Woody Allen, Covid Hoax & Jewish Narcissism


(Predator and prey: Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow)

Allen is typical of the Jewish psychopaths — Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab — threatening mankind with genocide.  He was incapable of basic human empathy. “He made egotism an art form,” said Mia Farrow. He was the center of the universe and insisted on controlling everything. 

by Henry Makow PhD
At one point during their 1993 child custody battle, Woody Allen told Mia Farrow: “What’s true doesn’t matter. What people believe is all that counts.”  
This statement captures the essence of Jewish Cabalism (Satanism) and explains the mentality behind the covid hoax. 
By controlling the narrative, no matter how absurd, they think they can reshape reality to fit their interests, amour-propre and perversions. 


Thus Woody Allen marshalled an array of political, legal and media assets to assert that Mia Farrow’s claim that Allen sexually molested her child Dylan was the “revenge of a mother scorned,” after he cheated with her teenage daughter, Soon Yi Previn.
I was a Woody Allen fan my whole life and saw most of his movies. I accepted his story until I saw the three-part HBO documentary series “Allen Vs. Farrow” which leaves no doubt that Allen was a pedophile. This is disappointing because once I looked to him for a moral vision.
Why should this concern us? 
Allen is typical of the Jewish psychopaths — Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab — now threatening mankind with genocide.  He was totally incapable of basic human empathy. 
“He made egotism an art form,” said Farrow.  “Woody lived and made his decisions while suspended in a zone constructed and controlled almost entirely by himself… He did not acknowledge other beings except as features of his own landscape, valued according to their contribution to his own existence. He was therefore unable to empathize and felt no moral responsibility to anyone or anything.” (Mia Farrow, “What Falls Away,” 208.)
As the center of the universe, he insisted on controlling everything.   While in a marriage to Farrow, he seduced her teenage daughter and molested her child, fingering Dylan’s vagina on more than one occasion
Sexually molesting children is sick but can be treated. However, the inability to recognize that he is damaging and ruining a child’s life, is more serious. This lack of basic human empathy characterizes a psychopath.  



This solipsistic derangement is at the heart of the Cabalist Jewish cancer plaguing humanity. Jews are the Chosen People. The goyim were created to serve them. This is played out in the Covid scam, a classic case of the truth taking a back seat to the spurious genocidal narrative. 

Secondly, they never admit their guilt. Allen could have repented and sought treatment. Farrow and the children would have  forgiven him. Instead, Allen denied the charges, and appealed the verdict and visitation rights numerous times. He lost every one. 
 In losing the first appeal, the court noted Allen’s “tendency to place inappropriate emphasis on his own wants and needs and to minimize and even ignore those of his children.”  The Judge ordered Allen to pay $1 million in Farrow’s legal fees. 


So what does this say about Jewish psychopaths?

1. They will resist the truth at any cost since Truth is theirs to define. Allen spent thousands trying to bribe or intimidate Mia Farrow, witnesses and law enforcement officials.   He is still maintaining his innocence despite overwhelming evidence and even tweeted a response to me: “Stay on your meds.” 
2.  They will double down. The more Mia resisted, the more Allen upped the ante. 
 Mankind is in the position of Dylan Farrow, attacked by a powerful, vicious predator. Except we have no lioness like Mia Farrow to defend us. We must defend ourselves.

Allen lost. The truth prevailed. The Illuminati have overreached. The covid scam may bring down their whole structure of deceit.
Like Mia Farrow, we must insist on the truth.
The Truth will make us free as long as the Cabalists don’t control it.

Related Damning Details from Allen’s 1993 Child Custody Battle
First Comment from Christine
Christianity is Jewish.
Judaism is Satanism.
The faithful remnant founded the church – amidst fierce opposition ad persecution from their rebellious countrymen- and took the gospel to the world. THEY were the light to the nations. What is being set up in the middle east is a satanic deception, facilitated by those ridiculous Christian Zionists.
The Rabbis are all Talmudists and kabbalists: Neither of these abominations has anything to do with the Word of God. Both are 100% blasphemous.
People who go to the synagogue and yawn every Saturday need to realise that they are facilitating psychopaths, who are currently planning their “Final War” (the third part ofwhat they think is “Gog& Magog). This will involve mass death in so-called “Israel”, i.e. the Zionist state.
The Kabbalists think that the prophecies that concerned 70AD & God’s wrath on the rebels for their rejection of Messiah have not yet been fulfilled, and must now be brought about (e.g. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/4511335/jewish/Gog-and-Magog.htm
This is all over the internet for people toread/listen to for themselves. They just need to look-up information on “Moschiach”.
In reality, it is the Zionists who are Gog. And they invert everything.


Confronting the Judeocracy

Anyone who has spent even a short time battling against the Judeocracy has surely experienced the frustration of attempting to persuade a trusted friend or colleague of the gravity of the situation—only to fail. This is undoubtedly one of the most discouraging and troubling aspects of those who take up the mission for truth and justice. We repeatedly encounter intelligent and well-read individuals who, we believe, surely must share our sense of concern and outrage. If they do not, it can only be from lack of knowledge; therefore, a short chat or a targeted reading or two, we think, will do the trick. The facts are indisputable, and hence it is merely a matter of information. Once our friends have the requisite facts, they will surely—surely—see things our way. And yet, time after time, they do not.

Why is this? What are they thinking? What is their logic? How is it that they can fail to be fully convinced of the severity of the Jewish Question? Or even just be sympathetic to our stance? Why is it that they occasionally even become outright hostile—not to them, but to us? How can they be in denial of what is, from a rational and objective standpoint, surely one of the major problems facing civilized humanity? Undoubtedly this could be the topic of a book-length treatment, and I can only outline a few basic ideas here. But I think there is some merit in examining the basic categories of response and denial by those confronted, perhaps for the first time in a serious manner, with the Jewish Question and with the many problems of living under de facto Jewish rule.

At its most basic level, the situation is one in which the relative novice is confronted with a difficult, troubling, and potentially catastrophic scenario: profound social corruption by wealthy and powerful Jews. (I stress the ‘relative’ here; everyone, even the functionally illiterate, has heard somethingnegative about the Jews, likely many negative things.) It is a ‘bad news’ story of the highest magnitude. And the last thing many people want in their lives these days is another bad news story. God knows we’ve had enough troubles in recent years: political upheaval, riots in the streets, a global pandemic, economic gyrations, unrestrained immigration, environmental decline, opioid crises, surging crime, falling lifespans. Who needs yet one more disaster heaped upon their plates? The Jews? Really? Are you serious? And I suppose the Holocaust never happened! (Hint:  it didn’t—not in the way described.) What are you, some kind of Nazi? A White supremacist? On and on.

Despite all this, many of us persevere. We realize that public education is one of our primary weapons in the Great Struggle, and we are bound and determined to press ahead and inform as many as possible of the nature of the problem. Therefore, it is of some use to understand more precisely how people typically respond to our overtures, in order to be more effective in our communication. After all, we are pursuing a noble cause, and we sincerely want people to be well-informed and, ideally, to join us in our mission. Apart from our opponents, we genuinely want people to like and appreciate us. You don’t get very far coming off like a fanatic or a jerk. I’m quite confident that virtually none of us relish making enemies for the sake of making enemies. We have no driving urge to be antagonistic or rabble-rousing. Generally speaking, what we have are facts, experiences, and informed opinions on the Jews; these, combined with a general sense of concern for social welfare, justice, and the state of the world, incline us to undertake unusual, unpopular, but highly valuable actions to educate others, and to articulate possible solutions. It is the prototypical ‘thankless task,’ and yet we do it all the same.

That said, it is helpful to have a model of how people react to the Jewish Question. The approach I will outline here derives from another famous model describing how people react to a different crisis situation: death. In the 1950s and 60s, Swiss (later, American) psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross developed a well-known scheme that came to be known as “the five stages of grief.” When confronted with imminent death, she said, people typically progress through five relatively distinct mental phases: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.  Denial: “No, this isn’t true, it can’t be happening. There must be some mistake.”  Anger: “How could this happen to me? It’s just not fair! Someone is to blame. God, how could you let this happen!”  Bargaining: “Please, God, get me through this and I promise to do x, y, z. Or, doc, you have to help me; I’ll do whatever it takes.”  Depression: “There’s no use, nothing will work. I’m doomed. What’s the use of even trying?” And finally, Acceptance: “Everyone dies, and I guess my time is up. So be it. Time to meet my Maker.” This schema was first described in her initial book, On Death and Dying(1969).

I’ll not debate the merits or demerits of Kübler-Ross’ theory here. Some have found it helpful, and others dismiss it as largely irrelevant or at least unsubstantiated. Still, based only on common sense, I think we can see that there is some insight here, and that many people—perhaps some we have known personally—indeed experience such stages in varying degrees. Obviously not everyone passes through all five stages, and not necessarily in the prescribed order, but nonetheless, these stages do describe some essential aspects of human response to the looming tragedy of one’s own demise.

Inspired by this model, let me then propose something analogous:  The Six Stages of Enlightenment on the Jewish Question. I claim no real scientific grounding here, and I have done no exhaustive surveys or interviews. This is based simply on my own personal experience, over several years, of confronting people—students, family, friends, strangers—on the dangers of the Judeocracy. My six stages are as follows:

1. Denial
2. Irrelevance
3. Impotence
4. Misplaced Anger
5. Acceptance
6. Righteous Anger and Action

As with Kübler-Ross’s theory, I do not claim that all people experience all of these stages, nor that they necessarily progress through them in order. But I do think that many people, when confronted with the data, do experience some or most of these stages. Let me briefly describe each in turn, and then outline some of the relevant facts that make the case for enlightenment.

DENIAL. Upon first hearing a serious claim that Jews have outsized and detrimental influence in society, or dominate the ranks of the wealthy, or run the media, or control politics, the usual initial response is denial: “No they don’t. That’s ridiculous. There are no more Jews in power than anyone else. That’s just an anti-Semitic canard.” This, even from highly-educated people. Fortunately, this is an empirical question; an overwhelming Jewish presence can be easily proven, given the relevant data. Below I offer a concise version of this argument.

IRRELEVANCE. Once it is shown that Jews are massively over-represented in key sectors of society, the standard reply is that this fact does not matter. “Ok, there are lots of Jews in media, finance, and politics, but this doesn’t really matter. People are just people. There are good ones and there are bad ones. If Jews hold lots of influential positions, that only means that they worked hard and succeeded. And anyway, they’re just doing their jobs. If they didn’t do them, someone else would.”

