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Mike Stone – California Recall Campaign Evades Lockdown Issue


Today I receive an Information Guide from the Secretary of State with info all about the election. Every candidate has a half page in there to describe why we should vote for them. Of the thirty-something candidates NOT ONE mentions the virus hoax! Not one!

There’s no mention of masks, vaccines, mandates, businesses being shut down, nothing from any of them, not even Elder.”

by Mike Stone(


An extraordinary event is taking place in California, we’re having a recall election for governor. You can vote for Bruce Jenner in a dress. You can vote for billboard queen Angelyne. It’s too bad Gary Coleman is no longer with us. If he were running, I’d vote for him.

Normally, before every election I’m bombarded with flyers, postcards and other articles of mail, all asking for my vote. For this election, I have received nothing. Not one piece of mail, not even from Larry Elder who is the apparent front runner to replace Gavin Newsom. 

That’s strange because the ballots have already been mailed out. People are voting now. I already voted. But not a peep from any of the thirty candidates that are running. If any one of them, even a complete unknown, was on the ball and contacting voters with mailings they would have a tremendous advantage.

It makes me wonder, is the person that Elder, left, hired to run his campaign incompetent?

I emailed Elder’s campaign office and volunteered my services. I’m available full time for the next four weeks and I’m open for anything: making phone calls, knocking on doors, you name it. Nobody responds.

I send another email. No response. A third and fourth email. No response. Now I’m wondering if the person that Elder hired to run his campaign is deliberately trying to sabotage him. Either that or they’re so confident of winning they don’t need help from volunteers.

Today I receive an Information Guide from the Secretary of State with info all about the election. Every candidate has a half page in there to describe why we should vote for them. Of the thirty-something candidates NOT ONE mentions the virus hoax! Not one!

There’s no mention of masks, vaccines, mandates, businesses being shut down, nothing from any of them, not even Elder.

The entire recall election was created because people hated the masks, hated the mandates, and were disgusted with Newsom’s tyrannical and hypocritical leadership, yet not one f-ing candidate mentions it. All they mention are jobs and education. Nobody cares about jobs or education right now! All they care about is the hoax.

Now I’m really thinking that the person that Elder hired to run his campaign is sabotaging him.

I’m also thinking that if only I had a few bucks I could have ran and made the scamdemic the center of my entire platform. 

In the Information Guide, Newsom has an entire page to say why he shouldn’t be recalled. Here’s his opening line: “The recall is an attempt by national Republicans and Trump supporters to force an election and grab power in California.”

That tells me two things. First, either Newsom and his people actually believe this, in which case he and they are completely delusional.

Or, second, they don’t believe it, but they think that is an argument that will convince the voters not to oust him from office. If that’s the case, then they consider the voters to be even more brain-dead than I consider them to be. And that’s saying something.

This recall election is so retarded I can’t even put it into words. It’s a golden opportunity for the people of California to right the sinking ship and these idiot candidates are letting it slip right through their fingers.

In the end, all I can do is fall back on the old chestnut of wisdom: California, take away the fruits and flakes and all that’s left are the nuts.
Mike Stone is the author of “Reversing the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine: How to Heal Yourself from Adverse Reactions to the Trump Vaccine and Protect Yourself from Shedding,available here. And the author of Based, a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon.

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