked as a general physician or even met with an actual patient.

Child Abuse

Congress cited Fauci’s agency in 2005 after they repeatedly violated federal law. NIH staff performed heinous experiments on illegally seized orphans throughout the United States. Thousands of vulnerable children were used as human lab rats and injected with Gates Foundation-funded vaccines. Hundreds died or suffered debilitating chronic side effects as a result.

According to government documents, injuries ranged from seizures to paralysis. Appallingly, the demented mad scientist knew no borders. Other geographic locations including Africa and India were terrorized with inhuman treatments perversely concealed as charitable assistance. Minors and pregnant women appear to be the preferred target of these horrific studies.

Animal Cruelty

From October 2018 until February 2019, Fauci spent $1.68 million on sickening animal testing. Scientists obtained 44 beagle puppies and cut their vocal cords to prevent barking. Then the innocent creatures were infected with parasitic biting flies which slowly ate them alive.

Over the course of several agonizing months, each pup received daily infusions of toxic chemicals. FOIA papers detail how the canines constantly whimpered in pain before they were finally euthanized.

NIH officials claimed the studies performed were required for FDA submissions, however, no mandate exists.

Another ongoing project involves drilling holes into the skulls of 4,000 monkeys. Acid is injected while the primates are abused and terrorized.

It appears Fauci loves to torture living beings because he’s truly a psychopath.

Conflicts Of Interest

Head of the Presidential Commission of Bioethics is a woman named Christine Grady. She just so happens to be Anthony Fauci’s wife. Her department is directly responsible for clinical trials required for FDA approval.

Both husband and wife are involved in the endorsement, production, and distribution of coronavirus inoculations. Their combined efforts created the Moderna shot which has already raked in billions of dollars. Grady uses her earnings to fund democratic candidates.

In fact, she contributed donations to the Biden Campaign while her spouse advised Donald Trump with erroneous information. When it comes to corruption, the apple does not fall far from the family tree. Tony and Christine’s daughter Alison works for the social media empire Twitter, a company known for circulating propaganda and canceling anyone exposing lies.

Epidemic Profiteer

In 1984 Fauci was appointed Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases. HIV coincidentally emerged only a few short months later. A new business venture blossomed seemingly overnight. The conniving doctor utilized scare tactics on citizens by falsely stating AIDS could be spread without physical contact. He vowed to come up with a vaccine to eradicate the disease.

Over 35 years and more than a trillion taxpayer dollars later, the nation is still waiting. Similar strategies were implemented with epidemics that followed: instill fear, conceal information, inflate the figures, then lobby for pharmaceutical manufacturers. With each ‘outbreak’ of viruses such as H5N1, Swine Flu, and Zika, Fauci’s organization consolidated power while he received massive kickbacks.

Throwback to the Swine Flu Hoax: SAME Script, SAME Tactics, SAME Players — 10 Years Prior to COVID-19 They Tried the Same But Failed.

Fauci is the highest-paid government employee and earns nearly half a million dollars annually. With such a tremendous salary one would assume an outstanding job performance.

However, since he joined the civil sector, Americans have become increasingly unhealthy. Prescription drugs are now the third leading cause of death in the United States. Many of these medications were developed by his very own institution: the NIH.

In recent times he pushed for unnecessary draconian lockdowns which attributed to countless suicides and fatal overdoses. Through Fauci’s inconceivable coronary guidance, vast amounts of these deaths fraudulently registered as COVID-19 fatalities.

With exaggerated numbers and discrediting alternative treatments, Tony used the Emergency Use Authorization to push through his profitable Moderna immunization. Follow the money trail you will see those who have the most to gain are responsible for orchestrating current events.

If you’d like further explore this topic, check out ‘The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, & the Global War on Democracy and Public Health’ by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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