This seems like a common-sense view, but to make such a claim is to hold an extremely naïve and ill-informed view of the world. It’s true that most decent people, and especially most Whites, tend to view others as individuals; there are likely evolutionary reasons for this, which I won’t elaborate here, but see Kevin MacDonald’s book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition for a good recent account. If we judge everyone as basically well-intentioned individuals, then of course, it doesn’t really matter if Jews or any other minority dominates society. If Jews are disproportionate, then it can only mean that they are that much smarter or industrious than others, and thus they deserve their standing. (Nathan Cofnas is doing his best to make this thesis academically respectable—refuted in several places, most recently by Andrew Joyce). And if some Jews commit crimes or other unethical actions, we have to judge and punish them individually, on a case-by-case basis. Or so they say.

The Jewish critic must then respond to this stance with a demonstration that it doesmatter, that Jewish over-representation has a long-standing and deep-rooted grounding in anti-White and even anti-human actions, and that it is remarkably detrimental to social and human well-being. This is a longer and more difficult argument to make, but it can be done; again, I outline this case below.

IMPOTENCE. Once we have shown the deleterious effect of Jewish dominance, the next reply is typically something like this: “Ok, if Jews have so much power and influence, then you can’t possibly win. They are just too strong. So why fight them? It can only hurt yourself and your family. Better to just ignore the whole situation and live your life as best you can.”

Certainly this is a pragmatic view, and many otherwise well-intentioned critics adopt this line. But ultimately it means surrender: a moral capitulation to a malevolent ruling power. To yield to evil is itself a great evil. It is to condemn one’s own future, and that of your children and grandchildren, to a life of increasing brutality and coarseness, of deprivation and suffering, of conflict and war. No truly concerned person can accept this. We must confront the situation head-on.  To fight against evil, even in the face of likely defeat, is noble; it actually makes life worth living. Even if victory is a long way off—and ultimate victory for our side is inevitable, once we understand the history—it is still a fight worth pursuing. Living in a Judeocracy means that every major aspect of society is affected. If you have any concerns or causes in this world that you think are worth fighting for—the environment, social justice, education, human rights, health, democracy—then you need to engage in the fight against Jewish rule because it has a negative impact on virtually every other social issue. To paraphrase Spengler, impotence is cowardice.

MISPLACED ANGER. At this point, your friend is likely to start getting irritated—with you. As a typical semi-thoughtful but uncritical television viewer, he has likely absorbed and internalized the conventional pro-Jewish mantra: Jews are a beleaguered and innocent people who have been unjustly attacked over the centuries, most notably during the Holocaust, and thus we owe them vast amends. Furthermore, being a typically decent person, he thinks that anyone attacking Jews, or any minorities, is a morally-deficient racist or neo-Nazi—and now, this is you! For God’s sake, everybody hates a racist! Even Tucker Carlson hates racists!—as he informs us every night, in his unthinking, dim-witted, and duplicitous manner. Since you clearly hate Jews, you are now officially a ‘hater.’ And everyone hates a hater—don’t they?

Sensing that he has lost the argument, your friend then launches into either subtle or overt ad hominem attacks against you. Rational discussion is out the window, and emotion rules the day. You are now simply a ‘bad person’; no further need to debate with you. Having demonstrated your incivility and cruel-heartedness, you are either pitied or detested. Critically, the focus has shifted to you; Jews are suddenly nowhere in sight, even though this was the sole issue at hand. They are suddenly off the hook. How convenient; the Jews themselves couldn’t have scripted a better outcome.

Sadly, many people remain stuck in this mode for a long time, perhaps for their entire lives. They never address the real issue, but continue only to think negatively of you and you alone. This is a relatively good outcome for them; the social problem is not a multitude of wealthy, powerful, and ethnocentric Jews, but little ol’ you, and perhaps a few of your like-minded hater friends. It’s much easier, and much less threatening, to deal with you and your “ilk,” rather than a potent, dispersed, malevolent force like world Jewry.

Sometimes, though, and often in surprising ways, there is a shift in attitude. Your friend becomes curious. He investigates, he reads, he asks questions. Slowly, slowly, he comes around to your side. “You know, I’ve been thinking, and I think you’re on to something. Those Jews are everywhere, once you learn how to spot them. No one criticizes them. No one questions the Holocaust. No one is even willing to simply name the Jews. They get away with everything…” Thus we arrive, with luck, at ACCEPTANCE. Yes, Jews in fact dominate key sectors of society. Yes, Jews in fact are the major wire-pullers in politics and business. Yes, Jews couldn’t care less about human well-being, and they would just as soon cause mass suffering and even death, if it profited them in any way. The denialism has been overcome.

Once at this phase, it is only a short step to the final stage: RIGHTEOUS ANGER—now against the real enemy—and corresponding ACTION. Anyone with a conscience, with a sense of moral outrage, and with a larger sense of justice, will be utterly appalled at the situation. They will now become activist, speaking out, writing, informing others. They will develop the moral backbone to confront Jewish power and its proxies directly. Being truly knowledgeable and well-informed, they will make a formidable opponent. The movement will have taken one more small step forward. And victory will be one day closer.

Constructing the Case

Given that nearly everyone begins at some level of the ‘denial’ stage, it is worthwhile to offer some specific facts that can help build the case against it. The goal, again, is to show that Jews are massively disproportionate amongst the wealthy and powerful in society. This is the core truth from which all the rest proceeds. Fortunately, as I said, this is an entirely empirical matter. Basic research will reveal the truth. Of course, the names vary from nation to nation, and they change constantly over time. A specific case must be made at a given point in time, and in a specific nation of interest. Since I am an American, and the data here is extensive, let me briefly review the case in the present-day USA. Even a cursory overview demonstrates the failure of denial.

We can separately examine four sectors of American society: politics, academia, finance, and media. In politics, we have a strong Jewish presence in all three branches of government–Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Regarding the latter, we currently have 2 Jews among the 9 justices: Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer. Until the recent death of Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, the figure was 3 of 9, and if President Obama had had his way late in his final term, it would have been an astonishing 4 of 9, with Merrick Garland. (We can be sure that any future Biden nominee will be Jewish.)

The current US Congress has 38 Jewsamong its combined 535 members, with 10 in the Senate and 28 in the House. This constitutes around 7% of the Congressional total, versus an American Jewish population of some 6 million, or just under 2% of the nation. Hence Jews are over-represented in Congress by a factor of 3.5, and in the Senate by a factor of 5. The record high for Jewish representation, incidentally, occurred in the aftermath of the 2008 federal election, when fully 48 Jews held seats in Congress (15 Senate, 33 House).

The Biden administration, like that of Trump, Obama, Bush, and Clinton, has an extensive Jewish presence. Start with the families of Biden and Kamala Harris. Remarkably, all three of Biden’s adult children married Jews: daughter Ashley married Howard Krein, son Hunter married “filmmaker” Melissa Cohen, and now-deceased son Beau married Hallie Olivere. Correspondingly, three of Biden’s six grandchildren are half-Jews. Biracial VP Kamala Harris married a Jewish lawyer, Doug Emhoff, back in 2014; thankfully, they have no children.

Biden’s sympathies to the Jews extend, of course, to his highest-level administrative positions. Of 25 cabinet or cabinet-level positions, eight (32%) are held by Jews: Tony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen, Merrick Garland (yes, that Merrick Garland), Ron Klain, Avril Haines (half), Isabel Guzman (half), and Eric Lander. Other high-ranking Biden Jews include John Kerry (half), Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, Jeff Zients, Wendy Sherman, Gary Gensler of the SEC, David Cohen, “Rachel” Levine, Anne Neuberger, Andy Slavitt, Victoria Nuland, and Roberta Jacobson. And this is not to mention Judeophilic Gentiles like Jake Sullivan, or Gentiles with Jewish spouses, like Samantha Power. Below I offer some thoughts about why, exactly, this situation came to be.

What about academia? Here is one remarkable indication: It was recently noted that of the eight Ivy League schools—Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Cornell, and Dartmouth—fully seven have Jewish presidents. In other words, 88% of these elite schools are run by Jews. We can be sure that this Jewish orientation then extends down into provosts and deans who are disproportionately Jewish, into faculty members who are disproportionately Jewish, and into the very curriculum itself, which undoubtedly caters to liberal-left Jewish interests.

Then consider university faculty more broadly. In an article published in 2006, Schuster and Finkelstein found that “25% of research university faculty are Jewish, compared to 10% of all faculty.”[1] An older study by Steinberg[2] found that 17.2 percent of faculty at “high ranking” universities were Jewish. By a different assessment, Harriett Zuckerman[3]examined just the “elite” scientific and research faculty. She found the following, by major discipline:

Law 36% Jewish
Sociology 34% Jewish
Economics 28% Jewish
Physics 26% Jewish
Poli Sci 24% Jewish

What about students? Experience shows that when Jews constitute more than just a few percent of the student body, they begin to dominate campus life. As it happens, there are nine major American universities with over 20% Jewish undergrads (in descending order: Brandeis, Tulane, CUNY-Brooklyn, Binghamton, Queens College, George Washington University, Columbia, Boston University, and Washington University-St. Louis). And there are another 23 major schools with more than 10% Jews (Maryland, American University, Brown, University of Miami, Rutgers, University of Florida, Cornell, Penn, Syracuse, Michigan, New York University, Northwestern, University of Hartford, Wisconsin, Yale, Indiana, UC-Santa Barbara, Duke, University at Albany, Harvard, Cal State-Northridge, Florida State, and USC). Hence we have 32 major American universities, representing the intellectual elite of the nation, with a hugely disproportionate Jewish presence, top to bottom. Again, this in a nation of scarcely 2% Jews.

Consider, next, the realm of finance and wealth. When we run down the list of wealthiest Americans, we find a striking fact: around half of them are Jews. Among the top ten, we find five Jews: Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Larry Ellison, and Michael Bloomberg. Of the top 50 richest men, at least 27 are Jews, including Steve Ballmer, Michael Dell, Carl Icahn, David Newhouse, Micki Arison, and Stephen Ross.[4] The combined wealth of these 27 individuals comes to roughly $635 billion. Note: If Jews were proportionately represented among the top 50, there would be one individual; instead, there are 27.

More broadly, we can infer that this “50% rule” holds throughout much of the wealth hierarchy. In support, we may cite Benjamin Ginsberg, who wrote, “Today, though barely 2% of the [American] nation’s population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews.”[5] At present, there are something like 615 American billionaires, which implies around 300 Jewish billionaires.

