Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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In 1958 (the year I was born), my grandpa bought a piece of land in the forests of Wisconsin on Lake Michigan. He built a cabin on the land where we spent our summers with all of our relatives. These are my favorite childhood memories! We had no TV or Internet, so we talked, played, swam, hiked, and just had fun together.

About 38 years ago (the year my oldest daughter was born), my dad bought the cabin next door that was owned by two elderly unmarried sisters. They had both been public school teachers in the 1920s to 1950s. My dad than built onto the tiny cabin to accompany his children and their growing families. Our children’s favorite memories are from this place now.

The other day, I found the book above in this book shelf that was part of the original cabin. I am sure it was what the sisters used when they taught long ago.

It was a reader that was written in 1929.

I looked through it, and it’s a far cry from what children are being taught these days. Here’s a page that taught children to be thankful for our great nation.

Here’s another page with a story from the Bible! Can you imagine this being taught these days?

When they threw God and prayer out of school, they threw out all truth. Now, children are only being taught lies in the public schools.

Can you imagine a President during our lifetime saying such a thing? I sure can’t, but we can pray for one. I also found some old magazines from the late 1940s and early 1950s called Ideal in the same bookshelf left by the sisters. Reading through them made me realize how much more family and home were valued back then.

Here are a few pages from one of these magazines. God’s ways are so good. Enjoy!

Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Jeremiah 6:16

God Used to Be Taught in the Public Schools

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