Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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“How can she make sure that her influence over her husband will be for good, that he will be a better man, more successful in his career and more happy, because she is his wife? Not by any mere moral posturing so as to seem to have lofty purpose and wise thoughts of life; not by any weak resolving to help him and be an uplifting inspiration to him; not by perpetual preaching and lecturing on a husband’s duties and on manly character; she can do it only by being in the very depths of her soul, in every thought and impulse of her heart and in every fibre of her nature, a true and noble woman. She will make him not like what she tells him he ought to be, but like what she herself is.

“So it all comes back to a question of character. She can be a good wife only by being a good woman and she can be a good woman in the true sense only by being a Christian woman. Nowhere save in Christ can she find the wisdom and strength she needs to meet the solemn responsibilities of wifehood. Only in Christ can she find that rich beauty of soul, that gemming [to adorn] and empearling [to decorate] of the character, which shall make her lovely in her husband’s sight when the bloom of youth is gone, when the brilliance has faded out of her eyes and the roses have fled from her cheeks. Only Christ can teach her how to live so as to be blessed and a blessing in her married life.”

Dear women, you must become women of the Word. Stop listening to false female preachers. Listen to godly male preachers instead. Learn from older women who teach biblical womanhood. Be in the Word daily. Feast upon it. His Word is what transforms us into His image as we renew our minds with Truth. This world lies. Feminism is a lie. It has led many astray, even many in the churches. Don’t be part of this departure from Truth. Stick to God’s Word no matter what comes. His will is good, and His ways are perfect.

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

Being Blessed and a Blessing in Married Life

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