Or perhaps the figures are even worse than we suspect. A recent study of the most malicious “vulture” capitalists showed a heavy preponderance of Jewish names, far more than half. And one ranking from a few years ago of the richest hedge fund managers in the US listed 32 individuals by name; of these, at least 24 (75%) are Jews. It seems that the more we look, the worse it gets.

Even more impressively, consider total private wealth. In 2018, the total assets of all private households in the US hit $100 trillion for the first time ever. The 50% rule suggests that the 6 million or so American Jews own or control, in total, some $50 trillion. This works out to an average of $8 million for every Jewish man, woman, and child—a truly astonishing figure.

So much for Jewish wealth. More importantly, these various sectors are deeply interconnected. Jewish wealth is directly related to Jewish political influence. Take, for example, Joe Biden’s top political donors. It turns out, unsurprisingly, that the vast majority of Biden’s political donations came from Jewish billionaires. As Andrew Joyce writes, “of [his] top 22 donors, at least 18 are Jews,” followed by the list of names. This is perhaps extreme but not surprising, given that Jews overall provide at least 50% of Democratic political funding, and at least 25% of Republican funds. These are truly disturbing numbers for anyone who cares about political corruption. Note that there are literally hundreds of lobby groups, all donating to their favored candidates. And yet one lobby—the Jewish Lobby—provides 25 to 50%, or more, of major candidate funding. Imagine if, say, half of your income came from one person, and the other half came from a mix of 200 other individuals; who would you listen to? The answer is obvious.

Finally, take the media. Hollywood, as we all know, has long been a Jewish domain—reaching back to its origins in the 1910s and 1920s. It was constructed by the likes of Carl Laemmle (Universal Pictures), Adolph Zukor, Jesse Lasky, Daniel and Charles Frohman, and Samuel Goldwyn (Paramount), William Fox (Fox Films, later 20th Century Fox), and the four “Warner” Brothers—in reality, the Wonskolaser clan: Jack, Harry, Albert, and Sam. They were soon followed by Marcus Loew (MGM), William Paley (CBS), and Harry and Jack Cohn (Columbia), establishing nearly complete Jewish control over the film business.

Today the situation is little changed—and is neither disputed nor even controversial. A notable story published in the LA Times in 2008 openly proclaimed that “Jews totally run Hollywood”.[6] It investigated every major studio and found nothing but Jewish bosses. Today the names have changed, but not the ethnicities. A recent survey of major executives or owners reveals the following:

20th Century Studios (S. Asbell)
Paramount (S. Redstone)
Disney Studies (A. Bergman, A. Horn)
Warner Bros Studios (T. Emmerich, A. Sarnoff, R. Kavanaugh)
MGM (M. De Luca)
Sony Pictures (T. Rothman, S. Panitch, J. Greenstein)
Lionsgate (M. Rachesky, J. Feltheimer)
Relativity Media (D. Robbins)
Millennium Media (A. Lerner)
The Chernin Group (P. Chernin)
Amblin Partners (S. Spielberg)
Participant (J. Skoll, D. Linde)
Sister (S. Snider, E. Murdoch)
Spyglass (G. Barber)
Glickmania (J. Glickman)

As before, all of these individuals are Jews.[7] With such dominance, we should scarcely be surprised to find pro-Jewish themes repeatedly appear in film: from the Holocaust and the ‘evil Nazis,’ to the Arab and Muslim ‘terrorists,’ to the ignorant and corrupt Whites, to support for various socially and ethically degrading behavior such as casual sex, homosexuality, interracial couples and families, recreational drug use, crude materialism, and rampant multiculturalism. All these themes serve Jewish interests.

The overall media situation is even more telling. The five largest media conglomerates in the US are: 1) Disney, 2) Warner Media, 3) NBC Universal, 4) Viacom CBS, and 5) Fox Corporation. A look at their owners, largest shareholders, and top officers is revealing:

  • Disney:  Robert Iger, executive chairman; Alan Horn, Chair, Disney Studios; Alan Braverman, exec VP; Peter Rice, chair, Content; Dana Walden, chair, ABC; Lowell Singer, senior VP.
  • Warner:  Jason Kilar, CEO; David Levy, Pres, Turner Broadcasting; Jeff Zucker, Pres, CNN; Ann Sarnoff, CEO, Warner Pictures; Michael Lynton, chair, Warner Music (Parent company: AT&T:  John Stankey, CEO).
  • NBC Universal:  Jeff Shell, CEO; Robert Greenblatt, Chair, NBC Entertainment; Bonnie Hammer, Chair, Cable Entertainment; Noah Oppenheim, president, NBC News; Mark Lazarus, Chair, Sports; Ron Meyer, Vice Chair, NBCUniversal (Parent company:  Comcast:  Brian Roberts, CEO).
  • Viacom CBS: An unusual situation: Viacom is a “public” company but voting stock is 100% owned by Shari Redstone and the heirs of Sumner Redstone. Leading individuals include David Nevins, CCO; Susan Zirinsky, president, CBS News; David Stapf, president, CBS TV.
  • Fox Corporation: Similar to Viacom, a public company but 39% of voting stock is owned by Rupert Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch.

All of these individuals are Jewish, with the possible exception of the Murdochs—although it seems certain that they are at least part-Jewish.[8] And given the difficulty in ascertaining ethnicity, Jewish influence is certainly greater than shown here. Hence the above is undoubtedly a conservative estimate. It furthermore says nothing about the many Jewish underlings who implement day-to-day decisions. Once again, it’s difficult to convey the degree of dominance here. These five corporations produce the vast majority of all media consumed in the US, which includes all of the major news outlets and most of the major Hollywood studios. In fact, Jewish leadership or ownership at the top translates all throughout the organization, to middle-managers, staffers, reporters, television personalities, and editors. It has a very concrete effect on how the media is produced, what is presented, and what is not presented. It affects who we see, and who we don’t see.

And it’s not only the so-called liberal media outlets. The conservative venues also are dominated by Jewish interests—typically, via right-wing or neo-conservative Jews. Fox News, and its parent corporation Fox, owned and operated by the Murdoch family, is every bit as pro-Jewish and pro-Israel as the liberal outlets. Fox News anchors disagree vehemently with just about every liberal position, and yet, remarkably, they are fully on-board with all Jewish issues. They struggle to outdo their peers at CNN and MSNBC in their obeisance to Jewish and Israeli interests.[9] This, again, is no coincidence. It is evidence of Jewish domination of American media, across the political spectrum and across all venues.

In addition to the above, various other media are also well-represented by American Jews. Among newspapers, the New York Times has been Jewish-owned and -managed since Adolph Ochs bought the paper in 1896; the current owner, publisher, and chairman is Arthur G. Sulzberger.  US News and World Report is owned by Mort Zuckerman.  Time magazine is owned by Warner Media, and its current chief editor is Edward Felsenthal. Advance Publications is a mini media conglomerate entirely owned and operated by the Jewish Newhouse family; it manages a wide array of venues including Conde Nast (VogueThe New YorkerGQGlamourArchitectural DigestVanity FairPitchforkWired, and Bon Appetit), Discovery Channel, Lycos, and Redditt. And in broadcast media, we have National Public Radio (NPR), which has long been a Jewish preserve; its on-air staff is unquestionably more than half Jewish.[10]

I think we can put to rest all thoughts of denialism here.

Is Jewish Dominance Irrelevant?

If we then proceed to stage two, Irrelevance, we must counter the view that Jewish dominance is inconsequential. Again, from the naïve standpoint, Jews predominating in government, academia, finance, and media seems not to matter. These Jews are largely invisible as Jews, and their Jewishness is rarely displayed explicitly. As before, the influence is generally manifest in myriad subtle ways—in which voices and views are presented (and which notpresented), which individuals are allowed to speak (and which not allowed), which values are projected as good and positive, which causes are worthy of attention, and so on.

The central issues here are (a) that Jews tend to work collectively, in their own bests interests, and (b) that they tend to have little regard for all non-Jews, and they tend to hold particular contempt for White Europeans, who have, historically speaking, proven to be their most formidable opponents. Jews work tribally, as a pack; they assist each other in attacking and undermining all perceived enemies. Jews in finance and academic Jews can count on media Jews to give them positive coverage and to downplay or bury any negative stories. Media Jews will slander an enemy even as finance Jews put the squeeze to that person’s employer. It can be very effective when multiple actors in a trillion-dollar cabal are arrayed against you.

On occasion, these dominant Jews will indeed fight with each other, as when conservative right-wing Jews spar with their liberal leftwing brethren—such as the recent rift between the rightwing Murdoch Jews and the left-wing ADL Jews, especially Jonathan Greenblatt, over comments by Tucker Carlson. But this is only an internal dispute about the best way to promote Jewish interests, nothing more. Much of current political confrontation is mere show; Democratic-Republican squabbles are meaningless when both sides are backed by wealthy Jews. And Jews across the political spectrum love to use Gentile lackeys like Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, Chris Hayes, Sean Hannity, and yes, Tucker Carlson, to cover for them. This again serves to obscure the real power structure.

But the fact that powerful Jews work with each other, against all others, is a well-established historical fact that has been well-attested, over the centuries, by some of the West’s most brilliant thinkers. This topic literally requires a book-length treatment—see my book Eternal Strangers: Critical Views of Jews and Judaism through the Ages (2020), which is the first to fully document the historical record. It dates back over 2,000 years, at least to remarks by Hecateus of Abdera and Theophrastus circa 300 BC, proceeding to the likes of Cicero, Seneca, Tacitus, Porphyry, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Voltaire, Rousseau, Fichte, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Bakunin, Nietzsche, Mark Twain, H. G. Wells, Heidegger, and chess genius (and half-Jew) Bobby Fischer, among many others. It is an impressive list.

The criticisms are uniformly blunt and damning. Jews are “misanthropic and hostile to foreigners,” “the very vilest of mankind,” “look upon all other men as their enemies,” “an accursed race,” “the basest of peoples.” They are profoundly and deeply different—in a bad way—from the rest of humanity. Medieval theologians condemned the Jews for their usury and their abuse of Christians and Christianity. Luther called them “a heavy burden, a plague, a pestilence, a sheer misfortune,” adding that “we are at fault in not slaying them.” For Voltaire, they “display an irreconcilable hatred against all nations”; for Rousseau, the Jewish race was “always a foreigner amongst other men.” German philosopher Johann Herder called them “a widely diffused republic of cunning usurers.” Kant saw them as “a nation of deceivers.” Schopenhauer was especially blunt: “scum of humanity—but great master of lies.” Heidegger captured the situation well in just three words: “planetary master criminals”.[11]

This 2,000-year history of hatred and contempt for the rest of humanity is played out in the present day, though with much stealth and deception. Jews often work in the background, hidden, out of the limelight; they are, as Hitler said, the “wire-pullers” (Drahtzieher) of contemporary society, using money and power to steer events in their favor. History tells us that Jews will stoop to anything—the most heinous, the most egregious, the most unethical—to promote their ends. Even war: there is an equally long and damning history of Jewish involvement in wars, from the Jewish-Roman wars in the first and second centuries to the present-day “war on terror”.[12] This is not speculation; all these facts are well-attested and well-documented. We need only do a basic bit of reading, from reputable sources.

