Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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Before I began writing for my blog over ten years ago, I knew I wasn’t a good writer. When I began writing, I kept apologizing for being a poor writer. A few months after I began my blog, a good friend of mine who teaches writing wrote to me and told me that I am a good writer. She told me that reading my posts was like having me sit across the table from her and talking to her. She heard my “voice” in my writings. (The editor who edited my book taught me a lot more about good writing.)

Throughout the years, I have been asked to give interviews. I didn’t accept the invitations, since I wasn’t good at public speaking at all. Even one false female preacher wanted to do a live debate with me a few years ago. I refused. I thought she would do far superior than me since she’s used to speaking. I wasn’t. My husband thought I would do fine since I could counter all of her unbiblical nonsense with truth, yet I just didn’t feel comfortable doing it.

Women would frequently ask me to do videos, so they could see and hear me. I eventually gave in and began a YouTube channel. I would watch my videos back and see what I was doing wrong, then correct myself on the next video. It drives me nuts to watch someone doing a video and constantly saying “like” or “um” or “you know.” I am a lot better than I used to be. There will always be room for improvement. And some are naturally gifted. I am not.

In the past three months, I did three interviews with three different men: Eric ConnAnthony Johnson, and Jesse Lee Peterson. I wasn’t nervous about doing them at all since I have had practice from making the videos.

Practice does make perfect! Well, maybe not perfect but a whole lot better. Is there something you think you’re not good at but would like to try doing? Give it a try! We don’t get anywhere in life without trying to do some things that we don’t think we’re capable of doing. You may never know some hidden talent that you might have if you never try.

I always have loved to teach. In order to be a good teacher, especially with the Internet, one must learn to be a good writer and even speaker. I believe anyone who is a good reader can learn both of these if they just put some effort into it.

One woman recently told me that I must be proud of myself for what I have accomplished. I have never once felt proud of myself. I am thankful for the ministry the Lord has given to me. I’m thankful for how He’s grown it. But all of my gifts and talents and even wisdom is ALL from Him! It’s to Him I give all praise and thankfulness. Without Him, I am nothing.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

You May Have a Hidden Talent!

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