The bottom line, of course, is that Jewish over-representation in major sectors of society does matter—it matters very much. Arguably it is the root cause of virtually all our present-day social problems, all of which have been created or exacerbated by powerful Jews. We can scarcely imagine what life could be like without their manipulating and malevolent presence.

This brief account of pernicious Jewish influence should help lay to rest the “irrelevance” stage. But impotence need not be the consequence. Accept the reality, and turn your anger onto the real targets. And then act. Bear in mind: Every Jewish victory in past centuries has been ephemeral, and has instead been transformed into concrete action against the Hebrews—isolation, ghettoization, incarceration, expulsion, or worse. And so it will be this time. Either the Jews themselves will recognize that they are on the brink and voluntarily retreat to their “homeland” in Palestine, or else native peoples around the world will, once again, take action.

The path to enlightenment is hard. And yet it must be pursued, if humanity is to flourish and prosper.

Thomas Dalton, PhD, has authored or edited several books and articles on politics, history, and religion, with a special focus on National Socialism in Germany. His works include a new translation series of Mein Kampf, and the books Eternal Strangers(2020), The Jewish Hand in the World Wars (2019), and Debating the Holocaust(4th ed, 2020), all available at www.clemensandblair.com. For all his writings, see his personal website www.thomasdaltonphd.com.


Sherri Tenpenny–COVID Vaccines are “Perfectly Designed Kill Machine”


Sherri Tenpenny is an Ohio Osteopath who has written four books challenging the vaccination narrative.

They’re not asking people who’ve been diagnosed with this mutant strain, is ‘Have you had one of the not-approved vaccines?’ Nobody’s putting that together.”


Dr Sherri Tenpenny has mapped out eight mechanisms of action of how the mRNA vaccine is going to kill people. 
She says, “When you inject the mRNA, the Messenger RNA starts to code for the spike protein…the NIH is now fighting with Moderna over patent rights, because you can’t patent anything that’s out in nature, so they had to manipulate the spike protein, in order to be able to patent it and then make an antibody to the spike protein.
“Well, this anti-spike protein antibody is deadly. It’s absolutely deadly. And the first three papers I went through, I found that one of the things the spike protein does is it directly attacks lung tissue and breaks it down.
“The second thing that it does is it inhibits your M2 macrophages, which are your anti-inflammatory macrophages, so you get cytokine storm and you die.
“The third is that when that Messenger RNA goes in and makes an antibody to the spike protein, it binds it loosely, carries it into a cell and causes permanent replication. So it’s like having an “On” button with no “Off” button. You’re constantly making this little piece of protein develop more spike proteins against it, make more destruction.
“And then, with this paper that I read last night, of this anti-spike protein, it attacks the astrocytesand the oligodendrocytes, which are two different kinds of cells in your brain. Two different kinds of central nervous system [cells]. It attacks the inner mitochondria membrane, in two different mechanisms and it attacks this neurofilament protein, which are the motor nerves, which suddenly -we’ve seen those people [with strong tremors], it’s because the spike protein antibody is affecting their motor neurons and their central nervous system.
“And then the primary, number one symptom that people have after they get this vaccine is debilitating fatigue, that they can’t even function in the main part of their lives. Well, it’s because the spike protein antibody attacks the mitochondria and it attacks the GAD 65, which is the intracellular antigen inside of your mitochondria and it can also attack you pancreas.
“If you’re diabetic, it’ll make your diabetes worse. If you’re not diabetic, it can cause you to have diabetes, stiff-person syndromecerebellar ataxia, which is what thing that you’re watching [massive tremors]; people not able to walk.
“In the experiment that they did, they took different tissue antigens, like skin and lung and all this other stuff and then they dropped the serum that had the antibody all over it. 27 out of 55 of the tissue types reacted adversely to the spike antibody.
“So you get this vaccine, you create this antibody, that’s why in the most recent VAERS report that came out this week, 181 deaths, already that have been reported and when you start reading through them, you kind of lay out what these antibodies do, you can see it, right in the VAERS report, what has happened to these people and it’s the anti-spike antibody that’s attacking them and that’s why the most number of deaths occurred about 19 days after the injection, because it takes a while to develop the antibody response. It doesn’t happen just like that.
“Unless you have an anaphylactic reaction – probably to the polyethylene glycol- unless you have an immediate reaction to it, the delayed reaction is going to start – it takes a while – I talked to a bunch of epidemiologists in Europe and they said that it takes about 48 weeks to really see the most profound effects of autoimmune disease.
“When I found the first four mechanisms of action, I said to a few friends of mine, ‘This is a perfectly-designed kill machine.’
“Perfectly-designed, because – the other thing is with that replicating thing, because with the vaccine, you’re going to see mutants [of COVID]. So now, we’re all talking about the mutants. The one thing they’re not asking these people, who’ve been diagnosed with this mutant strain, is ‘Have you had one of the not-approved vaccines?’ Nobody’s putting that together.
“So, yes, 48 weeks – so it’s somewhere between 48 weeks, so it’s about a year and 6 to 7 months and a couple of years into the future.
“So, like you were talking about the girl with meningitis vaccine? This is going to be even worse. So people have got to make some serious spiritual decisions about this…Are you going to say, ‘Oh, I want to get the vaccine so I can get on an airplane,’ or ‘So I can go out to eat,’ or I can keep my job.’ That gets a little harder. Or ‘So I can continue in professional school,’ which gets a little bit harder.
“People are going to have to start making some really hard spiritual decisions about this.”
Watch video here: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/8-ways-mrna-covid-vaccine-can-kill-you/
Related – Dr. Delores Cahill – This is Not a Vaccine 
——————Spike Protein Bioweapon Being Transmitted from Vaxxed to Non Vaxxed People———–8000 deaths, 330,00 injuries from Covid Vaxxes
First Comment from Andrew
Not so easy to be happy reading  Sherri Tenpenny–COVID Vaccines are “Perfectly Designed Kill Machine.”
What Tenpenny says applies to mRNA vaccines but not directly to the J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines which are killing people too fast to continue the pretence that they are SAFE.
I’ve been thinking about this distinction and what’s probably two different approaches to large scale genocide. [So ironic Biden NOW takes the time to go back over 100 years to decry the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE.]
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are made using messenger RNA, or mRNA, a technology that delivers a bit of genetic code to cells — in effect, a recipe to make the surface protein (known as spike) on the SARS-2 virus. The proteins made with the mRNA instructions activate the immune system, teaching it to see the spike protein as foreign and develop antibodies and other immunity weapons with which to fight it. Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca went down a different path, using dead virus to activate spike proteins and evoke an immune response.
I’m an attorney, so I can’t say whether Tenpenny’s medical opinion is right, but if it’s right, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca’s vaccines could produce the same illness and death in a few month as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.Doug P wrote-

I’ve been listening to this doctor since she first started coming out about vaccines and she is consistently ahead of the curve. Things she says today will be well known in the near future. She has been all over vaccines and I am as convinced as she is that this is a killing agenda.
Think about the fact that we have “evidence-based medicine” but no long-term vaccine studies. The phrase “evidence-based medicine” should send shivers down your spine if you know anything at all about science. Science is based on a hypothesis presented in such a way that can be disproven. It starts at the evidence but doesn’t finish there. Like always, carefully consider what is said at the beginning before diving deeper and you can expose 95% of the BS that is out there. It’s always on the first few pages with a false premise or bad thinking.
Also, see “worms in masks”https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/urgent-doctor-confirms-parasitic-worms-on-facemasks/ . Lots of links on this on DuckDuckGo . I’m wondering what Tenpenny thinks of this.



John Michael Clark wrote a list for men on these issues, so I decided to write a list similar for women.

A few tips on building attraction and your sex life with your husband:

1. Pay attention to what makes him moody.

2. Don’t get upset when he shuts you down.

3. Publicly embarrass him with compliments.

4. Look up and smile at him when he enters the room.

5. Make his life more restful by not arguing with him and needing to have the last word.

6. Love God more than you love him.

7. Learn to disagree without being mean and having to be right.

8. Learn to be kind, gentle, and feminine.

9. Explore with him how to increase his sexual pleasure and yours.

10. Make sure your bedroom is not cluttered but an inviting place of rest and privacy.

11. Live wisely and contentedly within his income.

12. Keep your body in the best shape that you can.

13. Listen to him when he speaks and pay attention to his desires.

14. Don’t dress or look like a bum even around the house.

15. Give him a back and neck rub.

16. Hug him and kiss him like you’re his dream, and he’s your man.

17. Go on dates together if at all possible.

18.Learn self-discipline and have a servant’s heart.

19. Be submissive to his leadership.

20. Quit soap operas, junky TV shows, and literature porn.

21. Learn to be a good homemaker in all areas.

22. Be loyal to him always, especially with your words around your parents and girlfriends.

23. Take responsibility for your attitudes and behaviors.

24. Be caring and compassionate.

25. Say “thank you” often for all he does for you.

26. Make him believe he’s the best man for you, ever.

27. Turn off your phone, Facebook, and Instagram when he is around.

28. Wear your hair and clothes the way he likes.

29. Become the woman he WANTS to have sex with instead of the woman he HAS to have sex with.

30. Make it easy for your husband to obey this verse:

Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
Proverbs 5:18,19

Becoming Attractive to Your Husband


Just as I will never support anything having to do with feminism, I will never support anything to do with environmentalism. Does this mean I don’t care about the environment? No, I do care, but there’s not much I can do on a global level. We must remind ourselves to accept the things we cannot change. This is one of them.

We can’t stop women from taking birth control pills that are contaminating the waterways with their urine. We can’t stop farmers using toxic chemicals on the crops they produce, GMO products being replaced with real food, chlorine and fluoride in our water, and all of the other ways people are destroying our environment. There are many nations, like China, who pollute the world which our country has no control over. Why waste our time, worry, and energy on things we have no ability to change?

Environmentalists have the grave concerns over the environment that I do, however, the means to which they want to accomplish their goals are satanic, whereas, mine are not. I warn people about the fluoride in the water, so I encourage them to buy water purifiers. I warn them about the diminishing sperm count in men, so avoid plastics and other things that are causing this to happen. I encourage them to eat organic food and use non-toxic products in their home in hopes of avoiding cancer. These are things we can control, and they do make a difference in our own lives.

However, the environmentalist support the false theory of overpopulation, so they fully support abortion and euthanasia. I will NEVER have anything to do with a movement that supports the slaughter of the unborn. This is the biggest atrocity in our lifetime by far. Our world isn’t overpopulated! It’s a lie in order to allow all types of wickedness upon this world including “women’s reproductive rights” which is simply the ability to have one’s baby murdered.

Here’s a post that Seventh Generation put up on Earth Day:

Here are some of the top comments posted underneath this meme on Seventh Generation:

They want to defund the police as many other Democrats want to do. This is foolishness. ALL of their ideas are foolish. I will never buy Seventh Generation products again; that’s for sure! They want to get rid of fossil fuels. Do you know what has fossil fuels in them? Almost everything that we use!

Environmentalists worship the creation rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25). It is a religion to them. They don’t understand that this world is one day going to be burned up. We are strangers and pilgrims on this earth just passing through (1 Peter 2:11). They put the earth above the people. I put the people, who are made in God’s image, above the earth. Yes, do your part in caring for your small portion of earth where you live, but remind yourself that it’s temporary. You don’t have to worry about all of the destruction going on in the world. Ever since the Fall, humankind has been making a mess of everything, and this won’t stop until Jesus Christ comes again.

Live the short time on this earth in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God who made this beautiful creation for us. Enjoy it! But God doesn’t want us to live in fear nor worry about the future. He wants us to live responsible lives in obedience to Him while trusting Him. Live in anticipation of the new earth that is coming where we will live eternally with Christ and all who believe in and love Him.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:1-4

Christians’ Response to Environmentalism

Compelling Anecdotal Evidence Proves Team Trump Lost Election Theft Lawsuits ON PURPOSE

SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s no reason to disbelieve even a single word of Patrick Byrne’s insider account (provided below) of what really happened between Election Day and Inauguration Day regarding the highly suspicious actions and inactions of Team Trump.

In light of this extraordinary insider’s account of what actually transpired during the utterly disastrous and obviously futile attempts to expose the greatest election theft in world history, there can be only one conclusion.  Trump’s election defeat, from beginning to end, was all made to happen on purpose!

More specifically, there can be only indisputable conclusion: that the very same treacherous cabal that made sure the election was stolen from Trump by Joe Biden and the Democrat Party is the same tribe of banksters that made sure Trump would not reverse the ballot outcome NO MATTER HOW DAMNING THE VOLUMES OF HARD EVIDENCE.  Irrefutable proof, incidentally, which indicated that President Trump actually received the 80 million votes, not the imposter Biden.

But how did this happen?

Who managed — from the inside — the transparent cover-up of this reckless beyond belief, inconceivably brazen and incomparably desperate election heist by the Democrats?

The very same point man who covered up the U.S. state-sponsored terrorist attacks on New York City on September 11, 2001, that’s who!

No wonder why Giuliani was sweating so much!

But to be fair, Rudy Giuliani had a close, white collar, Mafioso accomplice in the conduct of this American “Crime of the Century”.

That would be Trump’s closest legal counsel, who clearly misdirected and misled the POTUS at every turn of events—Pasquale Anthony “Pat” Cipollone.

What follows is just the tip of the iceberg of the massive betrayal of Donald Trump by his lifelong friend—Rudy Giuliani.  Just like Giuliani was used by the Khazarian Mafia to get rid of the Sicilian Mafia in the 5 boroughs of New York City when has was both Mayor  and United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, he was used to cover up the crime wave known as the 9/11 terror attacks.

Is this how the former NYC Mayor was compromised by the
Mossad to sabotage all of Trump’s election legal initiatives?

But perhaps the most catastrophic crime spree overseen by Rudy was this unparalleled cover up of the naked 2020 election theft.  Because of it, the rule of law has been forever destroyed in these once United States of America.  So have the American election system and electoral process been completely and irreparably demolished … … … just like the same perfidious perps did to the Twin Towers on 9/11/01.  In other words, the American people will never again trust an election outcome—AT ANY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT!

The Bottom Line here is that Trump knew he was being betrayed all along.  He knew exactly who the betrayers were on his team.  And, he knew precisely who the state actors are who were behind the entire treasonous affair.  Trump’s children also knew about the betrayals, which is why they were virtually silent throughout the post-election war with the Democrats.  Lastly, President Trump knew there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.  When the Khazarian Mafia wants you gone, you’re gone! See: Here’s why TPTB made sure Trump would not win

N.B. The “Patrick Byrne” read below clearly indicates that President Trump knew his team was setting him up for total failure.  Therefore, the only conclusion that can be rationally drawn from this entire saga is presented at the following deep-dive investigative report.

The Well-Hidden Back Story

Now here’s Patrick Byrne’s highly radioactive firsthand testimony from his article “How DJT Lost the White House”.  What follows is a SCREENSHOT of the title page of, as well as a key excerpt from, the above-referenced exposé written by former Overstock CEO and Founder.

The following excerpt includes that last 4 paragraphs of Patrick Byrne’s firsthand account:

At one point I learned how the President was staying involved. Periodically, the Mediocrity and Rudy Giuliani were going over to the White House to brief him. Really, no kidding: the person who was so bad my colleagues had declared they would quit rather than work another moment with that person, and the 76 year old guy who had trouble sending an email and was spending at least his evenings sloshed, were the ones explaining to the President the cyber-crime of all time and what his options were. At first I thought it was a sick joke, but I confirmed it. The Mayor and the Mediocrity were the ultimate point-people on the mission of addressing this world-historic event.

Flynn and I felt sick. A frequent subject of mutter between us ran along the lines, “Why the fuck are we doing this?” The president’s children were off, uninvolved, pep-rallying, or planning retirements. We could detect no discernible strategy out of the President’s team, no marching orders, just an organization wandering around in circles and melting as it did so. A Mediocrity who was so bad, we had had to make special arrangements such that the Mediocrity did not have contact with our Bad News Bears, or they were going to flee. And the whole mess was led by a 76 year old gentleman, a man beloved by all including myself, but who six weeks into what might be the most sophisticated cyber-theft in all of history, still could not have a coherent conversation beyond, Did you hear that 211 dead people in Philadelphia voted? Dead people?!?!? And they voted! Joe Frazier’s father voted! Have you heard?!?

And then we would remember why were doing it: America’s brand is “elections”. It is what we do. We had a national election that appears to have been compromised in a remarkably precise yet strategic way, it shows the hand of foreign involvement, it may be part of a Chinese psyop to take over our country, and there might never be a free, non-goon election in America again. That’s why we were not supposed to quit, we often reminded each other.

And that is why, a few days before Christmas, General Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, and I decided it was time to take a chance. By hook or by crook we were going to Jedi-Mind-Trick our way into the White House, maneuver our way to the Oval Office, and grab the President’s attention ourselves. With no invitation.

Continue reading at: How DJT Lost the White House


There can be only one sober conclusion drawn from this highly revealing insider’s account.

The Khazarian Mafiarules!

As a matter of historical fact the Khazarian Mafia has completely owned and operated the U.S. Corporation (sometimes known as the U.S. Federal Government) since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  However, the takeover of the American Republic really began with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

Rome has always waged war against the American people via the Vatican and especially  the ever-seditious Jesuits.  In truth, the Holy Roman Empire, also known as the First Reich, never collapsed; it just morphed into the Fourth Reich—the United States of America.  Which means that the Khazarian Mafiabanksters have effectively controlled the Vatican for centuries, just as they have ruled by remote the USA.

In fact, the Black Nobility of Northern Italy during the 12th century quietly ruled the Earth via the Republic of Venice.  Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Florence, Bologna, ROME etc, all saw the rise of the first modern corporations (which is why  the U.S. Corporation is controlled by Rome), each of which was controlled by the Talmudic moneychangers and Italian merchants through generations of inter-marriage.  This is why the extremely powerful northern Italian banking houses like the House of Medici in Florence became known as God’s banker for the Vatican.

Whoever controls the shekels, controls the whole place.

With this critical understanding, it’s easy to understand why so many Italian-Americans, particularly high-profile VIPs, are being used to flagrantly oppress and enslave the U.S. citizenry during THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC. See: Why Italian-Americans VIPs are frequently chosen to do the dirty deeds

Tony Fauci

Nancy Pelosi

Andy Cuomo

Chris Cuomo

Bill De Blasio

Gus Perna

Rudy Giuliani

Pat Cipollone

KEY POINTS: Some of these bad actors belong to crypto-Jewish families going back to the Black Nobility of the Middle Ages, which means they represent unseen earthly powers who are much more influential in the affairs of men than even the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.  Because the Venetian banksters eventually moved their operations to London, bagmen like Soros are merely front men for the true powers behind the British Crown.  Always remember: Religious/spiritual power (Vatican) trumps financial/economic prowess (London); which in turn trumps political power and military force (New York City and Washington, D.C.).

The upshot of this undeniable analysis is that Trump never even had a chance in 2020.  His election prospects were doomed from the very start.  And, not because of the Democrats or Deep State or New World Order globalist cabal; they’re all quite low on the totem pole.  Rather, it was because the Khazarian Mafia-controlled Black Nobilitywanted the Biden-Harris administration to usher in the GREAT RESET across America.  There are several significant reasons for this which are well beyond the scope of this article.

The final point here is that this unbroken chain of worldly power goes back to the Caesars.  And, President Trump was given the same betrayal treatment as inflicted on Julius Caesar in the Roman Senate on the Ides of March.  However, in the present case, the thoroughly machiavellian Black Nobility knows that character assassination can be much more useful than physical assassination especially when carried out by the Khazarian Mafia-controlled Mockingbird Media.

State of the Nation
January 30, 2021

Screenshot of last four paragraphs of Patrick Byrne exposé:

Compelling Anecdotal Evidence Proves Team Trump Lost Election Theft Lawsuits ON PURPOSE

Communist China was created by Jewish infiltrators working for the International Banking Cartel


Communist China was created by Rothschilds and their agents.

October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).

Mao would murder sixty million innocent Chinese people under his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese culture in order to gain total control. As with Christianity, any practitioners of spiritual systems where outlawed, killed, and thrown into gulags, to die a slow death through slave labor, starvation and torture. The Communistic systems became the new culture of control. With China under their flag, Tibet was next on the list as being the last bastion of spiritual and historical knowledge. All the Jewish systems seek to remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles and keep it in the hands of the Jewish elite. This is a major part of their indoctrination program. There has been a major Jewish population in China for over a thousand years such as the Jews of Kaifeng.

China has been built up into the biggest global superpower by the Jewish financial elite and every valuable Western technology has been shipped there. This was identical to what the Jews did with their USSR, turning it into a massive super state of military superpower, to wage conquest upon the rest of the earth, which they did. The only reason they were halted was the second war monkey wrenched their plans globally and led to the stagnation and fall of the USSR. There are reports that the America tactical silos are contracted to Israeli firms for certain electronics’ functions, they also have their agents all over the Pentagon and other key Western military and government networks.

The covert Jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explains why convicted Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the U.S.A. The Israelis, in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to Red Chinese dictators in Beijing. Pollard, a Jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which Israel gave to Communist China.

Even now according to official statistics Communist China again carried out more executions than the rest of the world put together. Amnesty International believes thousands are executed and sentenced to death there every year, but with numbers kept a state secret the true figure is impossible to determine.

‘Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history’.– David Rockefeller.

Soft Power

The most under reported, however is the “Soft Power” tactic currently being implemented by the Peoples Republic of China in the United States.

It was America that showed the world how to mass produce everything from automobiles to televisions to airplanes. It was the great American manufacturing base that crushed Germany and Japan in World War II. But now we are witnessing the deindustrialization of America. Thanks to Jewish control over government, thousands of factories have left the United States and move to China in the past decade alone. Millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost in the same time period. The United States has become a nation that consumes everything in sight and yet produces increasingly little.

The United States has become bloated and spoiled and our economy is now just a shadow of what it once was. Once upon a time America could literally outproduce the rest of the world combined. Today that is no longer true, but Americans sure do consume more than anyone else in the world.

The Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., estimates that America. lost 2.7 million jobs as a result of the U.S.-China trade deficit between 2001 and 2011, 2.1 million of them in manufacturing. Wages of American workers have also suffered due to the competition with cheap Chinese labor, EPI says. A typical two-earner household loses around $2,500 per year from this dynamic.

Manufacturing was the hardest-hit industry, with fabrication of high-tech goods like semiconductors and electronics suffering the most, accounting for more than half of the $217.5 billion increase in the trade deficit between 2001 and 2011.

Most of the jobs lost or displaced by trade with China between 2001 and 2011 were in manufacturing industries (more than 2.1 million jobs, or 76.9 percent). Within manufacturing, rapidly growing imports of computer and electronic products (including computers, parts, semiconductors, and audio-video equipment) accounted for 54.9 percent of the $217.5 billion increase in the U.S. trade deficit with China between 2001 and 2011. The growth of this deficit contributed to the elimination of 1,064,800 U.S. jobs in computer and electronic products in this period. Indeed, in 2011, the total U.S. trade deficit with China was $301.6 billion—$139.3 billion of which was in computer and electronic products.

Thanks to the suicidal manufacturing policy in US, China GDP has risen from $350 billion in 1990 to $20 trillion (PPP) and surpassed the US in terms of GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP). United States of America was the largest but International Monetary Fund and World Bank rank China since as the world’s largest economy. The US has been the global economic leader since overtaking the UK in 1872. Most economists previously thought China would pull ahead in 2019.

So if the United States continues to allow its manufacturing base to erode at a staggering pace how in the world can the U.S. continue to consider itself to be a great nation? We have created the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world in an effort to maintain a very high standard of living, but the current state of affairs is not anywhere close to sustainable. As of June 30, 2012, China held a total of $3.24 trillion in foreign exchange reserves (Bloomberg News 2012), about 70 percent of which were held in U.S. dollars. Every single month America does into more debt to communist China and every single month America gets poorer.

The deindustrialization and debt of the United States should be a top concern for every man, woman and child in the country. It is not that hard to understan what happens when the debt bubble pops. But sadly, most Americans do not have any idea what is going on around them.

Because America’s debt is exploding to unmanageable proportions, the United States finds itself financially dependent on China as one of its main creditors. Americans owe The Peoples Republic well over a trillion dollars and are going further into debt, but the Communist ruling elite in Beijing are not satisfied with having the U.S. as a virtual debtor client state. China’s political elite are also using their financial power to manipulate how Americans think — or don’t think — about China. Along with computers, electronics, and house wares, a new kind of Political Correctness is also being manufactured in China.

The Communist elite which controls China wants Hollywood to portray the Peoples Republic in a favorable light to American audiences, while rewarding the hard Left U.S. film industry with hefty profits for their cooperation.

These are dangerous events which directly threaten the United States. The threats offered by an increasing powerful Communist China are already all but ignored by the zionist mass media in US, both on the Right as well as on the Left. Beijing’s elite, however, are taking no chances. Ignoring the China threat is not enough, the American people must be made to love the Peoples Republic and all its works.


From looking at things, the Syrian conflict could be a smaller warm up to a planned global conflict. Russia has already participated in 2013 in a mass joint war games exercise with China on Eastern European soil with thousands of Red Chinese troops. They where training specifically for war against Western forces, this was kept out of the mainstream of course. This is what America and Western Europe have been prepped for over the decades, and how they planned to take Germany down into Communism during the First war, which they manipulated into existence for the sole purpose of taking all of Europe down into Communism, and they nearly did. It is a repeating set of tactics they are using.

The West is past the demoralization point and has entered into the destabilization phase. The Protest Wall St was organized by Jewish agents of Rothschild to be the start of a Communist movement, which is part of the subversion of decades of indoctrination of students into Communist ideals. At this point, one way or another, Zionists are seeking to take the West down should they start a full out Communist revolution, civil war or open war. One way or another, it seems Red Chinese troops will be on Western Soil “Liberating” us from the Fascist oppressors. This is what the Jews did with the Red Army rolling over Europe and the East, enslaving the many for the Jews.

Communist China was created by Jewish infiltrators working for the International Banking Cartel

The Davos Revolution And The Re-Making Of Civilization

The Great Reset dangles before us: a global public-private partnership that follows the mystic path of social feelings, the holy writ of consensus politics, and the self-anointed prophets of international finance… all watched over by the priests of digital technology. It’s the operating system of the collective New Age, an algorithmic-technocratic revolution – maximum efficiency for managed harmony – and of course, it’s all for the “greater good.”

the davos revolution and the re making of civilization

“A crisis is a productive event.” – Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation.

Since the 1970s, the ski-resort community of Davos, Switzerland, has frequently been a gathering place for global elites during the month of January.

Hosted by the World Economic Forum, an organization granted special status by the Swiss government, the Davos conference brings together an array of selected power-brokers; governors of central banks, international financiers, heads-of-state, UN leaders, CEOs from the largest corporations, and well-placed media personalities.

To be a “Davos Man” typically means you’ve embraced an international perspective, and have the ability to influence long-term shifts in political and economic culture. You’re part of an elite club with the self-anointed task of directing global change.

Because of Covid complications, this year’s WEF annual meeting was postponed, and has since been re-scheduled with the hope of gathering in Singapore later this August.

Nevertheless, the last week of January 2021 still witnessed a significant WEF event; a virtual conference titled the Davos Agenda, which could be live-monitored by anyone willing to take the time.

What was front-and-center of this online meeting? The Great Reset.

Before we go further, it’s important to note that this article only scratches the surface of what transpired. And how could it do anything but?

The Davos Agenda ran five days, each being 10-to-12 hours long, and with most time slots holding multiple and simultaneous panel discussions.

To give you an idea of the schedule, the first day – Monday, January 25 – had a total of 29 individual sessions. It was information overload.

It also must be stated that not everybody who officially participated was on the same page as the World Economic Forum.

For example, Benjamin Netanyahu gave a talk outlining how he purposefully cut through the red tape to secure Covid vaccinations, making sure his nation had the supplies it needed.

His approach didn’t fit with the WEF consensus of “vaccine solidarity,” to act globally before your national interests – after all, as another speaker explained, “the vaccine needs to be a public good.”

The phrase “vaccine nationalism” was used throughout the week, a disparaging term for those who sought national health goals above global collaboration.

Another example was Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araujo, who publicly encouraged the United States to stay the course as the “superpower of freedom.”

Araujo went on to say that Brazil desired an open economy based on liberty, noting that this would challenge the global emergence of a rising “techno-totalitarianism.”

“I’m not a great fan of the concept of the Great Reset,” Araujo stated, explaining that while he generally supported ideas like sustainable development, there was a problem. The Great Reset was missing “freedom and democracy.”

Most others, however, were either on-board or otherwise playing the game.

President of China, Xi Jinping – introduced by Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF – stressed collaborative action; we must create a new and global economic model, we must “abandon ideological prejudice and jointly follow a path of peaceful coexistence,” and we must bring “prosperity for all.”

A “shared future for mankind,” he explained, is necessary. This would include strengthening global economic governance, committing to the UN system of world law, and supporting the World Health Organization as they build “a global community of health for all.” But who will lead the way?

The rest of his speech focused on how China, as a “modern socialist country,” is blazing the trail, including the Belt and Road initiative, and the promotion of a “new type of international relations.”

His speech wrapped up with words of solidarity,

“There is only one Earth and one shared future for humanity. As we cope with the current crisis and endeavor to make a better day for everyone, we need to stand united and work together.

“We have been shown time and again that to beggar thy neighbor, to go it alone, and to slip into arrogant isolation will always fail. Let us all join hands and let multilateralism light our way toward a community with a shared future for mankind.”

Klaus responded by thanking Xi Jinping for “such an important speech, which at this crucial movement in history, provides us with a truly comprehensive framework for shaping the future.”

China was often applauded during the Davos Agenda, being admired for its digital leap forward. But there were some concerns, albeit framed through a globalist worldview.

For example, a few hours after the Chinese leader spoke, the UN Secretary General pointed to the growing rift between China and the United States, noting that both countries were dividing the world with their separate agendas. What was needed, he said, was “one global economy with universal respect for international law.”

Another star performance was from Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission.

It only took a few minutes before she slapped the former Trump administration, saying, “democracy itself might have been permanently damaged in the last four years.”

And like others throughout the week, she linked Covid with climate change. Ursula was clear; “We must learn from this crisis. We have to change the way we live and do business.”

Her speech pointed to Europe’s very own Green New Deal, the EU’s push for carbon neutrality by 2050, and how private companies will face stronger regulatory diligence.

Regarding digital governance – for it’s vital that online platforms curb fake news while affirming democracy – Ursula called for the United States to join the EU and, together, create a worldwide digital rulebook “based on our values.”

All of the above – like the early pandemic collaboration between the EU, the WEF and the Gates Foundation – represents how “Europe is determined to contribute to this global common good.”

At the end of her prepared talk, she affirmed to Schwab that new alliances will be necessary:

“This is what we will work for – and I know I can count on you and the World Economic Forum to help us build it.”

Schwab was excited, afterwards saying that this speech represented the practical meaning of the Great Reset.

He paraphrased a take-away; what we need is a “values based, social governance system” connected through a digital web.

With the Reset in mind, the Davos Agenda focused on seven interlocking subjects: “How to Save the Planet,” “Fairer Economies,” “Tech for Good,” “Society & Future of Work,” “Better Business,” “Healthy Futures,” and “Beyond Geopolitics.”

A mountain of talking points emerged from these encompassing themes. However, we will only highlight a few:

1. Covid: Speaking on the pandemic, Li Xin of China-based Caixin Media, told us this “crisis should not be wasted.” Nor was it.

We were constantly reminded that Covid revealed our interdependence while pointing to the problem of nationalism.

Old values and conventions no longer work; the global supply chain needs to be digitized, the World Health Organization must be empowered, we need a universal healthcare system, there must be a centralizing program to pool national health data, and economic recovery should be tied to vaccination criteria.

“You’re going to need the vaccine year-after-year-after-year,” we were told.

2. Climate: If Covid was our existential crisis, climate is our planetary emergency.

And in order to meet this supposed planetary challenge, the world must pursue a significant reduction in carbon emissions, all the way to net zero by 2050 at the latest.

This requires nothing less than a complete overhaul of energy production, the transportation sector, all industry and especially agriculture, and our personal behavior.

Net-zero isn’t an abstract exercise. New Zealand and the United Kingdom have already passed legislation binding them to net-zero by 2050, and similar proposals are on the table in Canada, South Korea, and the European Union.

Moreover, the Group of Thirty – a high-level consultative body comprised of the most influential figures in central banking and international financing, many with WEF connections – is pushing for net-zero across the spectrum of global economic activity. [1]

In the United States, just a few days after Davos, the National Academies released their decarbonization report – “a technical blueprint and policy manual” – thus creating a roadmap for net-zero by mid-century. [2] And yes, there are working links between the Academies and the WEF.

So it was no surprise that on January 27 – day three of the Davos Agenda – John Kerry, President Biden’s Special Envoy for Climate, reminded the WEF audience how his government is “making climate central to foreign policy planning and national security preparedness.”

Kerry explained that “a zero emissions future” will bring new opportunities for green growth: “To use the President’s words, to ‘build back better’ from the global economic crisis.”

Kerry reinforced that climate is everybody’s responsibility: “The whole world has to come to this table to solve the problem.”

3. Social Justice: An inclusive world for all was the mantra – unless, of course, you’re not in agreement with the global consensus. Nevertheless, social justice themes are directly bolted to the framework of the Great Reset.

From racial issues to gender claims, social justice leaves its mark. However, a range of other justices needs to be considered, such as eco-justice, climate justice, and vaccine justice. Each of these justice-issues were attached, in some measure, to the Reset structure that was unfolding.

In the panel on creating a New Social Contract, economic justice was front-and-center.

A Global Social Protection Fund must come into play, pairing international debt relief to a universal social-economy of “Living Wages and Living Communities.”

On the same panel, James Quincey, CEO of Coca-Cola, described how his company is addressing social justice by fashioning an internal, racial/social economic ecosystem.

More than that, industry-leading corporations must influence smaller companies to follow suit, especially those in their supply chains.

Entire sectors need to re-align their economic models to social justice priorities, and that’s the essence of Stakeholder Capitalism.

4. Stakeholder Capitalism:Unlike shareholder capitalism shaped by company owners and direct market forces, stakeholder capitalism takes a social approach.

Since the early 1970s, Schwab has been an advocate of the stakeholder model. Back then it was mainly geared to incorporating labor, union, and government interests in corporate decision-making.

Today, Schwab is aggressively pushing a grander vision – capitalism in service to the planet while supporting social causes.

In a WEF article released a few days before the Davos Agenda, Schwab wrote:

“The planet is thus the center of the global economic system, and its health should be optimized in the decisions made by all other stakeholders. The same interconnectedness can be observed for the people who live on the planet… it is incumbent on all of us as global citizens to optimize the well-being of all.”

In other words, capitalism bends to the demands of special interest groups and “green government.”

Corporations, industries and sectors – including financial institutions – must shift their business models to appreciate and accelerate these new global norms.

How will this be ascertained?

In September 2020, the WEF released its White Paper, Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism, which envisioned a common standard for “sustainable value creation.”[3]

What emerged was a set of principles and benchmarks coalescing around three headings: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).

As a whole, the ESG framework is to dovetail with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To put it in acronym parlance, the ESG process is the WEF mechanism to achieve the SDGs.

Upholding the ESG are four pillars: Governance, Planet, People, and Prosperity.

Supporting these four categories are 21 core metrics, along with 34 expanded metrics to enable a deeper audit – for that is essentially what’s happening, an audit to ensure compliance and cooperation.

Hence, each metric acts as an information node in a detailed review process, and in using this tool, businesses and institutions can measure their purpose and behavior, taking into account environmental issues and social expectations.

Does the board have gender and minority representation?

Has it taken climate risk into consideration, and what internal policies are being implemented to achieve net-zero?

How much land does the company own, and what is its relationship to key biodiversity areas? Wage and age and gender employment categories, healthcare support, collective agreements, water consumption, community investment and taxation levels; the list is long, incorporating financial details, energy usage, supply chain relationships, waste disposal, lobbying efforts, social ethics and diversity indicators, and on and on.

The trajectory of corporate governance, therefore, will no longer be “business as usual.”

Governance, rather, will need to solicit and incorporate input from approving stakeholders, including special interest groups, unions and labor associations, government departments, and international agencies.

In other words, stakeholder capitalism is a planetary public-private partnership that hinges on social license.

After the ESG process is complete and satisfactory, your “purpose driven company” will be certified within a global ecosystem of regulators and industry associations.

This status will be the key to unlocking investment funds, favorable insurance pricing, and positive consumer recognition.

Without achieving ESG benchmarks, however, your business may be cut off from licensing, funding sources, supply chains, government contracts, or marketplace access.

Presently, ESG exists as screening criteria used by some investors, but the WEF agenda extends into a wider and more permanent realm.

So long as your business is complying with the global narrative, your company can make money. Those who don’t play ball will be pushed out of the game.

Welcome to “corporate cancel culture.”

5. Digitization: Nothing short of a total, global commitment will suffice if we want to save the planet, or so the narrative goes.

Therefore, we need powerful new tools to manage our way forward. Digitization becomes the tie that binds, and data the lifeblood of our new technocratic era.

In this not-too futuristic vision, the information collected from our lifestyle choices will be aggregated, analyzed, and used to modify behaviors for planetary outcomes.

One of the Davos themes was “Smart Cities,” noting that urban zones are rich information ecosystems.

Here’s an emerging possibility: In our “smart cities,” street-based sensors will talk to smart cars, and payment apps will be notified of your movement, automatically deducting carbon taxes or travel credits from your account. It’s hardly far-fetched.

The overall trajectory is deeper integration with Artificial Intelligence, Central Bank Digital Currencies, universal healthcare data networks, smart supply chains, and more automation.

Even greater feats are before us: through blockchain technologies, everything that can be cataloged has the potential to become a numerically assigned asset.

Therefore, the life-cycle of anything can be theoretically traced, from raw resource to manufacturer to point-of-consumption. You, too, can become a number in the age of “managed harmony.”

What is not harmonious, however, is contrary thinking and behavior – anything unaligned with approved global narratives.

Conservative values, national determination and traditional notions of sovereignty, personal rights attached to private property: If such concepts and beliefs are antithetical to the Great Reset, then they are part of the great problem.

On the last day, US Senator Gillibrand called for accountability regarding right-wing news outlets.

More than that, she stressed the need for oversight of social media platforms, holding them to account for allowing right-wing messages to proliferate.

She then affirmed these positions by appealing to her faith; that we need to love one another.

For conservative Christians, the idea of the Great Reset strikes at something deeper than talking points. The real question becomes one of salvation.

Who ultimately saves the world? Is Jesus Christ our messiah, or does collective humanity redeem itself by saving the planet?

It appears we are at a Romans 1 crossroad, faced with the question of worshiping and serving the creation, or the Creator.

And thus, the Reset dangles before us: a global public-private partnership that follows the mystic path of social feelings, the holy writ of consensus politics, and the prophets of international finance… all watched over, and guided by, the priests of technology.

It’s the operating system of the collective New Age, an algorithmic-technocratic revolution – maximum efficiency for managed harmony – and of course, it’s all for the “greater good.”

Maybe the concerns expressed by Brazil’s Foreign Minister – the looming dangers of a rising techno-totalitarianism – are worth considering.

About the author: Carl Teichrib is the author of Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment.


FTC Takes Censorship To A Whole New Level: Charges Man For Questioning Vaccines And Promoting Zinc And Vitamin D

As the covid-19 scandalcontinues, authorities are increasingly using censorshipand intimidation tactics to control the narrative and shut down the truth.

ftc takes censorship to a whole new level charges man for questioning vaccines and promoting zinc and vitamin d

Credit: KSDK

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is taking censorship to a whole new level and is targeting anyone who promotes a healthy immune system to combat SARS-CoV-2.

The FTC recently charged a St. Louis man for making fraudulent claims about covid-19.

The FTC is charging Eric Nepute and Quickwork LLC in a federal court for the heinous crime of advertising zinc and vitamin D to combat covid-19.

Nepute is charged with ten counts of violating the Covid-19 Consumer Protection Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act.

The FTC alleges that Nepute falsely advertised his products, which contain vitamin D and zinc – two important supplements that are scientifically proven to block viral replication and prevent hospitalization.

It’s Now A Crime To Help People Treat And Overcome Infections

In 2020, the U.S. Congress quietly installed a new censorship clause in a coronavirus emergency response and relief package.

In HR 133, Congress gave the FTC supreme authority to target, arrest and fine anyone who doesn’t follow the government’s narrative on lock downs, masks, quarantines and vaccines.

Anyone who promotes a healthy immune system can now be charged and fined for the “criminal” act of helping people treat and overcome respiratory infection.

It’s now obvious that there is a global conspiracy to deprive people of their rights and make the population so ignorant and scared, they become sick and dependent on a system that will ultimately kill them off.

This conspiracy seeks to restrain and eradicate healthy people and oppress everyone until they are subjected to forced propaganda, obedience training, behavioral controls and nefarious levels of medical experimentation.

Eric Nepute is the first person in the US to be charged under this new statute. According to the commission’s complaint, the Nepute Wellness Center could be fined $43,792 for each violation.

This attack could steal nearly half a million dollars from Nepute, not only putting a gag order against him, but also shuttering his entire practice.

“I feel that I have not done anything wrong,” Nepute stated.

“I encourage everyone to live a healthy lifestyle during this unprecedented time. My attorneys are reviewing the complaint and I have no further comments at this time.”

Acting Chairwoman Rebecca Kelly Slaughter said the FTC is “has quickly put to use its new authority to stop false marketing claims related to the pandemic.”

FTC And Big Tech Working Together To Take Down Helpful Information That Interferes With Vaccine Compliance

Nepute posted a video last April encouraging viewers to drink tonic water containing quinine.

The quinine is the original ingredient found in hydroxychloroquine, an effective prophylactic that helps cells absorb zinc and therefore block virus replication.

“Have about 3 to 4 ounces a day of that Schweppes tonic water and take at least 50 to 100 milligrams of zinc. I’ll say that again, 50 to 100 milligrams of zinc. Do it every day as a preventative,” Nepute said in the video.

Nepute included a “disclaimer” — telling viewers this wasn’t professional medical advice. The video received millions of views on Facebook but was quickly deemed “misinformation” by the Big Tech censors.

The FTC, apparently working with Big Tech, began to target Nepute. They quickly went after his product “Wellness Warrior” — which includes both vitamin D and zinc.

Nepute’s claims, “COVID-19 patients who get enough vitamin D are 52% less likely to die” and “those who get enough vitamin D are 77% less likely to get the disease” were targeted by the FTC despite there being studies to back up these claims.

The commission wants to stop Nepute and Quickwork from ever making health claims about vitamin D or zinc in the future.

FTC Chairwoman Rebecca Slaughter was most interested in punishing Nepute for questioning, comparing and criticizing covid-19 vaccinations.

“The defendants’ claims that their products can stand in for approved COVID-19 vaccines are particularly troubling: We need to be doing everything we can to stop bogus health claims that endanger consumers,” Slaughter said.

Under these new FTC powers, targeted individuals (who promote healthy solutions to covid-19) are automatically deemed guilty. They are not innocent until proven guilty.

The presumption of innocence is a core principle of due process rights, enshrined in the US Constitution. When vaccine science (and all its associated fraud) is accepted as the ultimate truth, then anyone who is targeted by the FTC for making “false claims” is not receiving due process at all.

These targeted individuals are being forced to submit their speech, beliefs and allegiance to the vaccine orthodoxy, which continues to subvert the rule of law.


Deagel Goes Dark – Deep State Sourced Website ‘Ghosts’ Its 2025 Warning About The Culling Of America As Putin And Russia Warn Of ‘Rapid And Harsh Response’ Should West ‘Cross Red Line’

By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die

Going back many years now, ANP has reported many times upon a mysterious website that has kept meticulous track of military equipment numbers across the planet, using groups such as the CIA, US State Department, US Department of Defense and others as their ‘sources’, and their absolutely bizarre forecasts of a greatly ‘depopulated’ Western world by the year 2025.

With one of their most recent ‘forecasts’ foretelling a fall of America’s population from 330 million to less than 100 million by the year 2025, a ‘forecast’ which they’ve been regularly adjusting downwards for the past 5 years+, we were caught by surprise upon opening an email from ANP reader ‘Jack’ this morning informing us that Deagel has completely removed all of their ‘forecasts’ for 2025, going with a strictly ‘military’ feel. 

With Deagel also removing their very lengthy explanation of why they felt major doom was ahead for America and the Western world, with that explanation previously blaming cascading financial troubles due to Covid-19 and the very real possibility of nuclear war in our futures, we’re also going to take a look within this story back at their reasons why they felt the world was heading into major trouble while things are heating up both abroad and here at home.

And while we’ve long been warning of Deagel’s forecast on ANP, with such stories called ‘tinfoil hat conspiracy theories’by those who don’t want to see the truth, a recent story on Doug Casey’s International Man titled “Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast…War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West” warned of what could be “the biggest thing in world history.”

Doug Casey: I’ve got to say that I wasn’t familiar with Deagel—it keeps a low profile. Deagel is in the same business as Jane’s—which has been in the business of analyzing weapons systems for many decades. 

A look at the Deagel website, which is quite sophisticated, makes it clear we’re not dealing with some blogger concocting outrageous clickbait. It seems to be well-connected with defense contractors and government agencies like the CIA. 

They’ve predicted that about 70% of the US population, and about the same percentage in Europe, is going to disappear by 2025. It’s hard to believe that anybody in their position would make a forecast like that. There’s no logical business reason for it, especially since it was done before the COVID hysteria gripped the world. It stretches a reader’s credulity. 

Could it possibly happen? It would be the biggest thing in world history. 

Yet with those numbers ‘depopulated’ actually MUCH fewer than the Georgia Guidestones is calling for, with that‘mysterious monument’ erected by unknown ‘elitists‘ calling for a world population to ‘remain steady at 500 million’, which means a 7 BILLION ‘culling’ from what it currently is. 

(ANP NEEDS YOUR HELP: Donations and ad revenue are all that keep ANP online, so please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America’s future at this critical time in US history. With ‘slow-Joe’ Biden occupying the White House, and at a time of systematic, ‘big tech’censorship and widespread Democrat corruption, truthful media and alternative views are crucial.)

With Deagel’s previous 2025 forecast numbers showing nearly every Western nation hit with not only ‘depopulation’but financial collapse as well, we’re going to take a quick look here at their previous 2025 forecast explanation.

We documented that explanation in this October 17th story on ANP titled “Deagel Warns A Dangerous New Trend Is Taking Place That Will Overshadow The Coming Election, Covid-19 And The Democrat-Inspired Social Chaos Across America – ‘The most likely major event of the 2020’s could leave billions of casualties’ “

In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. In six years the scenario has changed dramatically. This new disclaimer is meant to single out the situation from 2020 onwards. Taking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. Both are the Western block, keep printing money and will share the same fate. 

After COVID we can draw two major conclusions: 

1) The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. It was assumed but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt. 

2) The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called Great Reset. 

The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil (…) hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. It can be effective for awhile but finally won’t address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them. 

The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – has been the major driver in the forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome. As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship. The Spanish flu one century ago represented the death of 40-50 million people. Today the world’s population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. The death casualties in today’s World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people. It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the lockdowns will cause more deaths than the virus worldwide. 

With that explanation then going into the very real possibility of a full-scale nuclear war in our near futures, warning that Russia has been preparing for such a conflict since the year 2008 while China had been doing the same for over 20 years, Deagel, which has regularly kept track of military equipment and purchases, then warned a major war was near

Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. The ultimate conflict can come from two ways. A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 timeframe. 

If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. It does not matter. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions.

With Deagel making that nuclear war prediction back in October of 2020, we see in today’s headlines that warning now coming to possible fruition. As the Daily Mail had reported in this April 20th story titled “US must prepare for nuclear war: Strategic Command warns today’s unpredictable conflicts could escalate ‘rapidly’ where countries consider nuclear use as ‘their least bad option'”, should we continue down the mad path we’re on, nuclear war is a very real possibility.

Warning within that story that any such war might strike before most Americans even knew what hit them, Tucker Carlson also recently warned on his show that Joe Biden and Democrats insanely appear to be rapidly moving towards war with a country that could completely annihilate us, leaving potentially hundreds of millions dead should a long-term grid-down scenario be unleashed

And as the top-voted comment on this Breitbart story had pointed out, should any war break out between the US and Russia, China will be waiting to pounce. 

China’s biggest economic adversary is America. China’s biggest geographic adversary is Russia. How better for China to become the single strongest military and economy in the world, than to have her number two’s, take each other out. And they have the manchurian Biden throwing the first punch. Genius. Pure evil. But genius.

So with Doug Casey’s story warning of a potential ‘great die-off’ ahead, it also pointed out how there are many advantages to biological warfare over other types of warfare, so it will probably be featured. It’s probably inevitable, now that the technology has made it practical. What are the advantages of biowar? What might wargaming generals like about it?

First, it doesn’t destroy materiel. That’s a huge plus. After all, what’s the point of conquering a country if all you have to show for it is a smoking radioactive ruin? That’s the major advantage of the neutron bomb, of course; it kills the people but limits damage to buildings. Bioweapons essentially make atomic weapons obsolescent. 

Second, bioweapons can be structured to attack only certain racial groups. That’s potentially either a big advantage or disadvantage to China. The diverse population of the US could also be either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on who strikes first. But, on the bright side, you can perhaps immunize your own population, or at least the military and “essential” workers, to control the damage. 

Third, bioweapons are very cheap and easy to fabricate. Anyone with access to a good high school chemistry lab is in business. There’s no need for expensive and tricky U-235 or, for that matter, any of the junk toys the Pentagon spends hundreds of billions on. 

Fourth, bioweapons don’t need sophisticated delivery systems; again, no need for B-2s, B-52s, cruise missiles, ICBMs, or any of that. A sick tourist or two, or a few packages sent in the mail, can get the job done. 

Fifth, bioweapons, whether they’re viruses or bacteria, not only offer plausible deniability but the potential to blame a third party. You can launch an attack, and nobody can really be sure who did it. Or even that an attack is, in fact, being launched. 

There’s every advantage to biological warfare from an aggressor’s point of view. And, the aggressor doesn’t even have to be a nation-state, which is, of course, another excuse for governments to further clamp down on their populations, as COVID has shown. Guns are good self-defense weapons, and governments are trying to eliminate them; basement biowar labs are strictly offensive. Imagine the bureaucratic enforcement possibilities.

Quite interestingly and concerning, soon after that Doug Casey story hit the internet, actually reporting within it about Deagel’s lengthy ‘disclaimer’ we featured above, all of that was removed from their website. Why? In the first video below, which was created prior to Deagel deleting their 2025 warning, we hear why they’ve been forecasting massive depopulation for the Western world ahead.

And in the 2nd/final video below, we hear that President Putin has just warned countries in the West not to cross what he called a “red line” with Russia, stating that it would trigger an “asymmetrical, rapid and harsh” response.
